The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 691: Master Yuanbao and Shen Qingshu

Wang Baoqiang, an honest fellow, looked at the map, and according to the figure, the Shaolin Temple was built on a mountain bag in the innermost part of Jianghu City. The area is not large, but at any rate, it can be seen that it is a temple, at least a tall incense burner burned at the entrance of the mountain gate. ΔΔ

Wang Baoqiang handed the identity card to the familiar monk guarding the gate of the mountain: "This is my identity card. Is it for you to check?"

The visitor monk checked the waist card and was very respectful: "It turned out that the Uncle Yuanyuan returned to the mountain!"

Wang Baoqiang grimace: "Yuanbao?"

The knowledgeable monk respectfully reiterated: "Yes, you are the uncle of Yuanbao Master, please enter the hall to be tested!"

Wang Baoqiang was inexplicable: "How can there be a hall? Just that short house?"

The monk knows not to be humble and exaggerated: "Children are not considered ugly mothers, sons are not considered poor, and the short house is also the hall! Uncle Yuanyuan, please!"

Hey! Can't murmur at random? And these np are too shameless to grab the mirror, shameless than me! Forget it, for the last variety show, let them say a few more words ...

Wang Baoqiang was speechless, walked to the hall, and suddenly shouted, from the inside of the hall came a group of bald heads, wearing yellow practice pants, if you guessed right, this must be the Eighteen Bronze Men!

Wang Baoqiang is dumbfounded!

The Eighteen Bronze Formation may be one of the Shaolin stunts that no one knows and no one knows. It is used to deal with a new disciple, Wang Baoqiang said: "You are too much, right? Ten?"

The behind-the-scenes monk laughed and said, "Please uncle Yuanbao Master!"


The two elite monks jumped out and each played a set of boxing techniques. The vests that Wang Baoqiang saw were cool. The two punches were fierce and fierce, and they were impressive and looked quite scary.

"Ha! Ah ah ah ~"

Wang Baoqiang was mad, tore his jacket off, jumped up and down, opened the bow to the left and right, roared and played a set of warm-up routines, and made a hand posture, which also revealed a strong upper body, muscles, eyes like a sword, and yelled, "Please ! "

Go up to snore!

Wang Baoqiang already has a foundation for martial arts. He doesn't believe that the director team will make it difficult for him to pass the level.

As soon as the two sides fought, Wang Baoqiang felt wrong.

First, he tried his best to do his best, but the opponent didn't seem to make any effort. The first move was against him, and the opponent's strength was very small, and he seemed to use Tai Chi Kung Fu to unload most of his strength, so neither of them was injured.

However, Wang Baoqiang made the second and third moves. The opponent did not fight back hard. He always controlled the strength and gradually reduced it. Neither allowed Wang Baoqiang to feel the pain of muscle collision and counterattack, and the opponent himself was not injured.

The two played several rounds, and Wang Baoqiang tasted it.

Wang Baoqiang uses Shaolin's most common Luohan boxing moves, with board and eyes, empty frames, and the other party is obviously a professional trainer. He can't be familiar with Wang Baoqiang's moves. Basically, the action will be half shot in advance, as if In the same way as Wang Baoqiang.

At this moment, Wang Baoqiang was more at ease, and he didn't work harder.

And the other side is more cooperative. When facing away from the camera, he beats and smiles at Wang Baoqiang. Finally, when Wang Baoqiang kicked with a whip, the bronzer blocked his hands on the side, held Wang Baoqiang's sweeping leg, and then His feet kicked hard, and the whole person flew three meters away, rolled down on the ground, and raised a layer of soil!

Wang Baoqiang was dumbfounded, closed his fists and legs, ran a few steps over there, and shouted, "Are you all right?"

This acting is enough, raised his head: "It's okay ... just eat yomei!"

Keke! So awkward ad placement!

Wang Baoqiang was stunned by himself!

I didn't expect that he could "play" such a big punch with one punch. Like the new world today, Wang Baoqiang has risen, and his momentum is even more powerful!

He fought against the second Bronze Man and defeated the Bronze Man within ten strokes. In one punch, he was born dead, and under heavy blows, the Bronze Man seemed to be hit by an infinite force, and he struck both legs. Constantly backing down, to the point where I couldn't control the center of gravity, I fell back to the ground, the whole person was turned 72o degrees, rolled over three and a half weeks, rolled to the feet of the remaining sixteen bronze men, lay on the ground, died I don't know!


Wang Baoqiang thought that the other bronze men must be afraid. He did not expect that the sixteen people were not afraid of life and death. They collectively took a step forward, exposing the strong chest muscles, forming the copper wall and iron wall!

If there is post-production at this moment, Wang Baoqiang's body will definitely ignite the anger of the senior Saiyan. He is full of war, and there are a lot of actors who can cooperate with him in front of him. What can't he do?

It is said that Wang Baoqiang has poor acting skills, and he can wash and sleep. At this time, he was like a tiger jumping into the flock, and he singled out sixteen people, surrounded by the crowd, without fear.

It's ok!

They are all scum!

A vigorous King Kong palm, a bronze man was hit by a split, and finally fell suddenly.

With one stroke of King Kong like a palm, the two bronze men were shaken by several meters and covered their chests and fell to the ground.

With a roar of Shaolin lion, the three bronze men knelt down, covering their ears, rolling.

A section of Shaolin captured ten bronze men standing in place, and Wang Baoqiang slammed 18 strokes around him. After Wang Baoqiang closed his hands, the bronze men stood still, then kneeled slowly, fell to the ground, and raised a dust!


Wang Baoqiang took out the effort of pressing the bottom of the box. Fortunately, he has not lost his many years of practice. Today's battle is definitely the happiest and most enjoyable time in his life.

Ten minutes later, gasping Wang Baoqiang clenched his fists and stood in the middle of the field. Under the sun, his muscles were stretched, and a large amount of sweat flowed down the gap between the muscle groups. His eyes were firm and he had infinite murderous power. , Vj holding the camera around him and rotating, taking Wang Baoqiang like a statue into the camera!

Who dares to stop me?


Even the eighteen bronze men are not my opponent's opponent, Shaolin, waiting to be conquered by me!

Wang Baoqiang stepped over the hall of the "dead and wounded" lying on the ground, stepped into Shaolin step by step, and the three words "Shaolin Temple" illuminated by the sun did not have Wang Baoqiang's back shining!

"So handsome! Wang Baoqiang's acting skills are still very good!"

Zhang Guoli saw this scene with his own eyes, and continued to applaud. Many people around him applauded, waiting for Wang Baoqiang to enter the hall. The associate director here waved the yellow flag, and the eighteen bronze men lying on the ground all got up and patted. There is no gray fart on the butt.

These eighteen bronze men are all students from the martial arts school, as well as some professional martial arts substitutes. The most photogenic ones are real martial arts instructors. Zhang Guoli's imperial team, the performance is really in place!

"Okay, take these group performances and prepare for the next play at Shaolin Temple."

Zhang Guoli instructed the vice director Wang Baoqiang to go out on his own. One of the six guests did not complete the task. He was Shen Teng and was too slow!

Shen Teng was originally not a very game-playing person, and was almost driven crazy by the gossip array, so he accidentally hit and took vj together to enter the center of the large array. He saw the core equipment on the worship and altar, the gossip array. Frontal yin and yang fish.

Gossip is the core of Wudang culture. Shen Teng controls the array of eyes, which means that he can control the entire array of gossip arrays.

"How did you make this stuff?"

Shen Teng held this yin and yang fish, which was black and white at the same time. It looked no different from fake fish crafts, and he couldn't understand it over and over.

He inadvertently shook it hard, and heard a rattling sound, as if there was something in the belly of the fish.

After ringing, the low roar stopped, and the large rotation stopped?

Shen Teng rushed out to see, and sure enough, all the institutions stopped, the wooden boards did not turn, and the gossip array was under his control!

"Hey! Anyone? Why stopped? I'm blocked, OK?"

Shen Teng stopped now, not his position. His exit was blocked. He tried to shake the yin and yang fish again, and the roar appeared again!

This sinking Teng finally breathed a sigh of relief, holding the yin and yang fish, and said fiercely to the camera: "Who designed this mechanism? Be careful, when I go out, don't let me find you ..."

Shen Teng is definitely the worst tortured today. When he couldn't understand the northeast and southwest, he could only use the sun above his head to determine the direction, and use the yin and yang fish to control the large array of movement. It took another half an hour ~ www ~ He was exhausted through the large array, holding his waist forward!

Seeing the two Daotongs standing at the gate, Shen Teng couldn't beat each other. I was just about to blame the little Daotongs for not being sensible, but they just helped me. I didn't expect the two little Daotongs to hear his complaints. See After he reached him, he took the initiative to greet him. He had a very good attitude, and helped him to hold the yin and yang fish, carrying a sword, and holding up his waist intimately, but how could Shen Teng be dissatisfied?

Entering the Taoist temple, a middle-aged and old-school friend wearing a Taoist suit, blushing, and a blushing face came out, rejoicing, "You are back, Qingshu?"

Who are you?

Shen Teng Yiyi, Qingshu? I'm Shen ... Qingshu?

An idea rushed into his mind, he exulted, and asked indefinitely: "I am Song, the third generation disciple of Wudang school ... Ah, Shen Qingshu? Who is my father?"

The middle-aged man patted Shen Teng's shoulder jokingly, winking and winking: "Of course your father is me! I am the Seven Knights of Wudang, Shen Yuanqiao! Qingshu, is your mind stupid when you go out and travel? Ask a father to listen.

I go!

Shen Teng couldn't help crying, pouting, and shouted reluctantly at the vj camera: "Daddy ..."

Shen Yuanqiao laughed and took Shen Teng's hand: "Go, and meet me live!"

Shen Tengjun understood and was excited. He followed and went to see the legendary Zhang Sanfeng!

Until this moment, all the six guests were considered to have completed the first round of missions, and everyone found their gang. The game entered the second stage, and Jianghu City will soon set off a **** storm. A hero will surely emerge in troubled times. Who will be the biggest winner in the first phase of the rivers and lakes theme?

Don't walk away, the ads are even more exciting! To be continued ~ ~ friends, you can search "blue book", you can find this site as soon as possible.

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