The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 666: The first episode of the feature film begins

The wedge was only played for an hour. After Wang Xiaoyi and his roommate watched it, the dormitory had not turned off the lights. After seeing the final score of the five regular guests, they laughed in bed.

"45 minutes of North University bully, hahaha"

"Xiaoyi, my favorite is Shabei. He is so funny and smart!"

"Shabe is really funny, but I prefer men with meaning. If they are tall and handsome, even better!"

"Hee hee, you can just call Yang Geer directly. He is really good, but it can't bring fantasy. Look at Shabei, and He Jiong, all are the oldest diamond king ..."

"Cut me listening to Zheng Shuangshuang, the company is spreading, saying that Lao Xu and Shabe are together!"

"Ah? It's true! Don't lie to me, this stuff is too hot, right? I'm so he's so humming!"

"Somehow, he won't look for you even if he doesn't have a girlfriend, hey, why are all good guys all with their own names?"

The two women chatted with gossip, laughing and preparing for bed.

But Wang Xiaoyi's eyes widened. She had all the program clips she just saw in her mind. The word "innovation" in the opening movie kept turning around in her mind, and she couldn't stop.

Many people in the television circle have vowed that once all the variety shows are done, I did not expect that Yang An could kill a **** road and provide a new way of thinking for everyone. He faced more than 20 members of the think tank, and they rejected each other one by one. In the end, a popular program was selected. What a bravery and a keen eye, he held the chalk on the blackboard to make Wang Xiaoyi's heart drunk!

There is also the story in the wedge, an ordinary emotional dispute, which has been so ups and downs after being processed by their screenwriters. Coupled with the wonderful performances of the guests, the audience is reluctant to change channels, even if they watch the same five times. The story is interesting to everyone!

I also want to write a small script of inferential type! That's right, this is a simple story, but it's not easy to write! As for professional knowledge, hee hee, someone to help

Wang Xiaoyi thought for a while, a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, and her inspiration broke out.

She flipped on the bedside lamp, sat up, and quickly wrote in her notebook: "This is a villa in a rich area. When the family is preparing for the New Year, the hero is murdered. One of his six closest women, during the investigation, the detective's false masks were exposed, the women were guilty of allegations, and all of them exposed the nature of greed. The final result was so unexpected, surprised, and so sad……"

Like Wang Xiaoyi, there are many people who are eager to try after watching "Detective's Collection". At the end of the show, there are detailed information about the production group. You can pause watching online. In the column of the screenwriter, many people see the name of the reading group .

Many people were surprised when they saw the names of "Where is Tonight", "Wang Xiaoer", "Zhuang Yiran", "Qing Feiyan", and "Chen Chen"!

That evening, tonight and tonight, the book that Guo Lei is serializing was screened. Dozens of people are asking: "Big God, are you the screenwriter of" Star Detective "?"

"What is God tonight, please take my kneecap. You are too strong!"

"Are you all writing scripts for this season's shows?"

"The filming of Goku is about to start filming, and now it has become the screenwriter of" The Great Detective ". The **** can still maintain two changes every day. It's so touching! Little reward for an lord, no respect!"

Guo Lei is also a coincidence. I just saw the reward for the leader just after finishing the update, and quickly explained: "The main screenwriter of this season is shallow morning. You can search his book."

When the bookmates flocked to Chenchen, they found the same, many fans bubbling, applauding and giving rewards.

"This kind of brain-burning script is difficult to write. I hope that the great **** Chen Chen will not exhaust his body. The book can be updated slowly. Be sure to write the script of the variety show."

"Da Chen Great God is awesome, give me a reward!"

"It's really amazing, I hope the star detective is even more exciting!"

"Does the Great God still accept disciples? I also want to write reasoning novels."

Book friends enthusiastically spoke, and some people couldn't sit still. While their brains were wide open, when there was impulsiveness, they registered their author numbers and opened new books. Many people even wrote "Star Detective" directly. Fanren novels do not ask for remuneration income. I just want to send my brain to others to see the best reasoning novels with fellow fans. Of course, it would be best if the script can be seen by Enron!

That night, the ratings of the first episode of "Detective's Collection" came out, 1.92, which is not too high, but considering that it is a late-night file at 22 o'clock and is broadcast on the entire network at the same time, I believe there must be a large number of viewers choosing Watch the webcast in bed.

On the morning of the next Saturday, the number of broadcasts on the entire network was counted. The seven major stations played 43.19 million times in total. If half of these users went to watch TV, the ratings would be horrible to more than 4!

The leaders of China Satellite TV, like the chicken blood, the staff of the projection department and the dispatch center urgently worked overtime, contacted the radio and television, the network supervision and network police department, plus the people in the technical department, these two days to strictly check the network theft resources, all All the illegal websites that stole the programs of Beijing Satellite TV were reported to the Police Supervision Department for handling. When it was broadcast on Sunday, no online stealing websites appeared on the Internet.

In addition, network program providers have also been warned. Software suppliers such as cat cat box, Juli film, tomato box and other TV set-top box software received all calls from Zhongjing Satellite TV on Saturday and Sunday during the day, requesting immediate blocking on Sunday evening. The source of Zhongjing Satellite TV.

This kind of thing is difficult to handle. Many set-top boxes have signed broadcast introduction contracts with TV stations, and they have paid for them. Now, China Satellite TV has unilaterally torn up the contracts, which has made many set-top box suppliers feel very aggrieved.

However, China-Beijing Satellite TV's relationship network is too powerful. Radio and television directly greet someone. Will your TV set-top box manufacturer dare to listen? Do you still want to hang out on TV!

Set-top box software vendors can only knock down their teeth and swallow them with tears, risking the loss of users, and temporarily blocking the video source of China Satellite TV on the weekend.

In addition, on two days Saturday and Sunday, China Beijing Satellite TV used all the relationships to vigorously promote how wonderful the "Star Detective" was on the mainstream online media, calling on netizens to lock in the Beijing Satellite TV's 22 o'clock late-night file on Sunday.

The multi-pronged approach is very effective.

At 9:30 on Sunday evening, countless netizens holding their mobile phones waiting to watch the first episode of "The Great Detective" were dumbfounded. The wedge content on the homepage of the ab station is still hanging. There is no sign of playing the positive film. The whole station is up The masters are all dumb, who dares to play a video privately, the administrator will delete it within 30 seconds, and give a yellow card by the way!

Look at the mainstream media such as Tomato Video Network, all remind users to postpone the broadcast of China Satellite TV for a few hours!

"Fuck! It was late at night, and it was delayed for a few hours. Let me watch the show at four or five in the morning?"

Netizens have scolded on these websites, but people don't care at all, netizens have to go and look at the network set-top box software, and the results are dumbfounded!

All the top TVs of the major set-top box software can watch, but you can't fancy Beijing Satellite TV!

"Slum! Can't I watch it?" Numerous netizens scolded angrily.

Seeing it was 9:50, most people couldn't bear it.

If I do n’t watch today, I will go to work tomorrow on Monday and Monday. My colleagues watched it last night and chatted on the show. The little girl who just entered the company covered her chest and darted so terribly, terrible, other male colleagues jokingly said In the next issue, I will pay you to watch it together, but you, who are fond of the little beauty, are completely incomprehensible to them like a fool. Is it interesting?

In the classroom, the classmates are talking about the plot. You sit and watch your favorite goddess be stung by the frustrated man. The frustrated man flies straight, touches his bald head, tells the story in an orderly manner, and shows. IQ, the goddess looked at the frustrated man with admiration, smiled, and applauded softly. You can bear this scene?

The circle of friends is all posting pictures of the murderer. This joke, the run, the neighbor Widow Wang and her 18-year-old daughter sent a circle of friends, saying that they did not understand, and begged the expert for guidance. I can only watch, I can only watch 50-year-old Zhang Mazi leave a message below ~ ~ The mother and daughter's home was unveiled on the list. Then you silently shut down the software and burst into tears?

I can't stand it!

At 9:55 pm, the screener from China Beijing Satellite TV looked at the real-time data from CCTV and yelled in surprise: "The ratings have soared more than usual!"

"嗷嗷 嗷"

The overtime crowd is boiling, this is going to break 4, no, it may break the rhythm of 5!

Countless netizens have no choice but to fight from the bedroom to the living room, turn on the almost-furnished TV, and return to the long-lost TV era.

But more netizens who did not pay the cable TV fee, or were reluctant to leave a comfortable bed, or simply did n’t even have a TV, could only give up with tears. On the forum, on the Enron website, wherever they could go Take a breath and shut down to sleep!

At 10 pm, Star Detective begins.

After the opening logo, advertising sponsors, and game rules were introduced, the first shot was to choose a character. Shabe was repeatedly pulled away by Yang An. Li Yifeng was a detective. Everyone teased Shabe. The beauty was stunning. In just a few minutes, everyone I was dazzled, I couldn't close my mouth, and were all reluctant to change channels. I was full of expectations for these "highest-looking detectives"!

Who knows that after the role is divided, a gloomy piece of music sounds. This is the filming method of the movie. With a very blurry lens, it is a euphemism to tell everyone that a tragedy has occurred.

This was followed by a photographic lens in the greenhouse, where the charred body of the crime scene appeared in the lens!


The audience who were staring at the TV set were all frightened, and at least tens of millions of families across the country burst into screams.

Ah ~ ~ friends, you can search "blue book", you can find this site the first time.

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