The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 679: The world of "Water Margin" can also pass through! One / four

Su Rui put on a royal blue suit, fastened her red tie, looked at the slightly fat body in the mirror, lifted her chest and abdomen, and touched the carefully curated hairstyle. A smile appeared at the corner of her mouth, and she felt particularly good!

"General Manager Su, everything is ready over there. Mayor Huang will be here in five minutes. You should go out to meet."

The secretary reminded cautiously, Su Rui whispered, and turned to leave the lounge.

Across the wall is the International Conference Hall on the 18th floor of the Sheraton, where reporters and guests are all waiting here, sitting full.

Soon, Su Rui greeted Mayor Huang at the entrance of the hotel. He shook hands and laughed respectfully. He respectfully asked Mayor Huang to go ahead. The beautiful welcomer in front helped them open the door. Su Ruiang raised his chest and waved his hand. Walked to the meeting place with the applause of Thunder, and seated with Mayor Huang in the middle of the first row.

The host is a beautiful woman in a tuxedo. She talks and laughs, and will mobilize the atmosphere. After the heat, the host invited Su Rui and Mayor Huang to take the stage.

Mayor Huang was invited to come here today. In order to show his strength, Mayor Huang smiled and gave a certificate to Surui, shook hands with him, and encouraged him. This is the "Special Contribution Award for Cultural Industry" issued by Zhongjing Municipal Government. Outsiders don't know what it is, but the title of the certificate looks particularly bluffing, and the flash has never stopped.

Su Rui and Mayor Huang tore off the founding brand name, revealing the crystal nameplate of Oriental Rising Film Entertainment Co., Ltd., and the audience rang warm applause for a long time.

Surui personally sent Mayor Huang, who was so arrogant, to leave, and wait for him to return.

There are 34 traditional and online media in the audience, which are basically in the entertainment sector. In addition, there are also leaders of the Beijing-China Cultural Bureau, two professors from the history department of Peking University, researchers from the Academy of Social Sciences, and leaders from China Television and other units. The stars include important guests such as Zhang Guoli, Liu Feng, and more than ten partners of the investment team of Surui. The famous executives of the film and television entertainment companies in the Beijing entertainment industry also participated in the project. Relatively high.

Su Rui stood on the stage, akimbo, waving his hands, looks like a winner in life. He laughed and was very impulsive. This is an excellent opportunity for Yang An to give him a chance to mix in the entertainment industry. To this extent, there are few people in the country.

"I have only entered the television and entertainment industry for half a year. I dare not say how in-depth I understand this industry, but from the perspective of an investor, it is a thriving, flourishing, gold industry full of countless opportunities and challenges. I have great confidence in the TV entertainment industry! "

"My first show," Crime Scene Investigation ", got a pretty good result on China Beijing Satellite TV, with a ratings of 1.45 for the first broadcast, a breakthrough of 2 in the third period, and a maximum of 2.57 for the whole season, with an average of 2.24. Of course This result is not outstanding in China Satellite TV. To know the horror data of the similar program "Star Detective" with an average rating of 5.3, I can't compare it with Yang An, a variety artist. But as a newcomer who has just joined the industry, I am satisfied with this result, the actors have performed very well, the directors are excellent, the production team is great, and I thank you for your hard work! "

"Some people say that I am a pure businessman and that I have invested in more than a dozen promising new companies, such as technology, finance, traditional commerce, e-sports, entertainment, and many other fields. This is indeed the nature of businessmen's profit-seeking. Fortunately, I have succeeded in all these investments. Some people say that I am the son of a real estate developer and believe in the concept of money first, but I do n’t agree with this sentence. With less than 3 billion net worth, these assets have nothing to do with real estate. I value the core competitiveness and content of the project more than whether it makes money. "

"Entertainment companies make money much slower than the high-tech companies I invest in. In my investment team's opinion, it is a chicken rib project with large investment and low return. But I respect traditional culture and I also like pop art, so I would rather Abandoning money, prefer to invest time and energy to make a little contribution to culture and art. In the second half of this year, Oriental Rising will start multiple variety TV shows one after another, not only the "Chinese Creator" music, which represents pop art. Category show, as well as the outdoor reality show "Let's Go Across" which represents the coexistence of history, culture and entertainment! "


Everyone in the audience listened and laughed, and they were all spreading, saying that Su Rui's success is entirely due to the professional investor team behind him. Ordinary people do a small business of fried rice and fried rice. Starting at 5,000 yuan a year can make good money. Tens of thousands, he started with 500 million yuan, six times in three years, there is really nothing to be proud of, he is proud that he has a rich father.

Moreover, Su Rui's eloquence is not very good, and his speech is not too seditious. He can't do the whole house's hard work like a dismissal lecturer, and his heart is rolling. The preface of some of his words does not meet the afterword. There is only a smirk from everyone-be a good second generation of your rich, what VC expert to pretend to be!

Su Rui talked for ten minutes, and was a little bit dry. He stopped and needed to take a break before entering the Q & A session.

As soon as the voice fell, dozens of hands were lifted up. Each reporter held microphones with the logos of various units in his hands. Surui looked at a glance. Of course, at first, he would choose the media with which he had a close relationship.

"That reporter from the Entertainment Beijing News."

"Thank you, Mr. Su! May we use Zhang Guoli as the head director of" Let's Go Through. "What kind of format will this variety show meet with you? Will it be a condensed version of" Kangxi Weifu Private Interview "?"

Hahaha ...

A kind-hearted joke was issued at the press conference. In ten years, four TV series "Kangxi Weifu Private Interview" were made. It is too classic. Almost everyone has watched the scene. One has 3040 episodes. Every 810 episodes is a complete little story. For example, "The Bell", "Money Forge" and the like, so what reporters think is that the outdoor star reality show may be a complete historical story in a condensed version?

Su Rui smiled and gestured to Zhang Guoli standing next to him. Zhang Guoli raised his microphone and gave a thumbs up to the following: "This reporter from" Entertainment Beijing News "really looks good!"


The following laughs, it really is, will this show be made by Zhang Guo using the TV drama shooting method?

Zhang Guoli continued to explain with a smile: "Please remember our name" Let's go through ", the key point is to cross the word. Everyone can fully use their imagination. Which dynasty do you want to cross? Who are you crossing? Our group What kind of thinking collisions do modern people have with ancient people? What kind of jokes will they produce? "


The reporters were all interested, and buzzed and discussed in a low voice. Several reporters asked aloud, "Is the content of the program broadcast by our audience?"

"Is there a poll online?"

"Which dynasty have you traveled to, can anyone choose cosplay by the audience?"

Zhang Guoli laughed: "Of course there is a voting function. Our official website will first list the ten dynasties or independent worlds officially selected, and then according to the different circumstances, list 50 groups of small environments suitable for adaptation into the program. The final production group We will try to choose the content that everyone is looking forward to according to the level of the votes, and produce a show for everyone to watch. "

Many people are keen to hear the difference, and reporters from the Entertainment Beijing Daily continued to ask: "Many dynasties understand well, what does the independent world mean?"

"For example, the true history of the Northern Song Dynasty is slightly different from the rivers and lakes world in" Water Margin ". The former is a true dynasty, and the latter is an independent world. Applying some explanations in online games," Water Margin "is a copy of the Northern Song Dynasty. Everyone is very familiar with the section of taking the birthday, right? Liang Zhongshu bribed Cai Jing and entrusted the blue-faced beast Yang Zhi to **** 100,000 gold and silver treasures. Eventually, the cover and other people would take the birthday to the birthday! If our passers return At that time ~ ~ and belonged to different factions, Yang Zhiguan army faction, gangster gangster faction, watching how the trespassers integrated into this river and lake, watching what kind of collision will happen when the two sides meet. Will the scene be exciting? "

Zhang Guoli painted a scene in a few words, which aroused great interest of journalists.

Isn't that true for a star reality show?

Set a game theme, let the stars play different roles to complete the task together, and the jokes generated by the collision between them are the highlights of the show.

The two professors at Peking University and researchers at the Academy of Social Sciences thought more about them.

Zhang Guoli cites Yang Zhi's betting of gold and silver treasures as an example. Yang Zhi's betting of money is the embryonic form of ancient Chinese darts. The circulation of coins has changed greatly in these hundreds of years. Treasury cash escorting, traditional silver escorting, escrow tickets and the operation of the bank, to the appearance of modern banks, these things can not be said for three days and nights, and can be made into an extremely large series. The show allows the guests to pass from period to period, and the audience will unknowingly understand these historical knowledge. In their view, this is what TV programs should do.

A male journalist asked excitedly, "Do you really travel to the world of The Marsh?"

Zhang Guoli chuckled and laughed: "Do you guess?"


Everyone laughed, knowing that Zhang Guoli was selling Guanzi, but they knew how the report was written. Since "Water Margin" can be worn, maybe it can be worn in "A Dream of Red Mansions", of course, it is not limited to "The Legend of Chu Liuxiang" In the original martial arts world like "Li Fei Dao", that's a big gimmick, it ’s exciting to think about friends ~ ~, you can search for "blue book", you can be the first Time to find this site.

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