The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 608: Pick a house

After arriving, everyone naturally joked again. You said I was insidious, I said he was stupid, and the children were also jumping, and the scene was very lively.

The village chief Zhang Jiayi stepped forward again and signaled everyone to stand in a row: "It is 11:10 o'clock, all the people have arrived in Binjiang Village, we will arrange the accommodation first, and then have lunch together. The last group arrived today is Lin Zhiying and his son , So your punishment is to sleep in a tent outside tonight! "


"Oh my god, this weather, it's minus 2o at night, can you sleep in a tent outdoors?"

"Fortunately, we are one step ahead, luckily, but Lin Zhiying, you are really in trouble!"

"Well, kimi, you are miserable. You have to sleep in a tent tonight. You cannot sleep in a warm home."

Everyone was a little worried. If Lin Zhiying and Kimi were struck by lightning, they would be shocked to say nothing.

Lin Zhiying said: "Village chief, can you sleep outdoors? Isn't it too difficult for such a cold day?"

Before Zhang Jia's translation had time to explain, Kimi burst into tears, hugging her father's thigh and refused to let go: "I don't want to sleep in a tent ... I don't ..."

Zhang Jia explained: "The other four houses will choose different houses to live in. You can choose one of them to live with them before choosing, but you cannot change it after you choose."

Lin Zhiying finally raised a glimmer of hope. In fact, he was not unable to accept the tent, but was worried that the environment was too bad, and his son and him were sick because of the cold.

He squatted down and hugged Kimi and advised, "Kimi, can you hear me? We can still choose a big house, don't you think it's cool to live in a tent at night? You choose to live with your dad in the best position. How about coming down? "

Kimi nodded his head slowly, and the tears stopped slowly. At this time, everyone followed the village chief and walked along the road to the villager's house.

In Binjiang Village, the four production groups borrowed a number of simple houses in advance, divided into four distinct types.

The first one is an ordinary bungalow in the countryside. It has a small yard, but it is very worn out. There are several rooms leaking. The main house where it sleeps is also small. There are also corn strings to be dried. The window glass is broken. A few pieces were covered with cloth and newspaper, the spider webs were densely packed in the corners, the furniture was old, and the air was filled with a strange smell.

"What smell?"

As soon as the stone entered the yard, he covered his nose and frowned. The others were reminded and followed.

Adults are also looking for them, all the way to the kitchen in the corner of the small courtyard, we found a source of sour taste, a large tank of sour cabbage, I do not know if it is broken, or that the fermentation has failed, mold or something, the taste is always strange Yes, the whole courtyard is shrouded in this smell, which makes people who are not used to smelling feel uncomfortable.

Next, everyone changed to visit Room 2. This room was miserable. There was only a 7o-year-old woman living here in the low-rise and shantytown. The people were very enthusiastic, but the environment was really terrible. The place is less than 5 square meters. It can't do anything except sleep. Washing is at the open-air well at the door. The toilet is a rural thatched cottage made of a cylinder and two wooden boards.

"Wow! There is still a cow behind this!"

Mori shouted curiously. Everyone looked at it. Sure enough, there was an old cow tethered to the back of the house. There was also a cowshed. There was grass and piles of cow feces. It seemed that cow feces could be smelled in the air. The taste is more disgusting than the mild sour cabbage ...

The children all looked dumbfounded and basically refused to sleep in this room collectively. The adults didn't want to live here. When leaving the house, Guo Tao quietly gathered up next to Huang Bo and asked, "You say that it's below minus ten degrees, feces. Will there be ice in the tank? "

Huang Bo rolled his eyes: "In the northeast, you go to the toilet, and it's frozen before you even urinate! I still like room No. 1, and my daughter can adapt."

In a word, the second room of this open-air toilet is better than setting up an outdoor tent. Everyone is unwilling to live here.

No. 3 is the village chief's home, modern houses, refrigerators, TVs, and sand heaters. It is also a common courtyard pattern in the northeastern countryside. This room has been well received by everyone. Kimi lay directly on the bed and stayed away. "I don't sleep in a tent, I don't sleep in a tent ..."

The fourth refreshed the impression of everyone, and the wealthy tyrants in the countryside. This is, the children made money outside, renovated their homes and made a three-story small western-style building, a beautiful small courtyard, modern furniture The concrete floor has been paved to the main road of public transportation, and the house is warmly heated. This is the best high-end room!

In the courtyard of House No. 4, Zhang Jiayi applauded, "Okay, children, don't make a noise in Room No. 4, only one of you can live here. As for who, you have to decide by lot. Lin Zhiying, It's your turn, who do you want to live next to? "

The noisy argument quieted down, Lin Zhiying and Kimi discussed it, and pointed at Yang An with a smile: "We want to live with Xiaoyin Xiaole!"

Yang An smiled: "Why did you choose us? What if we win the second room?"

Kimi hesitated and looked timidly at his father for help. Lin Zhiying laughed: "I've been lucky for you now, what if you win No. 4?"

Yang An said indifferently: "You want to choose me, then choose 呗, we sleep on the 2nd, right, baby?"

Unexpectedly, Yang An overestimated the children's ability to bear, Xiaoyin blinked, Xiaole bit her lip, and they shook their heads together, causing everyone to laugh slightly.

Zhang Jiayi confirmed: "Okay, Lin Zhiying and Kimi chose to share the happiness with Yang An Xiaoyin. Come on, they both high-five and vowed, they can't change it! Everyone please prepare and start drawing lots!"

The lottery was written in four pieces of paper and placed in a woolen hat. A child could only draw one. After a small note was drawn, it was given directly to his father.

Lottery drawing is one of the best-looking links in variety shows, so creating an atmosphere is very important.

The first lottery winner was Yang An, who stood on the far side. Zhang Jia translated: "The note on your hand determines the fate of the two of you, so pray!"

Yang An opened it in front of her children with a smile. Everyone was praying in a low voice: "Not the 2nd, not the 2nd ..."

Lin Zhiying also came up and looked at it worriedly, but after three seconds, Yang An was excited: "No. 1!"

"Wow! It's not number 2, congratulations!"

Everyone else applauded. It was very good before No. 2 was drawn. At least there was a yard on No. 1. There was also a fire ... Wait, why is Xiaole unhappy?

Xiao Le stood silently, with tears in his eyes, and cried wow: "I don't want sour cabbage ... I don't want to live on the 1st ..."

Xiaoyin has a heart with him. She is stronger and does not cry, but the tears in her eyes are full, and she is about to cry.

No. 1 is really not at first glance, the sour taste in the air, and the bun valley skewers on the lotus root are unacceptable to children who have never lived in the countryside. In fact, Yang An has never lived in the countryside, and he is a bit resist.

"That little music, don't cry, how about changing with your uncle?"

Huang Bo suddenly said: "Uncle likes to live on the 1st, Sister Youyou likes to eat pickled fish hotpot, and we are comfortable with that taste."

Xiao Le really stopped crying and looked at Huang Bo.

Yang An is not so easy to be persuaded, he joked and asked, "Brother Huang, would you be so kind? You won't be number 2 in your hands?"

Huang Bo spread his hand and said innocently: "I don't know! You do n’t believe me, ask Yoyo to see if she likes the taste of sauerkraut?"

Youyou nodded hard, and smiled so happily that it seemed true.

Yang An was suspicious, but Guo Tao testified next to him: "We just walked out of No. 1 pickled cabbage room, and we all felt that the taste was wrong. Huang Bo also said that it smells good. I can prove this. But I can't prove that he just saw Look at the note! "

The key is here, what if Huang Bo is number 2 in his hand? Would n’t it be worse if you changed?

Yang An thought for a while and said to Xiaoyin Xiaole, "That uncle Huang wants to change the No. 1 with us. Can you change it?"

Uh uh!

Xiao Le focused on the point ~ ~ did not hesitate for a second!

Yang An thought for a while, change it, it's an opportunity anyway: "Then let's talk about it first. If it is No. 2, we have to live in unconditionally, neither you nor your sister can cry. how about it?"

Xiaoyin hesitated, but Xiaole nodded without hesitation, so she nodded.

Yang An looked at Lin Zhiying again and smiled bitterly: "It really depends on luck now, you have to accompany us to gamble."

Lin Zhiying and kimi are particularly worried. If they change to room 2, they will really make things worse.

Yang An finally looked at Huang Bo, and said with a smile, "Brother Huang, I believe you once. Really, I hope you can cooperate happily as you did last time!"

Huang Bo's face was sincere, Yang An exchanged a note with him, and returned to his place with a stun, put his hand in front of Xiaoyin and Xiaole, and opened it quietly.

In the highly anticipated, Yang An slowly opened the palm of his hand. Suddenly, wow, Xiao Le burst into tears, couldn't stop, struggling to run outside the door, Xiao Yin also burst into tears, and ran out together .

Yang An looked at Huang Bo resentfully, trying to see something from the other side's face, but how easy was it for the film's acting skills to see through? Huang Bo's face was innocent: "No, is it really number 2?"

Yang An spread his hand and showed it to the camera lens, and it turned out that a big 2 was written on it!

Crazy laughter broke out at the scene, Guo Tao and Tian Liang laughed back and forth, Huang Bo also smirked, but Yang An and Lin Zhiying looked at each other, showing a bitter smile.

Only then did Kimi realize what had happened, and he cried aloud, holding Lin Zhiying's thigh, his small body choked and choked, almost in despair!


ps: Today's status is OK, 3 more.

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