The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 632: Crying questions

Nonsense continued: "Everyone knows that this essay is sponsored by Enron. The purpose is to select a group of writers who are good at writing urban suspense inference novels. However, the selection is limited, and they will arrange an interview later. The specific content of the interview is not very clear, but Yang An should personally supervise the test, indicating that he attaches great importance to it. Everyone must perform well, strive for more admissions, and give our urban team a long face, so that the old editor of the TV station Let ’s look at the power of online writers! ”

Lying down!

Yang An is coming to inspect the exam in person?

That's really important!

A group of people are excited, and the eye contact is full of excitement. Everyone rubs their hands, no one wants to miss this opportunity, because everyone knows that Yang An rarely gives people a chance, but as long as you seize it, you will definitely get great success!

Nonsense and Indus encouraged him to leave the room after a few words, and in the corridor, Indus suddenly called him: "Boss, there are eight people in the three meeting rooms. They are not the winners of this competition, but I heard that Yang An was looking for a screenwriter. And they came here by themselves. "

Bullshit plucked her hair and wondered, "Who notified them?"

Indus shrugged: "I don't know, there are a few of us who are not in the urban group, but I have written urban books before, basically all old authors."

Nonsense went to the other side, jokingly: "I'll see you first, don't say, this recruitment has even made me dim, Zhuang Yiran and Qing Feiyan, two million-year-old gods, are willing to come over, everyone knows It would definitely be good to follow Yang An. "

"Of course. Just look at" China's Good Voice "and" China Talent Show ". So many grassroots have been packed into stars by Yang An. Last Spring Festival, how much Yang An's star-making ability! If these authors Selected, and then the fire, this is the typical tricky counterattack bridge in our web posts, can it not be sought after? "

Indus is also laughing. In fact, many people in the editorial department are very optimistic about this cooperation. They have personally contacted the authors who have a good relationship with them. They are encouraged to participate. Unfortunately, editors and authors are two concepts. Editors may not write fires. Book, so Indus is at best tempted, but unable to put it into action.

Reading the text attached great importance to this cooperation. He took the initiative to send a car to the airport to meet him. Senior Vice President Lin Yanhui personally led the team and received Yang An at the airport.

Lin Yanhui and Yang An sat in the car, and the two had a lot of chats, mainly in-depth discussions on online literature, television adaptation, movie adaptation, variety adaptation and other cooperation methods. The reading group intends to go public this year and is in the preparatory stage of the po. Yang An was also very interested in this and consulted a lot of details of the po, and the two talked very well.

And another bus was busy on the bus. Guo Lei and Wang Jiaren are both great writers who read Chinese. They are returning to their parents' house this time. They talked hotly with the deputy editor at the airport and said they were busy at night. After that, please go to the big health care together, the car laughs constantly.

Half an hour later, Yang An and his team arrived at the reading headquarters without much nonsense and went straight to work.

There were interviewees. The number slightly exceeded the plan, but Yang An didn't care. He asked Guo Lei to borrow a photocopier and said, "The more the better, the more trouble the writers will be waiting for me in the conference room. Why are I and Jinxi preparing them for the exam?"

Bullshit and Indus accompanied us throughout the day. This is a good learning opportunity. They can see how big companies create miracles. They have not yet understood why Yang An attaches so much importance to screenwriter recruitment. To prepare for a new variety show, but isn't Yang An's reality show about reality? Why do you need a screenwriter?

In the large conference room, this person was just full. Everyone had a laptop in front of them. Everyone waited quietly and didn't dare to talk casually.

Qian Chen was a little surprised. In addition to the fifteen of them, eight more came just now. There were even authors who knew Zhuang Yiran in these eight. He heard a few words beside him, and they were all small and medium gods, and they were all experience. Rich old author.

"The larger the number, the fewer opportunities! It looks like today will be a fierce battle!"

Qian Chen pouted speechlessly and encouraged himself. He was a college student coming out of the countryside. Internet literature allowed him to dig the first bucket of gold. He hoped that he could go further in literature and make life easier. Well, he can only succeed, not fail!

Other people also have different ideas in their hearts. Most of the newcomers are present. The old authors inevitably have a sense of superiority. The new authors are more upset and worried that they can't compete with these small and medium gods.

The door opened, and a handsome guy everyone was familiar with brought in. It was Yang An. Everyone was familiar with nonsense and Indus followed, and two young men holding a4 paper came in.

"Introduce yourself, my name is Yang An, a variety show producer. I invite everyone to come here today to add some young, fresh, and incisive blood to Enron Film and Television Entertainment. The Reading Group is the industry leader, you It is a leader who has been selected many times from hundreds of thousands of authors in the leading group. Everyone is very powerful. I am very honored to meet you. Today, I hope to find active thinking and brains among you. It ’s a big, experienced writer, and if you find the best match, I will give you the opportunity to fight alongside me. "

Yang An said with a smile. Looking around, he found that everyone's eyes were fanatical. He was satisfied. He was not afraid that you would want to be big, have a long-term goal, and demanding, but you would not be hot.

"The exam questions for you are He Tony and Wang Xiaoer. You two of them should be familiar? Right, they are the great **** writers who read the text, and they are your colleagues. Today they are the examiners!"

When Guo Lei and Wang Jiaren posted the test questions, Yang An introduced that everyone was very happy. After taking the test questions, they looked up and smiled with the Great God. The appeal of the Great God's peers is different.


The first person who got the test question laughed, then covered his mouth and bowed his head embarrassed.

Uh ...

The second person who saw the test question also laughed out loud, which made other people who have not seen the content later feel anxious. What is it, is it so funny?

Soon, Chen Chen got it, and he looked down quickly, stunned.

"Three days ago, an entertaining gossip broke out in the entertainment circle. The famous actor Wang Xiaoming's wife, Ma Xiaohong, derailed and was arrested on the bed. The adulterer was Wang Xiaoming's agent Song Xiaojun. The entertainment circle exploded. Various comments Yes, I heard that divorce lawsuits are still going on. Wang Xiaoming had a hard time and did n’t even have the money to hire a lawyer. But just yesterday, Ma Xiaohong and Song Xiaojun were found dead at Wang Xiaoming ’s performing arts agency. The police investigated and arrested I live with six suspects. Please play freely and design a set of character diagrams and stories to keep the real killer from being caught by the police as much as possible. The time is three hours and the length is unlimited. Crime scene, crime motivation, Character maps, the murder process, everything needs to be designed by you. "

Finally, Chen Chen finally understood why the others laughed like this, and deliberately made the ending of the adulterer and silver woman both dead. This is also no one!

The conference room was very quiet. Everyone was thinking. Guo Lei and Wang Jiaren stood beside Yang An and scanned the interviewees.

Bullshit and Indus have also seen the test questions. They talked down and smiled. No one knows what Yang An really meant. What exactly is this topic intended to examine?

That's right, everything must be designed by yourself, so what is the focus of the assessment? Is the designer's overall view rigorous? Or do they consider whether their thinking is clear?

Everyone was guessing, they looked at the topic over and over again. This was obviously a colloquial thing. Maybe it was the topic that Yang An had just wrestled with. It was not formal at all and seemed casual.

Yeah, casual is the biggest feature!

The three elements of the story, "time, place, character", were not mentioned by the person who asked the question.

The time of the incident is determined by itself, and the time of death of the deceased is not said. The difference between day and night, during work and during work, whether Friday or Saturday is too great.

The location was decided ~ ~ Wang Xiaoming's performing arts brokerage company, but what the scene of the crime scene looks like must also be designed by himself. No one knows how the victim died.

The characters are more casual. The six suspects did not even say who they are. This is too open!

Fortunately, all the people present were big-minded guys. After a few minutes, someone could not wait to knock on the computer. For online novel authors, the scene of the test question will not be difficult. They designed a story. It's simple.

On this subject, Guo Lei remembered what Yang An introduced when "The Great Detective" was formed.

At the time, Yang An introduced to the core PDs: "This program uses the 51 mode, 5 fixed guests, 1 rotating guest. Each period is six people present at the same time, one person is a detective, has some privileges, such as early entry On the court, interrogating criminal suspects alone, presiding over critical prosecutions, etc., and having the right to vote for the final two votes. The other five are criminal suspects, one of which is the real murderer, and only the real murderer can lie, the others cannot Lying, all personnel need to investigate and obtain evidence through multiple scenes, and finally select the true murderer by voting. "

Guo Lei asked, "What about the winning and losing mechanism?"

Yang An explained: "After the final vote, the results were announced, the guess was wrong, the real murder was won, the guess was correct, the crowd won, and the detective got double the bonus after winning. Acting is inevitable. This requires each screenwriter to design a complete script for each person, and then to connect everyone as a whole. The guest's acting skills are very important, and the story of the screenwriter is more important. "

So Guo Lei and they stood here today for an important screenplay cast! To be continued ~ ~ friends, you can search "blue book", you can find this site as soon as possible.

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