The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 660: Detective crashed!

Li Yifeng took up the handcuffs and walked in front of the ballot box representing the five suspects: "Really, the first vote is really difficult to vote. Everyone has motivation. I can only vote by feeling. If I vote wrong Don't blame me, everyone! "

Everyone expressed their understanding that detectives are like this. If they find the true murderer in the first round, it can only explain that the game is too simple. This is a problem for the production team. The writers' strength is not enough to underestimate the capabilities of these guests, or- Detectives are real detectives.

Obviously, Li Yifeng himself did not believe that he was a detective. He was almost clueless and had to rely on his feelings.

He stood still, hesitated for another half a minute, finally gritted his teeth, made a decision, clicked, and hung handcuffs in the name of Yang Investment.

Yang An laughed: "Oh, well, Detective Li thinks I'm a murderer. Can you ask why? Really just feel it?"

Li Yifeng smiled awkwardly: "It feels like, I still quite agree with the possibility of exchanging life as described by patient Sha. I think so, and you have a very special situation, that is, you don't come to the hospital often, and everyone is not too serious about you. Familiar, so it is easiest to imitate you. And you are a billionaire, you have no siblings, your parents are dead, you are not married, how good it is to replace you, easily inherit hundreds of millions of assets, and change your identity to come back to life "You're doing too much!"

Yang An chuckled: "But don't forget, all the doctors here are plastic surgery doctors. Plastic surgery is a technical task. You can replace my face instead of aligning my photos. He beautiful and vice The hospital is a brother, and the faces of the two are naturally similar. In addition, He Niu is a plastic surgeon of Dr. Sha. He is more familiar with the bones and muscles of Dr. Sha's face than me. Is it easier to choose them? Easy to show flaws? "

Li Yifeng was embarrassed. He suddenly felt that Yang An was right!

You can't do more with one life because you exchange your life with Yang Investment, so you can kill Yang Investment. You also have to consider how difficult it is to do it. Yang Investment does not often come to the hospital, but He is also a partner after all. Yang Investment is the big boss of the hospital. How can everyone not know?

"Uh, can I take back this handcuff?"


The crowd was fooling around and booed Li Yifeng back. Detective Li, it was too easy to be affected by others, and confused by cluttered clues.

Li Yan sighed: "I find this show doesn't seem to suit me."

The confused Erie Guli also quickly said, "It's not for me, I feel too difficult!"

Li Yan said: "Looking at the performance of your three men, I really feel that the gap is so big that I can't keep up with your rhythm."

Yrie Guli laughed awkwardly: "Actually, I am still stingy!"

Li Yifeng was about to cry, and he also shouted in his heart: "I'm stubborn!"

Others are very proud, He Jiong smiled and said, "This is a war between men!"

Shabei added: "It's a war between male school bullies!"

Yang An said leisurely: "Come on, to see the essence through the phenomenon, it is the war between our players and the pds. Don't forget that sentence ..."

"PD is the enemy!"

Almost everyone spoke in unison, saying the most classic sentence of all Yang An's variety shows, then laughing, and the members of the production team behind the noisy camera position were like a director ’s waterfall. As the director, they must be heart-chucked. In order to suppress these evildoers, the pressure of their production team is too great!

Yang An stood up: "Well, let's take these questions and quickly enter the second round of search, I also want to find evidence to prove my innocence."

"Then start with identifying the dead!"

Everyone is full of interest, this game is really super fun, although it is terrifying to think about it, these settings are really great!

The second round of evidence search began, and everyone went to He beautiful office by accident, trying to find more evidence.

Li Yifeng looked at the three big dummies and asked, "Prove that the dead is so beautiful. Do you have any good ideas?"

Several people who touched the body took time to answer: "No idea!"

"Never mind him, touch it first!"

"Maybe it will explode?"

"Orange, I want an orange!"

"Change to team allocation, roll some gear!"

This group of guys are convulsing again. Li Yifeng is ashamed. Seeing that Li Ye and Yire Guli are searching, he suddenly flashes and remembers one thing: "How long have you been married, Nurse Yi?"

Iregouli stopped, blinked and nodded: "He was married for three months, and then he disappeared."

Li Yifeng hooked his hands and motioned her to come over: "Lend me your hand for a look, right hand."

Yire Guli had nothing on her right hand and was empty. Li Yifeng asked in confusion: "What about your wedding ring?"


Yire Guli was a little shy, looked at He Jiong who was playing with a dummy, and whispered, "I wasn't just with him ..."

Li Yifeng understood and smiled: "I know, it's always bad for new boyfriends to see the old wedding ring, so you took it down, right?"

Yire Guli nodded, Li Yifeng continued to distinguish carefully, her hands were very clean and fair, and no trace of the ring was found at the root of the finger, only that she should have taken the ring for a long time.

Li Yifeng squatted down again, looking at the dummy's left hand, wearing a wedding ring on it!

Iregouli saw on the side and said, "Yeah, this is the ring we bought when we got married. If you don't believe it, I'll bring it to your room."

"no need!"

Huh ... Li Yifeng sat on the ground with a slump and failed. The appearance of the wedding ring seemed to prove that this corpse might be pretty, and then the inferences made by Shabei were all wrong!

Shabei stood up, spread his hands, and shrugged: "No fresh harvest on the body!"


This is so coherent, it sounds awkward!

Yang An and He Jiong also stood up and were really uncomfortable in examining the corpse. Just now they were reminded by Li Yifeng. When they saw the wedding ring in the dummy's hand, everyone was skeptical. Was it wrong to exchange the life and borrow the corpse?

Li Yifeng refused to give up and beckoned Yang An: "Give me your phone!"

Yang An was a little wary: "Why?"

Li Yifeng said: "I want to see if He Meizhen really called you."

The detective's request could not be refused. After Yang An passed it, everyone looked.

Sure enough, there is a call record at 6 o'clock in the call log, which is so beautiful.

In addition, there is a group of text message conversations in the text message box. This is a beautiful text message that Yang Investment threatened before. It was a year ago, which confirmed a problem during the debate just now.

Yang An behaved very easily: "I said, it is easy for people to make such threats when they are angry, but the death of my girlfriend does not mean that I will always pay my life, because there is no conclusive evidence!"

Li Yifeng heard a bit harsh, "decisive" evidence? Does this group of text messages also interfere with clues?

He called to Ire Guli, who was beside him: "Give me your cell phone!"

Ire Guli was startled: "Don't!"

Li Yifeng laughed: "I searched without giving me!"

Yire Guli struggled, but Li Yifeng still took out the nurse's pocket. In addition to the mobile phone, there was a divorce agreement!

"divorse agreement?"

Li Yifeng asked in surprise, attracting everyone to watch.

Ire Guli mumbled and explained, "He has been away for more than a year, and no one has cared about my feelings, and of course I will divorce!"

Suddenly, a glamorous shadow floated between the two, and Sha Bei, wearing a neurological suit, waved up, two hands to the left and two to the right, turned around and sang leisurely Get up: "You said you came to see me for two days, the first wait is more than a year"

At this moment, Yang An and He Jiong drew everyone's desire to the web, holding Li Ye's hand, and the three of them swung left and right in the same direction, and then sang, "365 days I'm sorry you don't have me in your heart, give me back my love "

"give me back"

"give me back"

"give me back!"

Seeing these people still posing a collective freeze, Li Yifeng was about to collapse!

This group of unruly guys actually used the "What do you say" of the goddess Deng Yijun here, really beeping Husky!

"Ah, ah! Can you be more professional? Search evidence, search evidence ~ ~ search evidence!"

Seeing Detective Li exploding and dancing and singing, some of them were clapping and clapping each other, quickly changed their faces, and returned to the normal work of searching for evidence.

Li Yifeng almost cried. Today this game is definitely a test of detective IQ. How so hard!

I thought that being a detective was very windy. When a detective was the protagonist. When there were many detective plays, I knew that was the case. What detective did he choose then? He chose Yang Investment's role, I don't know how comfortable it is!

Next, Li Yifeng searched everyone's body, and sure enough, basically found the relevant doubts left in the first round on everyone's mobile phones, and proved everyone's motives for killing.

For example, Yire Guli, there is a text message that she and He Vice Court exchanged each other, which already called each other as dear. The two certainly hope that He Mei will never return, which is full of strong motivation to kill.

And Li Ye, she had a text message on her mobile phone. What a beautiful text message she sent her a year ago, he found her stealing, and the language was ambiguous about her meeting at 9 o'clock in the evening, at the hospital. It's been a long time since work. What do lonely boys and widows do together? Think about it. Coupled with the boyfriend Sha's failure in cosmetic surgery, Li Qingjie has a double murder.

Ahhhh! Why is it all? Is there a motive for killing?

Li Yifeng finally couldn't help but stopped everyone: "Can I call the off-site director?"

Yang An's three swordsmen smirked in his heart, and looked at each other, and they all understood. It seems that Li Yifeng can't carry it. This kind of game, if you stand outside like a spectator and look at it from the perspective of God, it will definitely be easier to watch, but participate in the reality show in person Cosplay, that feeling is completely different. It ’s normal for Li Yifeng to ask for help. Some of them ca n’t wait for the production team to reduce the difficulty ~ ~ friends, you can search for "Blue Book", you can Find this site as soon as possible.

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