The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 610: The routine in the city is deep, I want to go back to the countryside

Different chefs use the same materials to make dishes with completely different flavors. Think of this conclusion. Many audiences are also drunk. The conclusion is that Yang An is a chef and the level challenge is a New Oriental student. Make sure One is delicious, the other is dying.

CCTV's own team of producers are vomiting blood when depressed.

Other TV producers who follow suit, producers of independent film and television companies, also vomit blood.

When I saw where Dad went, the family parent-child education opened on the official website of Dad went to a special online education course. Within 24 hours after the show aired, there were over 24,000 enrolled students. Many scholars, experts, and teachers of the early childhood education system were depressed. Nope.

Seeing that Cape Post related posts have been up to more than two thousand floors, the personality analysis of each dad on the show, the discussion of the education level, the corresponding personality analysis of Mengwa, the discussion of Mengwa's future growth trend, more and more professional Has gradually evolved into a big discussion of early childhood education in the whole society, and many practitioners in the education system are dumbfounded.

What is it called?

An entertainment-oriented variety show has caused heated discussions on the issue of early childhood education nationwide?

Everyone also talked about it with interest and enthusiasm, and parents wrote a joint letter asking the kindergarten to increase interaction with parents and called on the fathers of the whole society to care more about the healthy growth of the children!

Too much has changed, all brought in by a variety show.

What makes professionals think?

If you ca n’t get things done, avoid things that you are afraid of, and always pretend to be deaf and dumb, knowing why, and do n’t bother to do it, and do n’t want to offend others. That ’s your failure!

I did n’t say anything about Yang An. I just took the show out and hit your face. It was that simple!


At 8:30 on Monday morning, a picture was circulated wildly among the staff of Enron Film and Entertainment. Where did Dad go? The first episode ’s ratings exceeded 3.97, setting a record in the history of domestic variety shows!

"Fantastic challenge broadcast four years ago. The ratings of Fifty Cities were 3.6. Run two years ago. Brother broadcasts. The ratings are 3.2. Where did my father go this year? The ratings are even better than the two of them!"

"It's great! I'm sure the ratings will break 4 next week!"

"Broken 4 still use you to say? The second period must be 4.5 or more, because the school is closed!"

"If you continue to do this, it will definitely create a record that no domestic variety show can match. President Yang is really big!"

"Mr. Yang came out with a red envelope, a Yang An"

"You big head, don't do anything at work, talk as much as possible! Do you dare to be a boss? Be careful, I will punish you to go to Xinye to run the field!"

"Sister Mei, I was wrong ..."

Song Xiaomei received a red envelope and was robbed in 5 seconds

"5o per person, thank you, Mei."

"Hahaha! Words don't fit the red envelope, little beauty v587!"

"Oooooooooooooooooooooh, I was so scared that I immediately switched off my phone, and I missed a hundred million!"

The employees are clamoring in the group. Everyone has a strong sense of belonging to the company. At this time, it is a few minutes to go to work. Song Xiaomei is not in charge of personnel. The group is often so noisy and the atmosphere is very active.

Then in the senior management group, Song Xiaomei got a bigger red envelope. The average per capita was 5oo. Rong Feifei saw in it, grabbed his hand, and immediately he became happy: "Yo Xiaomei, did you win the lottery?"

Song Xiaomei made a happy expression: "No, it's just that I bet with someone, will the ratings be a great challenge and run, brother, I will definitely pass them, and eventually win a small fortune."

Before Rong Feifei had time to speak, Dang Jie bubbling and said furiously, "Who? Who bet with you? Do you doubt the ratings?"

That ’s right, the other side bet was lost, indicating that the other party must bet on where Dad went. The ratings are not good. This is not an internal traitor in the revolutionary team!

As soon as this word came out, several people came out bubbling, and one after another asked Song Xiaomei to surrender the name of this traitor.

Song Xiaomei laughed, just didn't say it, until a guy with a net name "Yushu Linfeng Handsome" faintly proactively said, "Yes ... I ..."


Seeing this dear, the group laughed and laughed. If it was Shabe, it would be understandable.

"Yes, Brother Sha, feeling you participated in a great challenge, you participated in the run brother, did not participate in where my father went, so I feel unbalanced, right?"

"Who told you that the old man didn't have children? So you can't go where you want to go."

"Wow Kaka Kaka! Xiaosha, you are still not a man, was your marriage vow eaten by a dog?"

"Yes, yes, Brother Sha swears by running a male gambling last year. He must get married last year. Brother Sha, what about your wedding invitation? I also prepared a big red envelope!"

"How are you progressing with Lao Xu? Honestly, otherwise I will tell Yang Geer that you are a traitor!"

Shabei was run by everyone, saying like squeezing toothpaste: "Hurry up, it's about to go ... It's not a few days away from the New Year ... Of course I'm a man, you wait to pay for it, whoever has a red envelope below 10,000 Go play! "

"Really getting married?"

"Wow! It's so frequent today!"

"No, Lao Xu agreed. Are you too fast? Have you talked for half a year?"

"My God, my goddess was held by you ... keke! I almost spit out old blood!"

The group fry in an instant. Listening to this tone, Shabei really walked with Lao Xu? This is a huge pee! What do these two people say? A talented woman and a talented woman are well matched in all respects. The only disadvantage is that Xu is two years old and has a rich love history. However, Sha Bei is not dominant and does not look like Yang An Peng Yu Yan. That kind of handsomeness is also a perfect match, and the two are a perfect match!

If they can really be together, everyone is very happy, and they must really bless them.

So noisy, everyone came to work on Monday, excited!

The company ’s new project ratings are record-breaking, and friends have a good home, everyone is happy!

Even happier, after the boss Yang An went to work, he directly received a 10,000 yuan red envelope in the ordinary employee group, which caused the employees to snatch. After half an hour, Song Xiaomei said: "The list of today's red envelope grabs is recorded in Case, when you play mobile phones at work, all deduct 1 yuan salary! "

The group exploded, and a group of people all cried: "The routine in the city is deep, I want to go back to the countryside!"

"I robbed 16 of 8 and deducted 1oo. I lost to my uncle's family!"

"General Manager Yang, don't you like this routine?"

"Sister Mei, I'll never again be a water group!"

Only those smart guys laughed at the mobile phone and laughed, holding back the urge to tear down the red envelope, and it was really wise!

Yang Ancai didn't care about this. The red envelope was just a pleasure. He was busy answering calls in the office. Many of the calls were made directly to his mobile phone. They were all friends he knew, and some leaders and partners who were inconvenient to refuse.

6 Xun called over and complained: "Your boy is doing a parent-child show, why don't you find me? Am I no better than Huang Bo and Guo Tao?"

Yang An could not laugh or cry: "Teacher 6, your daughter is 7 years old this year, this age is not suitable!"

6 Insincerely: "Can only choose younger children?"

Yang An said: "No, wait for the next season. Next year your daughter will be 8 years old. I can try to join older children."

6 Xun said quickly: "It's settled! I'll wait for you next year and have to find me! Too much, my friends for so many years even opened a new program without even telling me!"

Yang An could only accompany the laughter and apologize. The main reason is that the number of seats is really limited. The number of 6 inferior cafes is large enough. The Asian rap king is certainly the best to invite him in the second season.

Immediately after, Gao Yuanyuan, this girl hasn't had any children yet, Yang An is curious, she said, "When will you be a mother?"

Yang An laughed: "Mom and children go out to play. Is it not difficult at all, can the ratings be high? When do you plan to have children? Xiao Le of my family is still waiting, right, in-laws"

Gao Yuanyuan blushed on the other side of the phone and cursed, "You're broken!"

There is also an older generation of artists calling. Teacher Zhang Guoli, who usually does not contact me, called: "Guide Yang, my grandson will be 4 years old next year. It is inconvenient for you to look at it? Of course, everything is yours. Bianzhuo ~ ~ I just ask, if I can, I will pull down this old face, please help. "

Yang An was frightened: "Oh Teacher Zhang, do n’t say that, what do you do, despite the orders, do n’t ask or ask for nothing, torment me! Any program I have, it ’s a priority choice Friends, the right one will come. So I have written down your request, and I will be at ease. "

This is a standard evasion. Zhang Guoli has been in the entertainment industry for decades. How can I not know? However, he could only sigh with emotion and kept saying thank you to Yang An.

Zhang Guoli also has a successful career, but his family life is particularly hard. He is a famous film and television actor, a famous director, and a famous artist. But he is not a qualified father.

Zhang Guoli's son has a very bad personality. When he was young, he violently beat his girlfriend. It was terrible. The entertainment industry was indignant. When he was more than 3 years old, he was poisoned again. After introspection, I looked back, but everyone just forgave him. This day's killer was arrested because of western poisoning, and his reputation was completely bad!

My son must not be able to come back. Yang An knew very well that I was so hard-working to earn money at this age. A few months ago, Zhang Guoli won the prize at the Blue Ocean TV ceremony. Is n’t it all for grandchildren?

Yang An believes that Zhang Guoli is not an indifferent person. He didn't make this call to help his grandson ask for a place or something. It must have another purpose.


PS: background statistics, 21.3 words updated in 1o, eh, I am slowly recovering state, today 3 more.

You can save the red envelope for monthly pass, save some subscription money, recommend the ticket to me, do n’t force the reward, just give it, keep subscribing, yes, do n’t ask me to subscribe to my book. I can't get a penny ...

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