The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 643: The most handsome inspector in history

"Good job! It's pretty good to reason about this!"

"It's also 20 beautiful, with a refined temperament and a good figure. It's mainly a good brain, not like a simple vase! Haha!"

"Observation is very delicate, but to participate in this show, you need some professional variety training."

"Mr. Yang picked up treasure!"

The commander's car was full of praise and sighed, no one expected that Li Zhi would be so unexpected, like this kind of quiet, uncontroversial, female guest who did her own job like a little white flower, really He needs one, which can just neutralize three noisy men, and provide the audience with a unique female perspective.

The performance of Li Yan made the director's group very interested. The next guest was He Jiong who returned from Xingcheng.

He Jiong is a very ambitious person in his career. He hosts programs, makes movies, endorses advertisements, independently plans new variety shows, invests in business, and has the courage to try new things. If the word "ambition" includes derogatory meaning, then it is better to hear Say, he is very motivated!

On Huang Mang Satellite TV, He Jiong had almost 10 million income before taxes in one year, but he did n’t have much in hand. He moved to Yang An for more than a year. He once hosted the "China Talent Show" and sent him directly to Little Spirit Fairy. On the Spring Festival Gala, the top ten players of the talent show were also the favorite of local TV stations. Even a few grass-roots star players are full of energy and even entered the nominations that touched the top ten figures in China. !!

He himself has also become a judge of several draft programs. He has been invited to give lectures on talents in universities. He also wrote a book about talents. In his spare time, he went back to his alma mater to continue his studies, advanced studies, and refined acting skills. Busy.

This year's business life is very rich, but the income has not increased but it has fallen. This is normal. There was a lot of invisible gaps between the brother of Huang Mang Satellite TV and the ordinary host of the current independent production company, which is about money. This is the gap.

Of course, Jiong He is not reconciled. Money is a trivial matter. The gap between 6 million and 5 million is not unacceptable, but I can't say that I have gone through all the hard work and ended up jumping from high to low? It's a good life!

I must forge ahead, I must work hard, I must get my own glory and prove my worth!

The opportunity has come. The new show after the beginning of the year is "Star Detective", which is a brand-new model never seen in the variety industry. He Jiong is one of the three guests of the male guest. He joked that he was going to abuse him on the show.

What a joke!

This show pays attention to high IQ. Most people ca n’t play this. He Jiong is very confident that he wo n’t lose to anyone. Yang An and Shabei ca n’t be better than him, abuse him? Waiting to be abused by him! He is the best detective!

"Mr. He, please get on the commuter bus!"

The station staff member in the railway uniform instructed He Jiong to take a few steps over there, suddenly stopped, looking at the employee's eyes, and saying, "I know you, you are not an employee of the station."

The other party was obviously startled. There were hundreds of people in Nima Enron. With so many program groups, I didn't meet you normally. How did you recognize it?

He Jiong smiled confidently, pointed at the staff's chest, and smiled straight at the camera: "It's interesting," Star Detective "has started recording, right?"

The editor-in-chief and vj looked at each other, and the camera crew dragging their luggage and equipment behind them was speechless. This is just the beginning, and I just said a word. Teacher He, your eyesight is too good, right? Did you find this flaw?

He Jiong got on the commuter bus, took the undecorated underground passage, went to the overpass, and entered the waiting hall in the opposite direction. He did not speak.

His eyes are not big, but he is very divine. His head is small, but he is very smart.

He has hosted the "Happy Camp" for more than ten years. He has developed a pair of poisonous eyes. He has a good understanding of people and good memory. He is very good at checking words and expressions during conversation. In the cold, he took the technique to hold the game, which has been integrated into his body and almost became an instinct.

Vulnerable staff, hum, how difficult is it to get me? The game starts, let's have fun!

"It really started ..."

"Red coat, girl, coffee, just bought ..."

"Cleaner in railroad uniform, icon, blue mop, four rags, two buckets ..."

"Huh? What is this? Time is still? Ok, I know. I watched" Spy Shadow 3 "on the moving car, right? The murder at Waterloo Station wasn't it? You want me to use this prop to grab the crowd A clue? "

"Why not just send me a police certificate, I can directly call the station's monitoring resources, isn't it easier?"

"Ha! This special effect is really interesting. Look at that uncle. Is it tired to raise your arms? Quietly put down, no one sees it, it won't be shame if you are tired"

He Jiong likes to talk and talks in small words, but they are all very sane words, not like the babble and the babble.

However, occasionally he will also be funny, showing a little bit of fun, which is also a manifestation of the variety arts ability.

For example, the strange Zhang Luren appeared. He Jiong followed him for the first time, and followed him to prepare for questioning.

At this time, the tragedy happened, Zhang Luren walked, things fell to the ground, holding his chest crooked.

In the eyes of everyone, everyone's eyes popped out, and He Jiong rushed forward, holding Zhang Luren: "Brother, what's wrong with you? You have to hold on! You must never die, tell me, Tell me who the killer is? "

Zhang Luren almost fainted. He was tortured by Shabei an hour ago, and now tortured by He Jiong again. Nima's, no, this job is too difficult, and he must double his salary!

"Fierce ... fierce ... murderer ... yes ... yes ..."

Zhang Luren smashed his acting skills, raised his arm, looked at He Jiong with a blurry eye, and gently smashed the capsule in his mouth. The foam immediately came out, his head tilted, his arm dropped, and hung in He Jiong's arms!

"Are you dead? Really, the countdown has begun!"


He Jiong let go, and threw the body directly to the ground, and began to find evidence, anyway, it was the body that fell to the ground without pain.

Zhang Luren, who had a pain in the back of his head, blackened his eyes, and no one could know the grief in his heart. Next time he would find him to play a corpse and give him more money ... he was still doing it!

He Jiong is a "proud fighter", a "god-like man" and "the most handsome detective in history". These self-proclaimed titles must be supported by actual actions. He started, and easily touched Zhang Luren. And took away every evidence.

Immediately after the time ran out, he simply waited by the corpse and greeted the police dog who had come over to play. He stood up and stood in the windbreaker and said to the patrol officer, "I am Inspector He, please take me to the monitoring room!"

Look, this calm fan, no guest has this performance!

"What about your inspector's certificate?"

As soon as the patrolman reached out, He Jiong was dumbfounded. His line should not be like this? How can I have any inspector's certificate!

The directors in the monitoring car laughed happily. Shabei also encountered this problem before. The screenwriters agreed that this link was good, so he added this requirement to the patrol officer. Sure enough, he asked the incomparable teacher He!

"Give me a face and take me to the monitoring room?"

He Jiong could not get his credentials, so he could only follow the patrol officer to the security room. Of course, he didn't make it difficult later. He flipped the surveillance video directly in the security room, decoded the password of the mobile phone, and took a trip. Brown shop.

The three men did not open the tablet, but basically all guessed what happened.

He Jiong's search behavior was very well organized, his reasoning was well-founded, and his speed was good. Except for the tablet, the evidence was basically found. He took the investigation report board and went out. The production team greeted him. applause.

"Mr. He is tired? The car is ready, or should I take you back to the company now?"

He Jiong looked at his watch: "Hey, it's four o'clock. Am I the last one today?"

"No, three female guests didn't come, but they will be here soon."

He Jiong thought for a while: "Then I do n’t want to go back first. I'll wait here and go back with them. Oh no, can you give me a role in group performance? I want to go to the scene to see ~ www.mtlnovel. com ~ promise not to disturb their case-solving process. "

The director told the next artist to pick up the car, but he agreed, and arranged for He Jiong to watch the role on the second floor. Anyway, the artists will definitely not come to the second floor.

The next is Yire Guli, her performance is the kind of lively and cute, human and very smart, bold and very active, since she dared to see Yang An on the Spring Festival Evening and took the initiative to go up and know that this woman is very good take the chance.

Her joining is also indispensable to the production team. The fixed model of three men and two women determines that this must be a strong male and weak female style. Li Ye is responsible for being an independent and self-strengthening little woman, and Yire Guli is responsible for being a cute little girl. In fact, if you add a steady, intellectual, and intelligent older female guest to form three men and three women, the effect may be better.

But Yang An refused, the directors had no choice but to rely on it.

It's spring, the temperature is twelve degrees, and it's still cold, but Ire Guli has already put on a short skirt, black leggings with slender legs, and a good proportion of people who are so smart as her, why not Do you know what you recorded today? How could she easily give up the chance of a stunning appearance?

Li Ye is classical and implicit, Yire Guli is fashionable and youthful, both are beautiful, both are in their 20s, both are less well-known new actors, and they are all new generation actresses with unlimited potential and are in the growth stage. This shows one thing. The audience of "Star Detective" is young people under 40.

After Yire Guli sold her all the way to complete the recording of the show, the director suddenly announced the order: "Close!"


Many people are puzzled, aren't there two other female guests? Why did you stop work suddenly? What happened? To be continued ~ ~ friends, you can search "blue book", you can find this site as soon as possible.

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