After the black curtain, Chen Chen, who was watching the surveillance camera, felt scalp tingling. He froze for a moment, and suddenly felt abnormal. The left and right screenwriters and directors were all silent, and several people didn't even breathe breathably. You can see a fine layer of sweat.

There was a smug smile on the corner of Qian Chen's mouth. It seemed that the script was performed by six guests, which scared their creators!

When the screenwriter saw the script at the beginning, they felt disapproved, because this story is based on the script, it is not unusual, the episode of "Detective Conan" did this, the killer changed his face, and the case of Jintian Yigeng also In this way, the murderer even changed the bone marrow to solve the problem of different blood types. Of course, let's not mention DNA verification. It is a novel, and it can't be taken seriously.

But when all screenwriters and directors saw the guests along the script designed by Chen Chen, they uncovered the truth little by little, and each guest was integrated into their own roles. After suddenly learning the truth of the fact, the kind of The feeling of panic was definitely not a pretense. Everyone respected Chen Chen's work so that these people could be scared like this. It was really great!

"As early as morning, you did a great job. You made these people mistakenly think that this was a homicide that really happened to them. It's amazing!"

The director patted Asuna's shoulder and encouraged.

Chen Chen was also very excited, because the guests were silent at this time and didn't know what to say, especially Li Yan and Yire Guli, who really took their roles and leaned in front of the bookcase. Dare to breathe, the two girls can't believe anyone except themselves, because Yang An and Shabei may be the most deliberate murderer!

"what happened?"

He Jiong and Li Yifeng, who returned from separate trials, looked at all this curiously, noticed the boxes on the table, and the sick clothes on the floor.

Li Yifeng asked: "Is this finding new evidence?"

Yang An nodded: "The nurse found He's beautiful secret box. After opening it, she saw three pieces of physical evidence. One was the medical uniform, the other was the collection note of the detective agency, and the third was a recording pen."

He Jiong and Li Yifeng have seen the collection note, and after listening to the recording pen, they were shocked.

Shabe said solemnly: "So my inference just now, plastic face change, life exchange, mortal rebirth, basically can be determined, all three of the most difficult levels have been eliminated, and He beautiful can smoothly implement his killing plan all the way."

He Jiong pondered for a moment, and asked, "Are you all hearing the complete recording?"

Yang Andao: "I only heard the previous sentence. I didn't hear the one that made me notify you."

Iregouli said: "I heard everything, so after he hangs up the phone, I will call you. This cleaner Li can help confirm."

Li Min nodded: "Yes, I can prove it."

Everyone understands that He Meilai calls different people, presses the pause button in the middle, and there is a pause between the two sentences of the voice recorder.

Yang An remembered what happened just now and took a quiet look at He Jiong's hand holding the recording pen. He found no trace of the ring, but just put a band-aid on the back of his hand, and he was surprised. Come down, leave no trace?

This confusion was specifically raised when he was called by Li Yifeng for separate trial.

Yang Andao: "Before I was doubting the authenticity of boring the soul, so during the inspection just now, I asked Nurse Yi if she had worn a wedding ring, and she said yes, and the deceased really had it, so the deceased had This ring was either really beautiful or really beautiful and died, or it was really beautiful and was taken off and worn by the deceased. He borrowed the corpse to return the soul, you know what I mean? "

Li Yifeng nodded and understood: "What then?"

Yang An sighed: "Then I found the recording pen and the reminder, and it really looked like a borrowed corpse, then this ring must have been worn later, right? But I found that all three of our male suspects had hands on them. There is no trace of wearing a ring, why is this contradictory? "

Li Yifeng shook his head and said, "No, no, no, I can answer this. First of all, wedding rings are not necessarily worn every day. What a beautiful killer, you can pull out the ring from your pocket and put it on. Just like the burned ID card, it is all about misleading everyone This is really so beautiful. Also, even if you wear it for a few days, you can take it off again. The human skin is really fast. If you have a proper massage, you can restore elasticity in 1 hour and you can see no trace. So I prefer the ring to be a misleading clue, meaningless. "


Yang An sighed in his heart. Is the ring really meaningless?

Why does he feel the ring is important?

Seeing Yang An had nothing to say, Li Yifeng lifted his chin and asked, "Who do you think would be the murderer in He Vice Hospital and Sha Patient?"

Yang An laughed: "You didn't doubt me?"

Li Yifeng also laughed: "Of course I doubt it, but would you admit it?"

Yang An asked in return: "If I admit it, do you believe it? Seriously, if you add me, the motivation of the three of our three suspects is indeed the smallest. But don't forget that the murderer hides his best The means is not to be silent, but to take the initiative to attack others, increasing the suspicion of others! The patient's performance is too positive, too weird, too active! If you can look at him from the perspective of an onlooker, maybe you can see more clearly some."

Li Yifeng thoughtfully: "Pretend to be calm, pretend to be stupid?"

Yang An chuckled: "Yes, he looks like a neuropathy. In fact, he has already figured out the details of us. He knows that he has the least suspicion, and knows that the secret of borrowing the soul to return the soul can't be hidden, so he throws it out This brain hole caused other people to be chaotic and skeptical, and then he took advantage of the chaos and touched the fish with muddy water. "

Li Yifeng still didn't believe it, Yang An decided to take the next dose!

He said: "I'll simulate what beautiful behavior, before 5 o'clock I patient Shao came to his office, then killed him, took off his full clothes, slipped back to the vp ward in the hospital He, at 6 o'clock, called other people with a voice recorder. At 6:30, he opened the door in his own clothes, and was intentionally seen by Li Jie. After entering the room, he changed the sand patient's clothes, burned his body, and left in a hospital uniform. Finally, wait slowly until 8 o'clock, do you think it is possible? "

Li Yifeng felt tingling on his scalp, looking at Yang An, couldn't believe it: "What you said is too real ..."

Yang Andao: "There is more truthful, I am beautiful, come to kill the vice hospital. I first came to the vice hospital before 5 o’clock, killed him, and then went out in a white coat. We are all plastic surgeons, others I ca n’t tell it at all! I called Yang Investment at 6 o’clock, nurse Yi at 6: 5, and vice president He Yi at 6:10, and I answered without pressure. Perfunctory with her. At 6:30, I intentionally saw Li Jian with a mask, went to burn the corpse, returned to the dormitory, and came out when it was close to 8:00. Do you think it makes sense? "

Li Yifeng was really stupid: "What if you died Yang Investment?"

Yang An asked in return: "I am the one who died? He is stupid! Why directly ask me to go outside, and why do I come back? My life is so independent, no father, no mother, no relatives and no ties, he killed me and directly disfigured. Throwing into the Yangtze River, or making a car fire, is it necessary to be in the hospital? The killing in the hospital is because the person he wants to kill must appear in the hospital, and he can't go out! He will ask his brother and his wife to know . He is a patient, Li Jie will know! "

Li Yifeng suddenly realized that he felt that Yang An was justified!

Yang An was very relaxed and stood up and said, "Detective Li, a word of friendship, don't be fooled by the chaos, look for evidence!"

Li Yifeng sighed, "Thank you for reminding me, I will. Help me call in Nurse Yi."

Yang An replaced Yire Guli for trial, and continued to search for evidence with others.

The explanations he had just before the trial were all speculations and assumptions, all of which had no evidence and could not withstand scrutiny, but he hoped to find the decisive evidence in the next second search and turn it around!

Other people's rooms were also visited a second time, but this search focused on the rooms of three male suspects.

In the room of the Vice-Hospital, Li Min found a passbook from the gap between the mattresses and raised it excitedly: "Look, this is the secret of the Vice-Hospital!"

"Oh my God, Li Shen dog!"

"Everything can be found ~ ~ You are so good!"

Everyone came around. In the first half of the year, the Vice-President He had tens of thousands of deposit records every month. On average, more than 400,000 were deposited in almost half a year. Where did the money come from? What is it for?

Everyone turned to the official seals in the drawers of the Vice-Hospital, account books such as the hospital reimbursement, and He Jiong shrugged, explaining, "I now preside over the hospital's business, of course, many accounts require me to sign and stamp."

Yang An asked, "How to explain the passbook? Where did the money come from?"

He Jiong was a little hesitant, but finally said: "I used some small means to pay from the hospital account. I have never stopped looking for my brother's whereabouts. This money is also paid to the detective's search fee. My salary is 1 month Ten thousand yuan, love with nurse Yi also requires money, really can't support such a big cost. Don't look at me like that, Li Jianjie also steals the hospital's nose prosthesis, anesthetics and other drugs and materials to sell, I really no way."

Yang An laughed: "Oh, this is the burglary? When I set up the hospital, I had a 500,000 dean's emergency fund. What money did you move?"

He Jiong shrugged: "I can't report this to you, but I'm sorry, I hope you can understand my pain and I can only do it privately."

Yang An sighed: "I understand your distress, can you understand me? That's why I appreciate your brother more."

It sounds like this is a chore between the three of them, but it proves that the vice president's concern and concern for his brother.

It sounds like it doesn't help the case, so other people didn't care, and after seeing that there was no valuable clue in the room of He Affiliated Hospital, he went to find Shabey's room. To be continued ~ ~ friends, you can search "blue book", you can find this site as soon as possible.

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