The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 651: Yang An's Counterattack

Su Rui saw the news on Yang An's "Star Detective" official website and suddenly made a decision to invite Yang An to dinner.

In his opinion, this show should be similar to his "Crime Scene Investigation", but he did not consider Yang An as a competitor like other TV show production teams. He believed that the two can completely seek common ground while shelving differences. The goal is to be comrades in the same trench, not the enemy.

The place where Su Rui invited guests was at a hotel owned by Xingguo Group. The waitresses all changed into high-row cheongsam and stood in two rows. The chef who had worked in the State Guesthouse for 20 years was waiting in the lobby. A group of people were waiting for Su Rui's assignment at any time.

Near noon, a Mercedes-Benz S600l drove over, and Su Rui personally stepped forward to help Yang Anla drive the door.

"Brother is really flattered, Su Gongzi, you are so kind!"

Yang An politely shook hands with Su Rui, this rich little generation with a little fat and glasses, who knew how to be so polite, was unexpectedly unexpected, and made his attitude much eased.

No matter who Su Rui's father is or what background, at least Su Rui's investment experience has not failed. This is a remarkable record. Yang An also secretly doubted whether Su Rui also crossed through. Why can I see in the investment field? One is better than the other. Those invested companies are either listed or sold at high prices, indicating that they really have strength!

Su Rui is very good at making friends. After three or five sentences, the two hugged each other and laughed. They walked inside like old acquaintances for many years. After they were seated, they ordered the best dishes and the most expensive wine. other people.

Su Rui said sincerely: "Brother Yang, it's better to meet for a long time. I have long wanted to visit you, the leading brother in the TV industry, and I especially want to ask you how to do TV shows!"

Yang An was curious: "I heard that Su Gongzi is also making variety shows. The rumors are true!"

Su Rui smiled awkwardly: "I am a petty kid, mainly because of my love for a TV show."

Then Su Rui introduced the "Crime Scene Investigation" carefully from the project establishment to the production. Yang An listened with esteem. This kind of rich true love powder is actually a big thrust of the television industry. This is actually a good thing. If you are not interested Hobbies and enthusiasm, many jobs are just work, not long-lasting.

Seeing Yang An's attitude eased a lot, Su Rui was relieved, and he said: "Guide Yang, I apologize to you about Weibo. We didn't mean to downplay you and Haier. My dad is a man with a mouth full of trains. I also like to tell me what to do in front of so many people. If he is not my dad, I'll just shake my face and leave, I'm really fed up! In fact, he knows the fart entertainment industry. He said himself some time ago The future goal is to acquire the six major Hollywood studios, and also said that it is necessary to build a base for the revitalization of the film and television industry, and let all Hollywood crews come to China to make films. Isn't this a bullshit? "

Ha ha!

Yang An laughed in his heart. Su Rui was really Su Xingguo's own son. The two were carved in a mold. Su Rui also ran the train with his mouth full of words, and Su Rui often took down his father's desk. , Once also roared publicly: "Xingguo Hotel is extremely poor!"

I scold your own property as garbage, I am afraid there are no more people in this world, Su Gongzi!

Yang Andao: "It is not necessary to apologize. Everyone is ridiculing, hype, let's expose it! Let's talk about variety shows, the TV circle is sending young handsome men like Su Gongzi to replenish fresh blood. Imitating plagiarism, not thinking about progress, Su Gongzi's idea of ​​adapting a variety show in American drama is very good. This is a fresh breeze! "

Su Rui took the opportunity and said, "But I encountered a big problem!"

Yang An listened patiently. Su Rui explained the radio and television refused to go through trial. The explanation was very detailed, and in the tone of the juniors of the practitioners, he asked the old driver for advice.

Yang An thought about it. It turned out that Su Rui had the same problem, so the two of them were allies, and they were not really enemies.

"Have you looked for anyone over there?"

"Find it, the other party said it was difficult to deal with, and returned all the RBI money."

Yang An chuckled, and Su Rui really opened her mouth without concealing it at all.

"It's easy to say that. We have the same goal. The broadcast on Singstar is definitely something we can fight for. Can we say it on the golden file? Let's keep close contact, share information and work together?"

"Ha ha! Brother Yang is so refreshing, work hard together, toast!"

The two toasted, and they were in a very good mood. I didn't expect a topic of speculation to draw a friend of extraordinary strength.

Yang An has connections and abilities in the TV entertainment circle, Su Rui has money, and extensive contacts and influences outside the entertainment circle. The two have cooperated and are quite satisfied with this ally, which is certainly worth celebrating!

As for the topic of # 我 也 买 不 房 #, the two also reached a consensus.

Su Rui toasted: "My dad's public anger caused by his verbal bluffs, let him bear the consequences!"

Scolding his father was so fresh and vulgar, Yang An only felt a black line and drinking a bar. This was a family affair of Su's father and son, and he was not good enough to interject.

Su Rui raised his toast again: "A lot of age, and I still watch this all day long, and that has to be criticized. Twenty years ago, he was scolded from the mayor's office in Bencheng ..."

Yang An was frightened to stop: "Stop, stop! Don't say this ... How about let's talk about Fenghuaxueyue? 唉 I heard that your game team has done well in recent years? When will you show me some insight?"

Speaking of wind and snow, the beauty of incense cars, and the game team, Suri was in a better mood. He took Yang An's hand and talked about his game life and had a good conversation.

In the afternoon, Yang An called Shabei and asked him to drive to pick him up. The two made an appointment to meet CCTV Chief Cai.

Seeing Yang An's ruddy complexion, she was in a good mood. Shabei, who drove the car, asked curiously, "Why are you looking flushed and smiling? Did the second-generation Rich act on your feet?"

"Ha! Brother Sha, don't get me wrong, I really love you!"

Yang An joked, saying, "I laughed because I drank a little red wine. Anyway, I've also been a Lafite for 82 years."

Shabe laughed: "In Lafite in 1982, no one knows how many bottles of real wine in the world!"

The two laughed and hurried to CCTV in the afternoon at work. The secretary arranged for him to meet with Cai Tai alone. The schedule was one hour, which was a little urgent.

Shabe is purely for fun. He is a well-known host who went out from CCTV. Although CCTV didn't give him much money, he gave him great fame. It should be right for him to go back to his parents' home.

After a while, Shabey found an excuse to leave, saying that he would visit some other former colleagues. He knew Yang An and Cai Tai had something to say alone.

When there were only two people left in the office, Mr. Cai said, "I have received the email you sent me, and I have inquired about it."

The radio and television side has its own set of administrative regulations. Because the reform has been carried out in recent years, the General Administration is not responsible for managing specific affairs. All the powers of review and approval have been delegated to the hands of local radio and television, but it still retains the power of one vote. .

For example, Yang An's "Running Brothers", the content review is conducted by the broadcast platform, that is, CCTV, and then report to the General Administration. The content review department of the General Administration only looks at the header, which is "which platform to declare." The "program name", "program introduction" and other limited items are usually directly adopted and archived for future reference.

Local radio and television did not dare to release water easily, because the report had to be archived. In case one of the programs had a great negative social impact, the General Administration checked the old account and found that there was a problem with the program on your side. Under the accountability system, local radio and television There will be a lot of pressure. Administrative penalties are absolutely indispensable, affecting the leadership's future, even serious ones who have lost their jobs.

Yang An's independent production company originally filled in the application form, sent the script for review, set up the project, passed the shooting, and then submitted the feature film for review. After the radio and television reform, in addition to reporting to the broadcasting station where the broadcast platform is located, he can also find the General Administration. The insider checks, which is equivalent to the highest determination. After receiving the sword of Shang Fang, you can choose any local satellite TV.

"Your project was fine at the beginning, but the content review department suddenly turned over the old account, and deliberately found out and called back ~ ~ This is because someone is deliberately targeting you."

Cai Tai narrowed his eyes and slowly said, "It's still the same thing, before the Spring Festival, they stared at me tightly, but I never gave them a chance, and stared at them all the time, always looking for their flaws. . They dare not rush to do anything, they can only investigate the relationship around me, you are one of them, to suppress you is to force you to find me, I hope I can't sit still! "

Yang An breathed a sigh of relief: "It's good to find the reason. I am most afraid of the unknown. It's uncomfortable to be a ghost. I've also made a lot of efforts on the part of Director Cai. If it helps, I can provide something."

Captain Tsai Cai was quite surprised. He looked at Yang An for a long time and said, "In the past, you seem to be disgusted with struggles, but now, you are actively asking to join."

Yang An sighed: "It wasn't me who took the initiative, but the society was forcing me to make this choice, and I didn't want to do this! Director Cai, this time, you helped me through this checkpoint, and I went back immediately, An Do my show with peace of mind. "

As long as they are people, they all have passions and desires, they have life circles, and they have relationships.

As long as there is power, more or less will come into contact with the managed person within the jurisdiction of the power, resulting in intersection.

As long as there is money, no one in the world can hide all his whereabouts and can be detected.

Yang An has extensive connections in the television industry. The Confederate Su Rui is rich, and he is also an overlord in Zhongjing. His family is still in the real estate business. What is the best value in these years? House of course! What is the most face-saving gift? House of course! What is most loved by those in power? House of course!

Yang An and Su Rui's counterattack started from here! To be continued ~ ~ friends, you can search "blue book", you can find this site as soon as possible.

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