The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 606: Seizure of toys and mobile phones

A handsome middle-aged uncle came out of the director group, and all the dads cheered as soon as they saw: "Uncle!"

Actor Zhang Jiayi, the best actor of the Golden Eagle Award five years ago, was awarded Yang Yang and Hai Qing at that time. Yang An and his acquaintance started from that time, and his daughter has just this year At the age of six, Yang An had their names on the most wanted list. Unfortunately, Zhang Jia was too cautious in translating, hesitated again and again, and still did not agree to the show.

It turned out he couldn't help it! It is good to be a village head, and this role is also good. At least you can feel it with the group, and invite him to participate in the second season!

Yang An thought so, mainly because Zhang Dao didn't inform his village head in advance. It was a little pleasant surprise to see Zhang Jia's translation today.

Zhang Jiayi smiled and waved greetings with everyone: "Okay, everyone is welcome to participate in the outdoor star parent-child show variety show where my father is going. I am the acting village head of the children's village, and each period will accompany you, your big housekeeper It ’s also a task. You can ask me for help if you ca n’t solve anything. You can also complain to me if you have any complaints or grievances, but I usually do n’t bother, and I ’m relying on you! ”


All five dads waved their hands, disdain, don't be too relaxed as the village head! It's no use looking for you, so why bother you?

Zhang Jia translated with a chuckled smile: "The first episode brought everyone to the cold ice city. It seems a bit cruel, but more cruel things are still waiting for everyone. The first task is to ask the children to turn in all toys and snacks. ! "

In the eyes of the children, Zhang Jiayi has become a big devil. It is a bad person to come and **** their beloved toys and snacks!

But there was no way, their father did n’t help them anymore. The children burst into tears, opened the suitcase reluctantly, handed out the toys and snacks, and put them in the public box, crying sadly.

Youyo and Stone are bigger. They were encouraged by Huang Bo and Guo Tao. Although they were reluctant, they did not cry to the extent that they gave up.

The most violent reaction was kimi, who was still young. He was holding his favorite sleeping doll, the little yellow duck, but he didn't want to call out. Lin Zhiying persuaded for a long time before helping to take them away.

Mori wasn't much better. The little girl held Tian Liang's legs, stomped her feet, and twisted her body, she just didn't agree.

At such a coquettish at home, Tian Liang often meets her daughter's requirements unconditionally, but now she is recording the program, so many people watch it, and after the broadcast, the audience across the country can see, he had to whisper against the ears of Mori: "It doesn't matter, Dad has a cell phone here, I can play for you at night."

Under the camera, each child reluctantly, kimi tearful-eyed, handed the little yellow duck to Zhang Jiayi's hands, choked and said, "You ... wow ... must be good ... wow ... take care of it ... ... "

Zhang Jiayi and the director behind him almost smiled. Zhang Jiayi took over the yellow duck with one hand and rubbed Kimi's head lovingly with the other hand, promising: "You can rest assured that Kimi, I will feed it on time for dinner , Give it water ... "

Kimi suddenly broke down and burst into tears: "It won't drink water ... oh oh oh ... don't kill it ... oh oh ..."

The adults almost laughed at the scene. Lin Zhiying rushed forward and carried Kimi in his arms. He also laughed constantly. His son was too cute. This reckless childish words softened his heart: " Well, do n’t drink it, just like you take care of it at home, okay? ”

After finally persuading Kimi to go, Xiaoyin and Xiaole came together, the sisters and brothers took a bunch of Yang An's dolls and carefully handed them to Zhang Jiayi's hands.

Where does your dad stand, do you still need to play with his doll? Zhang Jia's translator laughed, and threw the doll into the box. Unexpectedly, Xiao Le stared at it all, suddenly exploded, and shouted, "You can't litter my father!"


Looking at this scene, Yang An couldn't help laughing and spraying, and so did everyone else, what is meant by "losing my dad"!

Xiaoyin did the same. He bent down and grabbed it back, but Yang An in his arms didn't hug him. He was slumped, and five or six dolls were everywhere.

Xiaoyin's eye circles were red, and he choked and said, "You can't litter my dad ... oh ... love it ..."

Zhang Jiayi hurriedly stretched out her hand, supported Xiaoyin's shoulder, wiped her tears with her hand, and quickly apologized, "Sorry, I'm sorry, I shouldn't throw your dad in a mess. Uncle pick it up now, and arrange them neatly. "

Xiaoyin and Xiaole finally calmed down. The two picked up the dolls with Zhang Jiayi, and placed them carefully in the corner of the toy box, one at a time. Then they ran back in an aggrieved manner, and flung left and right to squat. Yang An's arms.

Although everyone guessed that the collection of snacks and toys will cause the children to resist for the first time, it will be very funny and funny, but the performance of these six children is really beyond everyone's expectations.

Zhang Jiayi stood up and continued to ask, "Are there any snacks? Have all the toys been handed in? Are you good? Next, please ask the fathers to hand in all the electronic products such as mobile phones. This is done in hope of fathers and children. Spending two days and one night undisturbed together, we cannot let anything affect the parent-child relationship! "

The dads all understood and took out their phones and tablets.

At this time, Mori was crying, and was very sad: "You lied to me, whine, you said to me whine ..."

Tian Liang was also dumbfounded. What should he do? He turned into an uncountable dad within three minutes, and now he was embarrassed, and he could only hold his daughter aside and comfort him softly.

This is just the first episode!

Should there be so many situations?

The remaining four dads exchanged winks and laughed helplessly. The show where Dad went is really not easy. The directors must have thought it through. The simplest method has stimulated the children's most original character performances. Dads are at a loss, and instinctively respond, this is the biggest highlight of reality shows, too real!

Tian Liang had a trick to coax the child. After all, he was the omnipotent dad idol in Mori's mind. Soon he stopped choking and was hugged back by Tian Liang.

After handing in the toys and snacks, everyone's suitcases were almost half empty, so the dads started to streamline their luggage. Yang An finally left only one large suitcase, and the whole person was much easier.

After a rush of chicken and dog jumping, Zhang Jiayi beckoned to everyone: "Children, please come here and collect the task card for me today. After completing the task, we will have lunch together. Please note that the last task is completed Family will be punished! "

As the children picked up the task envelopes one by one, the dads asked, "Are all people the same task?"

"Yes, it's all the same."

"Then this part is a personal battle like a running man?"

"You can think so."

"Yo, what's this, and event funding?"

Everyone opened the mission envelope, and the first ticket that was drawn was a 1oo red ticket.

Tian Liang smiled at Yang An: "Haha, this scene reminds me of the first phase of the running man. On Macau Island, I get money as soon as I fly. I remember you are 5oo patacas for one person, right?"

Yang An nodded: "That's right, it's 5oo yuan, the past is vivid!"

Guo Tao asked, "What is this? Why is there a postcard?"

In addition to the 1oo block in each person's envelope, there is a blank postcard. Looking over it, there is a landscape painting printed on it. The main body is an old clock tower, and it is a large bell hanging from a twine. The type that needs to be struck with a thick trunk. If the bell tower is built at a high place, it is estimated that the sound of the bell can travel several kilometers away. In the past, it was generally regarded as a warning bell for war.

The bell tower is built on a small hillside, at the end of the road, and covered with a small gazebo to cover the rain, and it seems to be aerial photography. After the mountain, you can still see the wide river vaguely. Evergreen Qiaomu ~ ~ Everyone guessed that this should be somewhere beside Songhua River, but apart from this postcard, there are no suggestive words.

Director Zhang said: "From now on, you can't use your own money, you can only take this 1oo block of activity funds, find the place on the postcard, and start to act!"

Is this starting?

Startup funding is only 1oo blocks!

No clues!

All the dads were mourning, and the children stood beside, at a loss, and could only watch their dads protest against the village chief and the directors.

Guo Tao asked, "Do you know how many kilometers the airport is from the city? 25 kilometers! This funding can only be reluctant to enter the city. The airport bus needs 3o per person?"

Zhang Jia translated with a smile: "Isn't there 7o pieces left? Even if the stone is half price, you still have 55 left."

Guo Tao froze, how could this account be calculated like this, Huang Bo quickly helped: "What can you do with a hundred dollars now? This is too much, can't you give two hundred more?"

Zhang Jiayi continued to laugh: "The director group is poor, can't afford it, they still owe me a few thousand yuan for the notification fee!"

Neither of them thought that Zhang Jia's translator would even tell jokes, and he couldn't give up crying and laughing. It was a shame to find the village chief, and he had to rely on himself for everything!

The other three groups of families did not make fun, Tian Liang came to Yang An, and the two covered their mouths with their hands to whisper. Lin Zhiying didn't seem to know much about the prices in the mainland. She squatted down and studied every little detail on the postcard, so five The dads didn't form a group, and a group of scattered sand couldn't resist, and the first round directors had the upper hand.

If the protest is invalid, then you have to do the task. At this moment, everyone understands that the tidbits are mainly to see how the children sell cute. Just turning in the toys just now is also the highlight of Mengwa. Then the task of finding a place has certainly become "Daddy's War "!

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