The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 612: After shooting, sing the theme song

The presence of invisible cameras can minimize the vigilance of children, but when they are alone with their fathers, they still seem a bit uneasy. At this time, making a phone call to their mother has become a must for every family. The task of reporting peace and sharing happiness is to see how attached the children are to their mother. *

Of course, with the exception of heartless and small music, the two of them fell asleep before they had time to call their mother. This also proves that Yang An's ability to coax the child is good!

Huang Bo and Tian Liang called his wife, and Yoyo and Mori cried. No matter how the two dads pet their daughters, they could not be longer than their mothers. The mother ’s hush and warmth caused the baby to run away in tears. Spread to outer space of the galaxy, which was expected by the production team.

But beyond everyone's expectations, everyone thought that Guo Yan, the strict father, would be very boring, and did not expect the camera to take a very warm side.

Guo Tao's father and son who lived in the No. 3 village chief's room were ready to rest early. Guo Tao washed the feet with stones and squatted beside the bed to wash them. Laugh straight.

Guo Tao smiled and said, "Dad is very happy today. Do you know why?"

Stone thought about it, "Because I live in the village chief's room?"

Guo Tao shook his head: "No, think again?"

Stone thought again: "Because we won the game?"

Guo Tao still shook his head: "No, I'll tell you the answer is good? Dad is happy, because Guo Shishi's performance is so great today, totally beyond my father's expectations, let my father look at you, you are a real man!"

The stone was very happy and smiled so straightly that it was an undisguised laugh. Both father and son were very happy.

After washing, Guo Tao handed Stone a mobile phone: "Come on, tell your mom about your outstanding performance today, and share happiness with mom!"

"it is good!"

The stone and the mother on the phone talked a lot, elated, said that he took an airplane, said that it was snowing outside, and the house was a big prize. When he saw the brothers and sisters crying, he wanted to change the house with the brother and sister to comfort them. .

On the phone, the mother constantly encouraged and praised his son for doing the right thing. He behaved very well. Guo Tao looked at the stone, his eyes were full of love. He thanked Dad for the program where he went, and let him reexamine himself and recognise himself. Son.

This night, all the fathers and children spent an unforgettable night in Binjiang Village.

This night, the news of where Dad went to record a show in Binjiang Village also spread throughout the Internet. Those travelers who have seen them at the airport can prove this, and the scented entertainment journalists hurried over, but many people may be disappointed After all, it ’s work for others to film a show. Your reporter ran over and affected the other party ’s normal work. This is not professional ethics, and it ’s justified to be beaten.

Mountain City TV's first production team also saw this news, they were a little disturbed.

Early the next morning, the director of Shancheng Satellite TV called the producer and the director to the director's office and asked: "It was posted online last night. Yang An recorded them in a small village next to Bingcheng. Show. Please analyze, why did Yang An choose this time to record the show? "

The director wondered: "This time doesn't feel right! Today is January 16th, the New Year is February 14th, almost four weeks away from New Year's Eve, are they going to broadcast it in March? No, it's very unreasonable!"

The producer asked: "Is it possible that it will be broadcast next week? The New Year happens to be the third and fourth period, and they plan to grab the winter holiday season?"

The director shook his head: "No such possibility. It will be broadcast next week, which means that they have to work during the Spring Festival. This season broadcast program is uninterruptible. Everyone is busiest during the Spring Festival. You cannot guarantee that all five groups have time. . "

The director also felt puzzled. He didn't figure it out overnight. Variety shows like this that are broadcast on a quarterly basis are either honestly from January 1st, a quarter is three months, or from a good voice. It started on June 1st and ended on August 31st. It is dedicated to grabbing summer files, and I have never heard of anything starting on February 14.

"What about our shooting plans?"

"Our plan here is the eighth day of the first month, that is, the official shooting will begin on February 22, broadcast on April 1, and broadcast in the second fixed quarter of the year."

"In case Yang An broadcasts in advance, we will be passive! At that time, the show time will overlap, and the show content will overlap. We will be online when they are about to finish the season. As a result, the audience's thinking formula has formed again, which will definitely affect Our ratings. "

Everyone is helpless, but they can't influence Yang An's on-line plan. If there is a conflict at that time, it must be a tough battle for ratings!

"It's really neurotic! The program is also recorded during the Spring Festival, and your baby doesn't have to take a rest?" The general director complained angrily, and this Yang An made a mess and did not let them have a good year!

When several of them complained, their father's war was still going on in Binjiang Village, thousands of miles away from the mountain city.

Get up early in the morning. Dads have to fight for limited food and make breakfast for their children.

With the exception of Yang An and Tian Liang, the other three dads cooked completely dark food, which was impossible to see and eat.

Kimi looked at a bowl of shit, yellow shit, and sweet potato oatmeal made by Lin Zhiying, scared on the spot.

Guo Tao wanted to make grilled fish, but unfortunately he strung the fish with wooden chopsticks and roasted them on the brazier. As a result, the fish burnt and chopped with chopsticks. The stone looked disgusted and had no courage to eat.

Huang Bo was even worse. He wanted to cook eggs. He first boiled a pot of water and put the raw eggs directly into boiling boiling water. Isn't this looking for abuse? Just tossed two down, smashed, the egg cracked, and the egg yolk protein flowed into a pot, and Yoyo was scared to cry!

The failed breakfast forced the three dads to swear in the camera. After going back today, they began to learn to cook. The next issue will definitely bring a refreshing performance to everyone.

After breakfast, and then sports time, the alarm bell **** of Binjiang Village is a large **** covered with thick snow and frozen and tight. There is not much floating snow. Dad and children held a ski competition Of course, except for stones, stones are also very good when they are referees.

Children use plastic sleds for skiing and use gravity to slide down from the top of the slope. Fathers ’ski props are fertilizer bags. They sit directly and slide with their butts. It is easy to insert chrysanthemums by the sticks hidden in the snow. Poor Huang Bo was hit. The chrysanthemum was stabbed twice. He lay on the snow and slammed **** the ground. In the laughter of others around him, he refused to get up.

This is the happiest outdoor sport today. The humble ski resort is full of laughter and collected a lot of materials.

Happy times pass fast, and then it ’s time to say goodbye.

After lunch at noon, the crew left Binjiang Village, everyone took a minibus, and the children were screaming in the back. The two days and one night had made them more familiar, and had a deep feeling, while the dads were sitting Chat ahead.

Yang An introduced: "According to the plan, we will fly to Zhongjing next time. After landing, we will go home and rest each other. In the evening, we will go to Teacher Liu Feng's studio and have dinner together. By the way, we will record songs tomorrow. You have to do fine-tuning in his recording studio. The next two days, the theme song of where Dad goes must be done. "


The four big men cried out in surprise: "It's finally time to sing!"

"Come here, Mori, the singing you most look forward to in the evening!"

"Yuyou, let's sing at night!"

"Kimi, Kimi, come here, we are going to sing"

The children were seduced by the shouts of the adults, all rushed over, rushed into their father's arms, and kept asking what to sing.

"Quiet! Quiet! Don't be noisy! Below, I would like to ask Uncle Yang An, the most famous music creator in the music industry, to say a few words! Everyone applaud and welcome him to speak!"

Huang Bo shouted loudly, covering all the children's voices ~ ~ This trick really worked. Everyone was quiet and looked at Yang An who was sitting in front.

Yang An, holding Xiaoyin and Xiaole, turned to the side and said to everyone, "We have arranged the song in advance, but it is an adult version. Of course, this is just a demonstration. Teacher Liu Feng and our Enran The band must have been rehearsed in advance. We are going to sing this time, just to keep adjusting, because it is a group chorus, everyone has to sing, everyone's tone is different, we may need to run in for two or three days. After the repair, it will be the theme song of where my dad goes. "

"Wow cool"

Kimi shouted, causing everyone to applaud.

Lin Zhiying asked curiously, "Why didn't we get the song sheet preparation in advance? Can we learn it in such a short time?"

"Yes, yes, can you sing it again, uncle?"

"If the lyrics are too difficult, I can't remember"

Yang An explained with a smile: "I just want to let everyone participate in the show on the spot first, and then they should feel more sing. Then rest assured, the song will definitely not be too difficult, and I can guarantee that if everyone cooperates The song is very good, this song will definitely become the opening year of the Spring Festival this year! "

Divine Comedy!

Everyone was excited. On the way to the airport, everyone got the song scores and heard the full version of the song through the sound system on the bus.

Singing is something we do n’t care about. Yang An does n’t need to say that both of them are singers. The two children inherited their genes and their sounds are accurate and sweet. Yang An is planning to pack her brothers and sisters from now on.

Lin Zhiying debuted as an idol singer. Guo Tao and Huang Bo sang songs at the opening of the Golden Rooster Film Festival. Tian Liang's wife Ye Yiqian came from a singing draft, so there is no such thing as a child who can't sing.

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