The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 488: Brothers every day can't counsel!

The brothers of Tiantian are envious for a reason. Before they came, Teacher He said that the Red Maple City Government took great care of Yang An. They also specially issued a letter with the official seal of the Red Maple City for his program group, and the mayor's office. There is a secretary who is in charge of the job. As long as the male production team records the program in a field, the mayor's secretary will come out to help coordinate if the official can't solve the problem.

Let's look at the Enron Grand Theater. In the heart of the city, we have built such a large cultural site, covering an area of ​​ten acres. The theater has a building area of ​​at least 20,000 square meters. Such a large project does not cover office buildings but builds a culture The theater said that without the planning of the municipal government, the ghosts did not believe it.

And the investment will never be small, just don't know how much preferential the red maple city government has given to Yang An. Everyone is very envious. It ’s really good luck for you to get on the government line!

Yang An grinned and shouted Taichi: "Such a huge investment, hundreds of millions, how can I have so much money? This is indeed a city government-led performance image project. I just have a reputation. It ’s not as exaggerated as you think. You think, this street started to be demolished three years ago. In the municipal planning drawings, it will become the cultural industry center of Red Maple. The whole street is like that. Maybe it's my own idea? "

He said so, everyone thought so much.

"Hongfeng City's entertainment industry has developed rapidly in recent years!"

"Red Maple TV also gradually moved closer to first-rate TV stations, which were all second-rate in the past."

"Isn't Yang An alone?"

"Yang brother, why didn't you think about opening the company to Zhongjing that year!"

"Stupid, until Zhongjing, how could Yang Geer have such a big theater? Right?"

Everyone was joking, Yang An smiled without explanation.

In fact, this big theater is really owned by him, and this theater has almost all of his net worth. Since the city government granted land last year, he has been raising money to build a theater. In these years, he has earned money by selling advertisements and selling overseas copyrights. Part of the money was turned into real estate such as Enron and the training base, and all other money was invested in the theater.

Last year, at the suggestion of the municipal government, Yang An commissioned the Central South Design Institute to propose four sets of plans. He eventually chose an eyeball type. The main theater is like black pupils, the parking lot and white auxiliary building are white. The surrounding greenery is more like Eyelashes, helicopters overlook Hongfeng from a high altitude. This is definitely the brightest eyeball of Hongfeng, as if looking at the sky.

This plan was praised by the majority of designers and praised as one of the top ten tourist attractions in Hongfeng.

In addition, the city government has made great efforts to make this a red maple culture and art center. The other architectural design schemes around the Enron Grand Theater must be consistent with its style. The entire street is full of cultural and entertainment atmosphere, which has led to bars, galleries, and cultural malls. Entertainment companies such as office buildings, cinemas, tea houses and other formats form a complete entertainment culture industry chain.

The Enron Grand Theater is the leader, with a total investment of 1.02 billion yuan. The construction period is three years. The first stage of the main theater building has been completed. Lin Yunshe and Aixiao Brothers have moved to perform for a long time. New sounds from China and I Am a Singer are new. The venue was also arranged here. Yang An obtained a three-year interest-free loan of 400 million yuan from the bank, and Hongfeng City Government acquired 1% ownership of the theater. This is all the details of the transaction.

"Here is the studio of" The Voice of China ". We have prepared all the details from the request from Director Li. Today you are all" Daily Up "all day. You can freely move my resources!"

Yang An opened the door of the studio. Every day, the brothers were exclaimed as if Liu Ye entered the Grand View Garden.

"Wow! I have only ever seen this on TV, and now I see the scene, a little excited!"

"Isn't this the entrance channel? A logo with a good voice ... Why not change to" Daily Up "? Haha ~~"

"Wow, this is a gossip-type audience seat! The instructor's chair is still reserved, Han, is this also a Taiwanese requirement? Should we also shoot lamps at the program middle school?"

Xiaowu and Tianyuan looked at each other and were excited. Oudi was still sitting on one of the chairs, leaning on Erlang's legs, and shot the red light again: "I-want-you!"

The lights in the hall were wide open, and a few staff members were maintaining equipment around them. Liang Xu of the band area was drinking water to rest and chatting softly. The auditorium was empty. There was no good voice recording task today.

Qian Feng asked curiously, "Guide Yang, have all the 30 million audio equipment in the legend moved here?"

Accompanying sound engineer Jin Shaohua proudly introduced: "Three months ago we just moved to the new theater and upgraded the equipment, eliminated some backward equipment that could not reach the effect, and purchased the latest from France. Products, the sound is better now than in the past. "

Yang An nodded, adding: "It just happened that the radio and television network signal has also undergone a technical upgrade this year. We can provide low-loss video sources to play it. The original audience was mostly two-channel, but now many Families can enjoy Dolby 5.1 surround sound. The sound effect is really powerful! "

Everyone was very impressed when they heard that technology has changed lives, people ’s material living conditions have become better, and the requirements for spiritual civilization have become higher. Excellent variety shows, online novels, TV series and movies will all move closer to quality and update equipment with good sound. It is necessary, and the more exciting the variety shows such as running men are also necessary.

Thinking of this, Wang Han's pressure was again three points, and even the leading brother in the variety industry has thrown so much money. If their "Everyday Up" still holds the old rice bowl to eat the old one, it is definitely a dead end!

Ou Di suddenly proposed: "Han brother Han brother, if we can sing KTV songs with the equipment here, there is no regret in this life!"

"Yes, there are rumors outside, singing with good sound equipment, KTV level can sing the feeling of professional singers!"

"Haha ~ Brother Yang, is that what you said?"

"I've heard that your staff can't stop hearing the praise!"

"Can we try the sound too?"

Others followed suit. Anyway, it ’s morning and it ’s still early. Producer Li Wei is handing over with Yang An ’s people. They will officially record the show in the afternoon. Besides, they can also sing auditions when testing the sound effects later. Everyone is consulting Yang An.

Seeing Yang An smiling and nodding in agreement, Wang Han raised her hand with excitement: "One person and one famous song, can't sing more!"

The brothers were excited every day, and Yang An had them go to make trouble. Wang Han politely asked Yang An to sing. Yang An saw the eyes everyone expected and smiled. That's all right. "

Qian Feng complimented: "Yang Geer, are you a professional singer, have you produced several records, you are the top singer in the domestic music scene. If you are a brick, we are tiles, absolutely not jade!"

Yang An blinked: "It's clear that Xiao Wu is a professional singer! So is Audi, Romeo debuts, and he can dance and sing. So is Brother Han, touch you so hot, you are the singer team, and you are all Seniors OK! By comparison, what am I ... "

The word "singer team" was automatically ignored by everyone in the Tiantian Brothers, but some of them ran out of questions.

For example, Shabei, he smelled a special taste, he thought, if he is Sun Da Cannon, it is likely that he will run a male show tomorrow to get a group of singers and actors for PK, and even into three groups, and then Coupled with the host team, three teams scuffle, it must be very funny.

In short, I have been doing a running boy show for several months. Everyone is more or less suspicious. They look like running men. They are not the first rookies.

After being humble, Yang An beckoned and shouted the other men running: "Today we run men just to sing a song together, um, so let's get ready and change a suit. If the singing effect is OK later, Directly as an appearance performance of "Everyday Up" ~ ~ This idea is good. After listening to Yang An's plan, Wang Han and Li Wei agreed and ran the men to make makeup for 20 minutes. On the stage side The lights and the band are ready, because the opening show can be added with post-editing, so it is easy to arrange.

This song is called "Never Turn Back", a very inspirational song, which Yang An taught to sing men before going to Dubai, but in Dubai they did not have the opportunity to sing together on the stage, and today happened to have the opportunity to sing to everyone .

In the men's running team, Shabey is CCTV Pavarotti, and the treble is invincible, and Hu Ge is also acting and singing. Many of the TV dramas he has performed are singing the theme songs by himself, and his voice is very professional. Peng Yuyan also sings. Jin Dabao turned two, and Zhang Yishan and Guan Xiaotong both received professional training, not to mention Yang An, a top singer in China.

Seven people changed their costumes, and stood in the center of the stage, posing, or sitting or standing. The stage lights tracked everyone, and the dancers were also ready behind him. Duan Haishan took charge in the equipment room. Liang Xu came to the stage and Yang Chat quietly, carefully designed the singing plan, and finally got ready with the Enron band, sure there is no problem, they have rehearsed this song before.

Wang Han sat in the tutor's chair and saw that the running man took so much attention that they couldn't help but slowly put away the joke they had before.

What kind of joke KTV songs can be used with tens of millions of equipment, this kind of joke can't be said any more, Yang An they are willing to accompany the play, it is for face, only once or twice for face, always ask others to give face, their own face is not valuable!

"Let's see later, we have to sing, and our brothers can't counsel every day!"

Wang Han whispered to the others, everyone is calm, and the confrontation between the two sides will begin now! (To be continued.) How good is the book, the book's home! Unique URL:

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