The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 648: Crime Scene Investigation

From the shooting scene of the crime scene investigation of the same name, the director growls.



"Cut! Zhang San, are you doing hair?"

"Kakaka! Zhangsan are you, what beep acted, roll it!"

In just ten minutes, the chief director has shouted four cuts in succession, the actors have too many ng times, the director jumps wildly, keeps talking dirty, and directly greets the actor's family or organs, causing the actor to be frightened, overwhelmed, and even less Dare to let go and fall into a vicious circle!

The actor named Zhang San finally made a mistake. The key is that he is still a key supporting character who can't avoid the relationship. The director is so angry that he doesn't want to look at him. He is so angry that he throws a loudspeaker. , The progress of the show group can not stop, but had to organize the actor to come back.

"Zhu Zhu, Su will be there in ten minutes."

Holding the mobile phone, the female assistant hurried over to report the news, scaring the director to drink water and spit out, panic: "Ten minutes?"

The female assistant nodded desperately, and the director said resentfully: "Here it comes again! Stop! Everyone stops! Hurry up and clean up, Mr. Su will come to inspect work in five minutes!"

The set was chaotic. Everyone ran quickly to prepare for the boss's inspection. The actors were also nervous, and quickly called for makeup artists to make up each other. They asked each other where they didn't do well. If the boss watched the movie later, don't forget Can't be shouted!

Ten minutes later, a group of two young men came over. One was a tall, slightly chubby man with glasses. This is the owner of Bonana's company, Su Rui. He is surrounded by a windbreaker with his hands in his pockets. Tall man.

Su Rui smiled and asked, "How about Huang Shao? Have I seen this stall yet?"

Huang Shao, smiling, said, "Brother Su, you are too humble. How can you call this a glance? Obviously, it's very eye-catching! Oh, I said, Brother Su, your father gave you 200 million yuan in startup capital for you to spend. Money has failed, not only have you not failed in these years, but has he made more than ten times, really two hits! "

Su Rui modestly said: "I'm also lucky, my life is short, I can't do too much about what I want? I can make the best money, but I can't make any money, so I'm going to take this 200 million out, drizzle ~"

"Haha! Brother Su really knows how to play, otherwise, how about borrowing my Korean girl group fan for a few days?"

"Let ’s just forget it. A group of little girls under 20 is so boring, you have to be chestless, you have to be skillless and unskilled, Huang Shao you definitely do n’t like it. Otherwise, today ’s crew, Huang Shao you watch Who is it, take it on the spot! "

"I knew you couldn't bear it, hahaha"

The two of them talked about the woman without a word, investing, and the tone was very loud, but they also had big capital.

Surui is a typical rich second generation. His father is Su Xingguo, one of the top ten wealthy people in China. The head of Xingguo Real Estate Group. The real estate has been hot in recent years. It is estimated that his personal total assets will definitely move forward. , But it is certainly better than its real estate counterparts, the boss of Wanda Group.

Huang Shao, with his hands in his pockets, has an unusual identity. Although he doesn't know other classmates, he can be glanced at by Su Ruigao, certainly not a simple figure.

The general director, Bian Bidi, came over and looked at Su Rui flatteringly. He waved his hand: "Tell them to play a show for Huang Shao!"

The director promised to walk away and directed the actors to prepare. Huang Shao glanced at the scene in the shed and sneered at Su Rui: "Brother, are you calling me for this?"

Su Ruigan laughed twice: "Please also ask Huang Shao to help you check it out and see where there is a problem. Isn't it okay for me? This program has been made in four editions and is not satisfied. Losing money on investment is a trivial matter. The key is I ca n’t afford to lose this person! I ’m also a little famous in the investment circle. I officially entered the entertainment industry last year. How many people are optimistic about me? As a result, it ’s been a year and I did n’t even hear a fart ... ”

Huang Shaoha laughed and patted Su Rui's shoulder and laughed: "Okay, brother, let me check it for you!"

Surui is a very thoughtful young man. Like Wang Sicong, the e-sports industry is also the starting point of his career. His love for e-sports has made him study the industry very deeply. He followed in the footsteps of Wang Sicong. After investing in the entire e-sports industry, e-sports has become a major breakthrough point in the cultural and entertainment industry within a few years. He played and succeeded.

Immediately after, Su Xingguo gave him 200 million startup funds, plus a professional investment team of more than 20 people. Su Rui served as a director of Xingguo Group and took 2.6 group shares. He usually brought people to toss his risks. investment company.

Over the years, his professional team invested in 16 projects, 5 USD projects, 11 RMB projects, a third of which were listed on Hong Kong, the United States, South Korea, GEM, or backdoor listed on a stock. The listed company was also favored by larger companies, and accidentally achieved several small goals, easily earning hundreds of millions of dollars.

Last year, the surging Surui returned to the entertainment industry with a high profile, and established Bonana Films and Entertainment, which signed the Korean idol girl group fans and some singers. Because e-sports and entertainment are related industries, this is equivalent to their own strength Su Rui is confident in investing in the field.

As a result, the cruel reality gave him a heads-up drink. The investment in "Crime Scene Investigation" made him sink into Waterloo. The purchase of copyrights went smoothly. He found directors, actors, and screenwriters without any problems. He shot four versions in succession. Either the producer of the original TV series was dissatisfied, re-selected the role, re-written the script, re-shooting, tossing for three months, the expert was finally satisfied, but the radio and television side reviewed it, but he was dilemma and helpless!

Huang Shao patiently watched a scene of shooting. The camera was very exciting. At first, three detectives received a call from the police and came to the scene of the murder. They began to look for clues and stripped cocoons for clues.

Actors, props, plots, all fine, although without the help of post-production and editors, Huang Shao understood what they were acting.

Fifteen minutes later, Huang Shao kept silent and went directly to the VIP lounge area to lie on the lazy couch and smoke.

Su Ruiping retired and asked, "Huang Shao, how do you feel?"

Huang Shao spit out his mouth and looked at Su Rui: "The acting is pretty good! The details of the death, the killing action, it looks like the real thing, plus the post-production, the show is absolutely beautiful."

Su Ruidao: "But the radio and television have not passed the audit, can you think of a way? I watch other TV movies, others in TV shows even tear the devils' hands, cut the enemy's carotid arteries, and send a beam of blood to the lens. I have passed the trial. Like any spy war movie, all the torture and procedures of the ten tortures in the Qing Dynasty were all carried out. I haven't seen the camera cut and the program shot back? "

Huang Shao laughed: "You don't want to think about, who is tearing up the devil? Who wins in the spy war? Of course, it is our party! Is the starting point of the main character on your show the same as them? Do you change your identity? Filming a TV show, letting our party comrades tear up fellows? Let ’s seal you forever, and you are not allowed to enter the entertainment industry. You have n’t yelled for it, and you will die! ”

Su Rui chuckled: "How could I be so stupid! Mainly because I really like" Crime Scene Investigation ". I have been chasing this American drama for four years in college and really want to introduce it to China. Let more people like it. In order to make the plot more real, I spent a lot of money to invite a few well-known writers to write the story. Who knows that this adaptation is still unsuccessful! "

Huang Shao played the soot and said, "The key to the problem is not here. If you want to be broadcast on the satellite, you must always keep in mind the national policy path. Your program is against the rules! I think it is difficult to be on the planet. You might as well die early With this in mind, if it doesn't work, it will be broadcast on the Internet platform, and the review there is much looser. "

However, broadcasting on the Internet is a failed investment for Surui. His target is mainstream TV stations, not Internet programs. He is an Internet celebrity himself. He was known on Monday, film critics, paragraph masters, and prophets ~ www.mtlnovel .com ~ Easy change of philosopher's various identities, donated 1 million pocket money on Tuesday, broadcasted Hearthstone Legends on e-sports on Wednesday, continued to learn the red routines of various networks on Thursday, and installed 200 computers on Friday. The table then complained to the big dog shop in Beijing. On Saturday, he brought a group of long-legged girls to the party. On Sunday, he swept across the entertainment circles and shouted that you were all scum.

He is wonderful every day. He tweets 10,000 times and reposts more than 10,000 times. Basically, he writes connotations that start with 50,000 reposts. He has already become an Internet celebrity. He also has to be an online variety show. Show, use Internet ratings to prove your vision is good?

Without conquering mainstream TV stations everywhere, what is it to enter the entertainment industry!

Surui still did not give up: "Huang Shao, you are so capable, and help out, isn't it a trivial matter? Help me today, my brother is extremely grateful and grateful, there must be thanks!"


As soon as Su Rui's voice fell, Huang Shao's mobile phone rang. He saw a short message of the account amount change notification sent by CCB, a long string of 0, and laughed: "Brother Su is very kind, I will help you back Ask in the broadcasting system. "

Huang Shao went back to inquire about this. His family name was Huang, who was once the big boss behind Xuanhuang Entertainment Film and Television Company. He was very influential in the radio, television and publicity departments. It was too simple to ask anything. As for helping, It depends on the situation and charges extra.

Su Rui made a face on the set, explained a few words from the director, and hurried away to play his own. The specific business matters never needed him to do it. Soon, the director's scolding came again.

In the evening, Su Rui attended a charity reception hosted by his dad. To be continued ~ ~ friends, you can search "blue book", you can find this site as soon as possible.

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