The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 915: Slap the leader's face!

This is the gap!

Huang Qinian sighed: "People participate in rowing because they can show themselves, prove themselves, and cultivate team spirit. When we participate in a race, it's like ... training to win the race! I want to replace the TV! The former audience friends asked you, what is the original intention of your extreme challenge rowing team? "

Everyone became serious, Yang An said solemnly, "I solemnly answered that, in the beginning, we were to make our bodies better!"

Everyone applauded and laughed. Huang Qinian was surprised. He was really caught off guard by this kind of variety humor. He talked well. Why did he suddenly become a serious nonsense?

Yang An laughed: "In the beginning, I didn't think too much. Fitness is a factor. In addition, we also want to cultivate teamwork and prove that extreme men can do this. I have said on many occasions, let us do it quietly Ten beautiful men rowing, enjoy the whole process with everyone, do not care about the results, do not value winning or losing, this is our original intention of choosing rowing! "


"We all think so!"

"Anyway, we can afford to lose. Extreme Men don't need face, even if we get the last one, it doesn't matter. As long as we have worked hard!"

Everyone expressed their opinions, and finally added: "But we will also do our best to make this incidental score as high as possible."

It was a rare occasion for Shabey to be supported by everyone. Everyone gave him a high-five and agreed with what he said.

Huang Qinian laughed, how familiar this scene is!

At that time, the National Sports Commission, the presidents of the two universities in Beiqing, the leaders of the teaching department, the teachers, and even the athletes, who didn't think so?

Think about it! I can only hope that Extreme Challenge is really different!

After everyone quieted down slowly, Huang Qinian said: "The third reason is that there is no professional person to operate and lead! When our rowing team at the two schools in Beiqing reached their peak, they were very satisfied in all aspects. CCTV propaganda broadcast The competition was highly commented by the People's Daily. Entrepreneurs enthusiastically sponsored it. The people were very enthusiastic, but in the next few years, no one will care about how to use media brands to promote and disseminate. No one will refine the rules and systems of the competition. No one will Take the initiative to build a echelon-type training platform, and after receiving honors from top to bottom, they will all be dispersed! "

This is really deafening speech!

This is another pretty bad truth!

The leaders above are satisfied, and their achievements have been achieved. The executives below have been satisfied. They have risen. The media have been satisfied. The public opinion is good. All the vested interests have obtained what they want. Then what? Ha ha!

It is a great irony. Yang An and his team are a little ashamed. Can this episode really be broadcast? Isn't this slapping some leaders' faces?

Fortunately, Shabei has been mixed with CCTV, and pondered for a moment, and said, "Huang Lao, the past has passed. What we haven't done before, we will continue to do it now, nothing."

Yang An said: "Yes! Huang Lao, you can rest assured that after the gold medal in the four row of the Beijing Olympics, the country attaches more and more importance to rowing events. This year, Mr. Wang Shi, Chairman of the Asian Rowing Federation prepared Take the lead and join forces with all sectors of society and the relevant government departments to increase investment in rowing. We at Enron will also join in and do our best to promote it. We are not kidding, we are playing for real! "

Huang Qinian was very relieved: "It is a blessing for the country to have the efforts of those with lofty ideals! I hope you can continue forever ... I also wish you success!"

He didn't say a lot of things. What two famous schools couldn't run, if it was run by an entertainment company, it lasted for ten years, twenty years, and even passed down to become a hundred years. A kind of great irony?

Huang Qinian now looks at Yang An. In the past, there was a bad atmosphere in the society. When talking about a certain star, some people would always joke about a "trick", but Yang An is definitely a respectable person who promotes tradition Culture, promote positive energy of the society, and now physically promote sports. It is much stronger than those fake handlebars that just say no, so that keyboard knights have nothing to say, and they can't pick up any faults!

In the first half of this episode, the reasons for the failure of the Beiqing rowing competition were analyzed in the first half. In the second half, the extreme challenge program team also exerted great efforts to invite all the first members of the Tsinghua University rowing team to the scene!

Yang An said with a smile: "Let's applaud, the old members of Tsinghua Rowing Team come on stage!"

The members of the extreme rowing team stood up, applauded collectively, and warmly welcomed the seniors in the Chinese rowing industry.

Huang Qinian was surprised. He saw familiar faces appearing in front of himself, and his tears quickly flowed: "Zhang Xingyu ... Liu Lei ... Song Guoqiang ... where did you all come from ..."

"Hello Coach Huang! Haha, the director said you are here, we don't even believe it!"

"Coach, I really miss you!"

"Coach Huang, you haven't seen each other for more than a decade. You are old ..."

Every rowing team member did not forget to shake hands with Huang Qinian and hugged. Several emotional people saw Huang Qinian and their eyes turned red instantly. These people were all big men around 1.90, with tears in their eyes. , Are men of true disposition.

More than ten years have passed, and these 20-year-olds have become middle-aged men in the middle of the fourth. In order to survive, many people have even left the rowing industry ~ ~ their dreams when they were young Realized, the best time was dedicated to rowing, but it ended without any problems, no one is upset!

Huang Qinian is the saddest. He has devoted his life to rowing, but can't show his ambitions for various reasons. He also delays the best years of these children. As athletes, their best age is used at different times. In rowing, nothing happened in the end. Complaining about God? Still complaining about fate?

Yang An helped Huang Qinian, who was nearly 70 years old, comforted and said, "You do n’t have to be so sad. In fact, Zhang Xingyu is younger than the average age of our extreme men. They can still participate in the Asian Games. They said Maybe you can continue to make great efforts in rowing? "

Zhang Xingyu and they all laughed and waved again and again: "It's impossible, I haven't touched a paddle in ten years."

"I haven't touched a rowing boat in 12 years!"

"My belly is growing. Now I weigh 110 kilograms and I'm seriously overloaded, haha!"

The members of the first team of Tsinghua University exposed their ugliness one after another. After hearing the team members' recent reports, Huang Qinian calmed down for a long time.

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