The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 617: Big hands holding small hands, walk away on the red carpet

Tourists hold two types of tickets. A ticket is the core ticket to enter the Enron Grand Theater and participate in the opening ceremony of where Dad went. It is basically divided by insiders and sponsors. The support team also received a small part, and Zhang Xiao had this kind of hand. *

The b-ticket is divided through channels such as Hongfeng Satellite TV, Hongfeng Morning News, and the official website of Enron Film and Entertainment. Both types of tickets can be played on this weekend without any money.

After checking in at the gatekeeper, Zhang Xiao looked around for a week and saw two huge inflatable castle playgrounds erected in the public venue of the Grand Theater, but there were restrictions on the number of people.

In addition, there are many new and interesting amusement facilities, which are basically parent-child types. Parents and children are required to participate together, and they are highly sought after by tourists.

"Parents and friends, please register here to collect gifts!"

A staff member directed the newly arrived parents, but only the father passed, and the mother and children were stopped outside.

Zhang Xiao walked over and saw several tables under the temporary outdoor awning. Many men sat opposite to fill in the information carefully. It seemed to be lost in thought. He was very curious. It was just a registration questionnaire. Thinking about that for so long?

The staff wearing the Enron logo hat warmly invited Zhang Xiao to sit down. A female college student stood up and handed Zhang Xiao a questionnaire form with a sweet voice. "Hello, this is a simple questionnaire prepared by our Enron company. You only need to tick a few forms, fill in the phone number, name and work unit can be optional, or you can leave it blank! "

Under normal circumstances, Zhang Xiao is disdainful of such a questionnaire. Deep down, he always feels that this kind of street survey is a trick to obtain personal information. However, if he took a closer look at the questionnaire, he suddenly denied his idea.

This is really a serious questionnaire. The first question asks: "As your child grows up, do you feel that you are getting farther and farther away from your child?"

Zhang Xiao didn't hesitate and ticked the "Yes" option.

Second question: "Do you think your child is becoming increasingly disobedient?"

Zhang Xiao continued to tick, but seeing the third question, he froze: "Who do you think is the cause of the gap between the child and the parents?"

The answer is "kids" themselves? Or "parents"? Or "outside"? Or "other"?

Zhang Xiao thought about it. Instead of rushing to answer, he glanced at the following questions, although not many, but each question was heart-wrenching, making him tangled, hesitating not to write.

"Sir, if you are confused, you can sign up for our parent-child training course organized by Enron Film and Entertainment, and start the lecture next month. It will be given by a professor from Hongfeng Normal University and a well-known early childhood educator in the country, Bing Xin. You're here to help, and this training is free! "

The female college student smiled sweetly, and handed in an application form again. Zhang Xiao took it, and returned a smile, but it was a bit unnatural.

Yes, a legal representative of my kindergarten can be said to be a senior in the education industry, and it is a kind of irony that it has fallen to the point of being educated by others about how to get along with children!

He continued to answer the question, the last question: "Do you think you are a qualified father at home? How many points do you give yourself under the percentile system?"

Zhang Xiao's hands began to tremble. He took two minutes to think about this, and finally wrote a "59". He did bring a wealthy material life to his family, but he knew he had failed in education!

After answering ten questions, it's like a journey!

Zhang Xiao stood up with some feelings and handed the registration form of the completed training materials to the other party, smiled, and left with a gift bag.

It's still early, Zhang Xiao originally planned to stroll around and let his wife take the children to play, but after completing the questionnaire, he changed his mind.

As he expected, in the theme park where Dad went, many games required Dad to take the children to participate, such as cockfighting games, children fighting with children, dads fighting with Dads, and moms dare not play, only to be beside them. Shout to cheer.

There are also football competitions, finger presses, rock climbing, many of which are physical games, but this also echoes today's theme "Where's Dad?"

Seeing the fathers of other families with their children involved, although busy and busy, but the fun continued, Zhang Xiao slowly relented, and took his son Zhang Haoran to participate in several of the games, playing one stamp and one stamp, Zhang Haoran in order to collect all Poke, really ran through the whole playground, the family was tired enough.

Zhang Xiao was so happy to see her child for the first time, she couldn't help feeling a little bit sad. She was really busy with work all these years and didn't take much care of her child. Besides, he seemed to be in a misunderstanding. Yan Shanmu talked, but he was so harsh on his children, and he was aware of this problem, but he always became unknowingly.

At 5 pm, the Zhang Xiao family holding a Class A ticket was released. They had a parent-child package in the cafeteria and then joined the audience at the opening ceremony.

There was a red carpet in the hall, and a large number of reporters and audiences like them stood behind the isolation line and talked enthusiastically. I don't know who will be on the show today.

"Director Wang! Wang Ye, Wang Ye, here!"

Zhang Xiao, who was standing at the back of the red carpet, suddenly saw a familiar figure. It was a kindergarten principal he knew. He never expected that the other party was wearing a formal suit, and his son was also wearing a small black suit. They were both handsome. Compressive, what is this for?

After hearing the news, Wang Xi brought his son and called his uncle, Zhang Xiao curiously asked, "What are you doing?"

Wang Yan proudly said: "We are the guests of ordinary parents, and we will also be on the catwalk later, maybe we can be on the same stage with the stars!"

The audience near Zhang Xiao was jealous of death. Zhang Xiao's wife asked, "What qualifications do you need for the catwalk?"

Wang Yan laughed: "I was notified by phone. It should be the Yang family who can get the core fan group? Haha, anyway, I asked a few people, all of them are **** fans of Yang brother! Okay not to say Now, we are going to prepare and say goodbye to my uncle! "

"Goodbye uncle"

The handsome boy raised his head, shouted goodbye proudly, and left his father's hand, which caused a lot of envy.

At 6 o'clock five minutes, the host stepped out, and after the audition, announced loudly: "Where is Dad going to star baby red carpet show live broadcast, now it starts!"

The audience applauded continuously and the music rang. Zhang Xiao was the first time in his life to watch a star walk on the red carpet. His wife and son cheered and wondered why they were so excited.

"The first group came to us with the famous host Cui Yongyuan and a little girl! I'm interviewing now, Teacher Cui, is this your granddaughter?"

Lao Cui laughed: "My daughter is still in college this year, where's the granddaughter? This is what I borrowed from Lao Duan, the granddaughter Duan Ke of the old Duan!"

Duan Keke is seven years old and gives thumbs up to Lao Cui, and said, "This is my uncle!"

The host smiled: "Well, Cui is your uncle!"

Old Cui petrified: "This is a live broadcast, right? And children, you are wrong, I am younger than your grandpa, how can you call my grandpa?"

Duan Keke cooperated and raised his thumb repeatedly: "This is my second uncle!"

The audience laughed crazy, everyone was too familiar. This is the consistent style of Yang An's show. This uneasy rhythm started from the first person to play. After Cui Duan Ke gave the others, he stood in the position of host. On, continue to adjust.

The second player to play is one of today's protagonists, the famous Olympic diving champion Tian Liang and his baby daughter Mori!

The audience cheered, Tian Liang's good figure, handsome appearance, is a hanger, plus adorable cute forest dishes, big hands and small hands appeared on the red carpet, all along the road were exclaimed screams, not exaggeration Tian Liang is handsome, just like Mori.

There is also a large screen next to the signature wall, which shows various scenes of Mori when he was filming where Dad went, cute, do n’t do it, Duduzu ~ ~ make faces, and hold the amount of field The coquettish look of swinging arms, in the end, Mori holding Ye Yiqian's thigh, kneeling on the floor, dragged away by her mother, turned into a large living room rag, making the audience show the first small high!

Zhang Xiao, like other ordinary parents, saw here that it turned out that this show was about the stories of the stars and their children. It is really rare to see the little-known side of the stars on TV.

On the Internet,, Whale, and Tomato simultaneously broadcast live. The physical television station and the Red Maple entertainment channel broadcast live. Because the satellite TV station must broadcast the news webcast at 7 o'clock, so the TV station from 6 to 7:50 o'clock. The live broadcast can only choose the Red Maple entertainment channel, the main force is still webcast.

Therefore, a large number of viewers flocked to the Internet to watch, and the instant messaging and interaction on the network are very convenient. has live chat rooms, Whale has a barrage, and the tomato video network wins have a high-definition and stable live broadcast effect. Usually soars about 5o.

"Tian Liang is so handsome! His daughter Mori is also pretty!"

"It's really beautiful. Ye Yiqian was from the draft. Tian Liang and her genes are so good. I must have been stunned by Mori in this issue!"

"The diving team are all handsome guys, so is Sun Yang of my family. Unfortunately, Sun Yang was ruined by his mother. The illegitimate child can't take it, otherwise he can go to where his father is!"

"Wow, Tian Liangchong's daughter can't! It's so caring!"

In the camera, Tian Liang held Mori and chatted with Lao Cui. Lao Cui teased Mori. The little girl may be afraid of the old man. She turned around and hid her father's shoulder in an aggrieved way. In response, he held Mori disc tightly and comforted him, and kissed her little face. This scene saw the audience and the Internet audience all screaming and admiring!

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