The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 639: Forensics, reasoning!

Yang An knew that it was better to ask for oneself next time. Once it came, let it be. He took a deep breath and waited for 3 seconds to pass.

Beep ~ beep ~ beep ~

After the countdown of 3 seconds in the big broadcast, everyone moved almost at the same time.

The radio continued to broadcast train arrival information, the television on the television continued to broadcast the contents of the station collectively, the passengers dragging luggage continued to go forward, the salesman on the phone continued to explain quickly, the college students who waved half of their hands were still calling for companions, cleaners Continue to push the garbage truck over, pop it, and flip the mop over to mop all the coffee stains.

Yang An had a hundred likes in her heart. This scene can absolutely make the audience wonder, this group of performances is really dedicated.

Yang An stood still. He was guessing where the murder would happen.

Is it like Simon, from which room did he run out, and was hit on the brain?

Yang An looked around, but found no abnormalities. At this time, only a few vj were shooting nearby. The director and the handsome boy were gone. He didn't even know where to go next.

Suddenly, a flock of people appeared in his sight, coming from the right front.

This man is a man about 3 years old, over 1.8 meters tall, wearing a casual suit, blue jeans, black cardigan, white shirt, tie, long hair, handsome looks, cool hairstyle, { ql. There is a briefcase on the left shoulder and a cup of hot coffee in the right hand.

This man is so handsome because he looks so unique, and there is no one walking next to him, as if he intentionally let Yang An see it, and easily got Yang An's idea.

The young man drank coffee, didn't stop, just passed by Yang An, and continued to move forward, but just four or five meters away, his feet seemed unstable, and he stumbled, and then the whole thing was wrong. .

Is it him?

Yang An stared at his back in doubt, noting that he suddenly bent down slowly, the coffee in his hand was loose, and the briefcase fell to the floor. He seemed to be in pain as he clutched his chest clothes, like a crouched prawn. After squatting down slowly, I swiveled and fell to the ground.

Immediately afterwards, his body started to roll, rolling, struggling with his chest!


Passengers all around found the scene, and several female passengers screamed in fright.

Yang An's heart throbbed nervously. Although he guessed that this might also be an actor, he just felt that this scene looked creepy and was afraid to follow.

The young man was covering his chest, his painful facial expressions were distorted, and he looked very uncomfortable. His mouth was still screaming and struggling. The whole body was swinging, shaking greatly, and his legs were unconsciously fierce. Kicked.

"Hit 1!"

I don't know who was thinking next to me, and shouted, "Is there a doctor here? Come to the rescue!"

The onlookers flickered away, two or three meters away, and no one dared to approach.

Yang An turned away from the crowd. He was not a doctor and didn't understand emergency rescue. Human instincts could make him afraid. Like other people, he dared to stand by and watch.

After struggling for a few minutes, it seemed that his life was insurmountable. The young man tried to raise his head halfway, opened his eyes, reached out to Yang An with a trembling hand, and looked at the mouth shape. He should be shouting "Save me", but a few After a few seconds, he seemed to have lost his desire to survive, his head tilted, his arms dropped, his whole body stopped, and his breath was broken!


"Dead man!"


A new round of screams came, one after another, the timid people all frightened and fled away, the daring men hurried around to see if the person was really dead!

Boo boo!

The whistle sounded, the police dog barked, Yang An looked at it, and two patrol officers in uniform led the police dog towards this side.

He turned back violently again, and found that more and more people were surrounded by the deceased, all of them were pointing, and several people squatted down, trying to feel if the deceased was breathing.

Yang An was a bit frightened, but he suddenly remembered what the director said to him, "You are a detective, you should know how to do it!"

That ’s right, in “Spy Shadow 3”, the reporter Simon Rose was sniped and Jason Bourne rushed up and snatched Simon ’s carry-on backpack. There was key evidence of the Simon ’s informant. Found a clue behind the scenes.

"Yes! This button!"

Yang An still held a time-stop button in his hand, and he pressed it without hesitation.


There was a huge sound in the radio, all the sounds disappeared, everyone ’s movement stopped, and even the running patrol stopped. Unfortunately, the police dog was not human, did n’t listen to the call, and ran halfway, holding the rope The master didn't run anymore, he was still pulling the master desperately, making a dog bark, making the patrol actor embarrassing, his body could not move, and he was pulling the police dog!

Aha! These crappy group performances!

Yang An almost laughed. He was in a good mood. He was really scared just now, but he quickly entered the state of the actor. Seeing that the countdown was written with seconds, he quickly ran to the dead.

The 1 minute was short, but he could check the scene as he wanted.

Yang An opened the briefcase of the deceased first. He didn't have time to take a closer look and set it aside.

Then he touched the outer pocket of the deceased's suit and found a mobile phone. Then he found the wallet in the inner pocket. Then he touched the front pocket of the jeans. It was empty. When he was about to give up, he felt uncomfortable. The deceased turned over 18 degrees, and found an ID card and a train ticket from his trouser pocket. Valuable clues should be these. He packed all the evidence into a briefcase and took it away.

"No! There is something wrong with this coffee!"

Yang An said to himself, he picked up the spilled coffee cup, and thought it should be useful evidence.

In the end, there was only one second left. It was too late. Yang An took out his cell phone, clicked and took a picture of the deceased, and then pretended to be innocent, and left with a briefcase.

Just two steps away, a beeping countdown reminder sounded, and when everyone resumed action, Yang An had left the death scene with all the evidence!


The screaming continued, and the onlookers continued to point and point at the deceased, but they seemed to ignore the briefcase that was taken away. Even the patrolman came with the dog and did not know that someone had taken all the key evidence.

Time stops, so is the game effect, otherwise what time is it stopped?

Just as Yang An left with evidence, Iveco outside the waiting hall directed a few people to laugh in the car.

"When the next entertainer comes, remove the dog. It's really terrifying. Seeing the police dogs leaping blindly, it's too good to play!"

"No, I think the dog is quite interesting, lest the audience really think that a homicide has occurred!"

"Yes, Menggou grabs the mirror. This is a variety entertainment show, 4 is a variety show funny, 3 is a story story, 3 is an IQ reasoning. The play should be visible at any time, it does not matter!"

Several people in the director's group chatted, pointed at the monitoring screen, and commented.

"Fifteen minutes countdown begins!"

After reading this sentence in the waiting room radio, Yang An knew that it was a real game, and entered the case-solving mode below.

He looked around first and saw the sign on the wall: "Yeah, the security room! Maybe there is monitoring in the security room, and he captured the previous path of the victim."

He walked in the direction of the security room, picked up his ID card and ticket, and said: "Jia Xiaoming, 9 years old, No. 999 Xunwu Street, Luren District, Hongfeng City, this ID card really does!"

Yang An collected the ID card with a smile, and read the ticket again: "On March 6, Hongfeng's K-shaped train heading to Shanghai, sleeper carriage, 19:14 distribution car. What the hell? 19:14? Now it is At 14 o'clock in the afternoon, why was he running over after five hours? "

Strange person, strange ticket, with these mysteries, Yang An found the security room, the door opened, and there was no one inside. He thought about it, instead of rushing in, he turned around and rested in a few meters away. Sit down, face the security room, take out the contents of the briefcase and check, by the way, pay attention to whether the security guards will come back.

Yang An first took out the investigation report form and wrote down all his findings.

"Jia Xiaoming's ID and a ticket of the same name, mobile phone, briefcase, wallet. By the way ~ ~ Is this Jia Xiaoming a victim yet to be confirmed!"

He flipped out his cell phone, but fortunately the photo was taken just now, otherwise he would have to go back and reconfirm at this time.

But luck was very bad. Only half of the face of the deceased was visible in the photo. Because of the struggle, the hair was scattered, and part of the face was covered, which is difficult to correspond to the picture on the ID card.

"No, the identity of the victim cannot be confirmed, it is not good to start!"

Yang An smiled bitterly, and he did not expect that the original "Detective's Gathering" would be so difficult. The two versions that he was familiar with were quite simple cases of reasoning at first. It was like this, making it as complicated as a blockbuster movie. It's up!

I'm not sure of the identity, so I had to check the physical evidence first.

First look at the mobile phone. This is Huawei's flagship mobile phone product, the Android system. A 3 * 3 password pattern matrix appears after lighting.

"I'm fainted ... and the password!"

Yang An helped her forehead, dumbfounded, and tilted her head to think.

Cracking the password is the most annoying one. Sometimes inspiration comes and can be broken in seconds, but if you miss key clues, the password cannot be broken. This phone will definitely have clues related to the case. This is absolutely impossible. Missed it!

Yang An suddenly thought of something, and smiled at the corner of his mouth, he said to the camera: "Passwords often appear in places that we can easily ignore. The cleaners just seem to be very common, but there are hints on his body, the red mark on his chest, and ,and this!"

He shook the coffee cup dropped by the deceased. This was the kind with the lid separated. The contents had flowed clean, and only the outer package was left, clearly printed on it.

Yang An smiled and drew the correct shape on the 3 * 3 password pattern. Sure enough, the mobile phone unlocked instantly. He smiled happily: "Forcing o!" To be continued friends from ~, you can search Search for "Blue Book" and you will find this site as soon as possible.

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