The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 627: Pretend to be struck by lightning!

Seeing Yang An's face turning faster than flipping through the books, Qi Jiangong and the two behind him changed in color, and the atmosphere at once suddenly became cold. Yang An's sentence did not even have a buffer, which forced the three of them directly. Taiwan, also pushed Chen Jindong to the point that they must immediately resolve the matter.

Liu Fengheng said: "It seems that you are here for the theme song. Since it is a contradiction in music, then use music to solve it! President Qi, I met you for the first time today. If you speak offensively, please forgive me. You said that you brought two famous arrangers, but I am blind, I really do n’t know these two! "

The moment he saw Liu Feng, Song Zongliang and Zhu Xiao's intestines were regretful!

The two of them did write Chinese-style songs well, but they did n’t even match Liu Feng's shoes with regard to their status in the song industry. They vowed before to dare to deal with Yang An. That ’s also because Yang An ’s rise was too short, and he almost never paid attention to singing Only then did they feel that Yang An was bullying.

Who knew that Liu Feng was present, so he was the Lord?

The hearts of both of them wanting to get into the burrow!

"Mr. Liu, we don't mean that, we ..."

Liu Feng snorted again and interrupted their explanation: "I have nothing to do with the theme song of the Dream of the Red Mansion, so I stood by and watched a lively, being a referee, how can you compare? Do not refuse, I'm really bullish on you two, it's really amazing, I will help you propagate when I look back! "

With such ridicule and sarcasm, Song Zongliang and Zhu Xiao's faces were almost swollen, and they couldn't lift their heads at all, but the other party was Liu Feng. They did not even have the ability and courage to fight, they could only be scolded hard!

The two discussed with each other. Anyway, they must have offended Liu Feng anyway. If they admit it, they will never stand up again. They will be in a disadvantageous position. Qi Jiangong ’s relationship will also be broken. It ’s better to listen to Liu Feng. At this time, he and Yang An had a hard time. If he wins, he can raise his eyebrows and exhale, and stand up straight.

As soon as Song Zongliang gritted his teeth, he said positively, "The new version of Dream of the Red Mansion" uses classical music, lyrics, and melody, all of which are ancient styles. We don't think Yang An can do the job. "

Liu Feng raised an eyebrow: "Then you can do it? Your lyrics and melody are ancient styles that meet the artistic conception?"

Song Zongliang took out the folded song sheet from his arms and gave it to Liu Feng respectfully. As a result, Liu Feng pulled it over, read it quickly, and sneered, "This is the lyrics you wrote?" Leng Qingqiu "," "Birth and Death", it's okay, several songs, all of them are ancient lyrics! "

Song Zongliang bowed his head slightly, and said modestly: "Although these lyrics are far less literary than the original poems, they are also imitations of Cao Xueqin's style of poetry. This is a tribute to the master, and we are very sincere."

Liu Feng was disdainful, but he was still a bit admired. The two have been soaked in Chinese-style songs for more than a decade. It is indeed a wonderful work in the domestic music scene. Although the overall comprehensive strength is not too prominent, it is indeed in the Chinese style. There are two hits on the song.

Now that everyone is looking at Yang An, director Chen Jindong nervously looks at Yang An's eyes. If Yang An shows his dissatisfaction, he will offend Qi Jiangong, and he will also drive them out. What kind of junk stuff? How could it be better than Yang An's fame and strength!

Yang An was playing mobile phone and said casually: "Yes, I am illiterate, I did n’t get my elementary school diploma. Anyone who has heard my crosstalk knows it! I really do n’t write ancient style lyrics, and I have never heard of Chinese style. What the **** is Pingyi's rhyme even more inscrutable, I am a straw bag, but someone is not a straw bag! Well, this one will help me write the lyrics, and I will use this. "

Su Mengjie first came to look at the mobile phone, and covered her mouth and smiled.

Yang An again deliberately handed it to Li Yan, Li Yan glanced, did not hold back, and smiled sideways.

Yang Yang was fast, stood up and walked to Yang An, took the mobile phone and handed it to Liu Feng. Everyone was curious and terrified. Why did everyone laugh like this?

Yang An opened his mouth, and Su Mengjie fed the cut watermelon into Yang An's mouth. He stretched out his hand again, er, Li Yan didn't help him wipe his hands with a hot towel, pretending to be a little shameful.

In this scene, Qi Jiangong can be seen to be furious. He is the producer and has a great influence on the crew. He thinks that a man will definitely want to act against the actress. This is normal. Qi Jiangong wants to hide the two actresses. Who knew that he would see this scene enjoyed by Yang An. Obviously, Chen Jindong gave these two actresses to Yang Anqian's rules, and Qi Jiangong was jealous!

After seeing the phone, Liu Feng twitched at the corner of his mouth without smiling, but asked seriously: "Do you really intend to use this as lyrics?"

Yang An said, "This lyrics, I think what literary literacy must throw these streets?"

Su Mengjie is not mischievous, and raised her hand to agree: "I agree! Absolutely throw them a few streets!"

Song Zongliang's anger quickly spoiled: "Which streets do you throw away? What Chinese-style poems can throw me away? Yang An, you are really successful in the variety field, but I am definitely not afraid of you in the song industry, especially in Chinese-style songs! You have the ability to read the words you write! "

Zhu Xiao Leng laughed: "It wasn't him who wrote it, he said he was a straw bag and couldn't write it, he used someone else's words!"

Song Zongliang smiled, "I can't write it myself, but I'm sorry to say that? I'm not afraid of any Chinese writer who writes Chinese style! You say, who wrote it?"

Yang An still lazily ignored and didn't look at each other. She didn't even bother to answer. Liu Feng sneered and said, "Ning Ning Mei!"

Su Mengjie laughed loudly: "This uncle, does Cao Xueqin's poems throw you a few streets?"


Fang Rong, deputy director of China Beijing Satellite TV, didn't hold back all of a sudden, and laughed.

As the manager of Zhongying, Vice President Rong Xinda, both of them were more than forbearance. Looking at the proud smile on Song Zongliang's face, the expression of shame turned into anger.

"You sing" Ning Ning Mei "? Do you know how the original singer sang?"

"Do you know?"

Yang An fluttered back, blocking Song Zongliang enough!

Yes, there are more than a dozen songs in the book, but the book is a written record, and the song score without the label of Miao Shangjiao Zheng Yu is passed down. No one knows what the original sing is.

Yang An smiled: "Since no one has stipulated how to sing" Ning Ning Mei ", you can't stop me, I can sing as much as I want, is this the truth?"

Song Zongliang was stuck, and his head couldn't turn around.

This is indeed the case. No one in the 11 versions of Honglou Meng in this world has ever sung this song. The reason is very simple. The tune of the famous TV series is really not good to write alone, and the lyrics you write may not necessarily be written by Cao Xueqin. Well, the mood is not necessarily the same as in the TV series. After the broadcast, the audience will watch it awkwardly. It feels like swallowing a fly, and it feels that the grade is pulled down a lot.

So most of the songs in each version are complicated and rich. Use the huge symphony orchestra for soundtracks, because pure music is an excuse, and it is higher than the style with the lyrics. The audience will not criticize it too sharply. If the audience says that this soundtrack is not good, critics can say "your audience knows the music of a bird, this is an art you don't understand."

Song Zongliang was risking his originality. He wrote original lyrics, imitating Cao Xueqin's style of poetry, and paid tribute to Cao Xueqin. However, he could not be Cao Xueqin. As long as one of them was not handled well, the audience would throw stinky eggs.

And Yang An also did not follow a simple way. He directly used "Ning Ning Mei". The original book is the original one. If the arrangement is not good, it will still get rotten eggs, and it will also tarnish the classics and destroy the classic insults. This Anonymity is also an important reason for Song Zongliang to insist on originality. No one can afford this anonymity!

Feng Feng knew it was powerful, reminding him: "Yang An, it's okay to apply the original text directly, but do you understand the risks?"

Yang Andao: "Understand, so, this master, you sing your original song, I ’ll sing" Ning Ning Mei ", let ’s judge the scene on the high and low? How about three producers today? Representatives, directors, and teacher Liu, an authoritative judge in the domestic music industry, let five of them rate. What do you think? "

This proposal is in the midst of Song Zongliang and Zhu Xiao. They came to Qi Jiangong today to send a demo of the song. Today, it is best to demonstrate in front of Chen Dao. As long as Yang An is suppressed, they will definitely win the new version of the Dream of Red Mansions. "All arrangements for the suite!

Seeing Yang An so confident, Liu Feng didn't speak anymore ~ ​​ ~ Of course the producer and director will not refuse, their purpose today is to invite songs.

Zhu Xiao proudly said: "Then we will show ugliness!"

The song sample is a lossless audio source format. It is recorded in the lossless 3 player and can only be played by a mobile phone.

I have to say that Zhu Xiao's arrangement is a bit tasteful, Song Zongliang's words are okay, and Chen Dao has a smile on his face, which definitely means good quality.

Zhu Xiao retracted his phone and said provocatively, "It's your turn! Please!"

Yang An stood up for the first time. He held the mobile phone and read the lyrics, and said, "I think this song is temporary. I haven't prepared anything, so I will sing."


Think about it temporarily?

Liu Feng almost fainted. He thought Yang An was prepared!

Su Mengjie also concealed her mouth slightly and was slightly surprised. When she saw Yang An's laziness, she was a stubborn stance and thought Yang An had a good idea. Who knew that it was temporary? Still singing?

Chen Jindong looked at each other, Yang An is too big, right? When I want a song, I want to pk with each other? The most important thing is that I still use the original word of "Ning Ning Mei"!

Li Yan was also shocked. She resisted the incident of accompany wine, but the object of accompany wine was Yang An, one of the most admired male stars in her heart, and she could see such a talented side of him. This was a young girl. It is almost a fatal temptation!

Install! Let your kid outfit!

Pretend to be struck by lightning!

Song Zongliang and Zhu Xiao chuckled in their hearts, holding their chests, and watching the crowd with cold eyes. They want to see Yang An fail. They have to stand on Yang An's body. They have to prove that the Chinese style of the domestic song scene is that they are Forever overlord!

Yang An stood up, cleared her throat, and began to sing. To be continued ~ ~ friends, you can search "blue book", you can find this site as soon as possible.

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