The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 918: Rowing forty-four battles!

The coach scolded a dog's blood, and no one of the national team dared to speak back. The helmsman obediently tied the iron bucket to the stern. At that time, the iron bucket would increase considerable resistance, which is equivalent to increasing the difficulty in disguise.

Wan Li had just done this, and when he looked up, he almost fainted.

I saw a group of brothers and sisters running from a distance with a great smile. They happily held a bunch of H-shaped sealed plastic water tanks, which weighed an estimated 100 kilograms. This is used to increase the weight of the cabin. It is usually used. For training the endurance of the team members, it is equivalent to carrying an extra person, and the increased resistance is much greater!

"No, Coach Zhu? What are you doing? Is it necessary to do this?"

Members of the national team mourn, this is to put them to death!

"No problem! That's it, as long as you throw them another 300 meters, your training today can be over!"

Coach Zhu said with his hips on the pier, the extreme challenge team that had drifted off the pier could not hear it, but he looked happy here.

Shabei pondered the taste: "Well? Yes, the national team is full of sincerity, and we didn't bully us to be newcomers."

Huang Boha laughed: "Increase the difficulty by themselves, they want to release water!"

Sun Honglei quit, put down the paddle and waved his arms and shouted loudly: "Hey! Hey! What are you doing? Look down on us? Don't pretend to have that ability, we really do it!"

Wu Jing in the front and Yang An in the back can't wait to rush to cover Sun Honglei's mouth.

A funny guy!

Is it louder?

Tsinghua also laughed and laughed, and several people laughed: "Sun Honglei's crow mouth! The national team wins you as easily as eating! It's really a knife ..."

"Don't be afraid of being shameful, keep shouting!"

"Brother, we must lose, don't lose too badly!"

"Fight to be thrown within 200 meters!"

"Can you score 6 points? I see Xuancha!"

"Old, old, everyone is old! I can't do more than 1000 meters."

"Don't be afraid, the national team added iron buckets and weights. I think the gap can be within 100 meters!"

All three had ideas, but soon they all hurriedly lined up to the starting line.

The old guys from Tsinghua University warmed up on the shore before, and they have found a bit of the feeling under the command of the helmsman.

Now there is a separate fifteen-minute actual combat practice, and they are the first to go far into the reservoir.

Time has always passed, and the training regulations that have been recited can be forgotten, and the names of companions fighting side by side can be forgotten, but the physical feeling will always exist.

These fifteen-minute warm-ups have re-awakened the motor factors hidden in everyone's blood. Those who accompanied them countless day and night paddling movements, familiar slogans, at this moment, gradually opened the gates of memory.

A master gold basin washing hands for many years, the feeling of return of the old God of War!

"That's the feeling!"

"My blood is warming up!"

"A dream of sixteen years! Why do I want to cry?"

"Don't cry, let's work hard! This is the rowing boat we are willing to fight for a lifetime!"

"Even if it is the last time, we have to fight to the end! Fight fast!"

"Fight a great battle!"

Nine people were touched by the tacit understanding that they haven't seen for more than a decade. They can never forget everything that rowing brings them. They went ashore as nine independent people, but sitting here, they are a tacit understanding. Team, they are a team of Tsinghua University Rowing!



There were roars and roars floating on the Qingshan Lake. The three teams encouraged their morale in the way they were used to. They came to the starting line, rescue boats and assault boats were waiting behind them, and there was a photo flutter floating in the air.

The weather in the reservoir today is not very good. Although the rain is not heavy, it is windy and foggy. The security force is much greater than usual training.

Coach Xu felt nervous somehow. He said in his heart: "Extreme men help, you have to cheer! This battle is very important, you won, you will be smooth sailing, lose, I am very worried that your confidence will Hit ... "


The paddles of the three rowing boats are all against the water, making preparations for start. Everyone is holding the paddles tightly, holding their breath, waiting for the order, and then making every effort to row out the first paddle!


As the instructions rang, the three teams of men and women burst into anger and cries almost at the same time, and the rowing moved!

He Jiong shouted his energy to fight the voice of others and suppress the momentum of others.

"one two three four!"

Nine people shouted in unison, almost once in less than two seconds, and the speed was almost 32 times per minute. In their tactics, the initial sprint row required 20 high-speed paddles to make the rowing speed as fast as possible. When it is possible to reach the maximum, slow down the speed and engage in protracted warfare.

There are also professional teammates who have the same ideas. The national team is the most terrifying physical team. The Tsinghua team has more experience than the extreme challenge team. The starting speed of the three ships is comparable. ~ 卯The energetic extreme challenge team seems to be a little better, and the ship has a sharp edge!

However, He Jiong knew that the Tsinghua team did not go through half a year's training and the national team had deliberately increased the difficulty, so even if they were sharp, there was nothing to be proud of!

"Finally sprint five! Five! Four! Three! Two! One! Slow! Slow!"

He Jiong insisted on using his own style and rhythm. He squinted and glanced at the national team. It is indeed the young guys who are strong. They are still sprinting. The frequency is estimated to be 35 times a minute. Uniform, looks pleasing to the eye.

Looking at it again, the veterans of the Tsinghua team are not slow and slow, follow the rhythm of their extreme challenge team, closely follow their line, there seems to be no desire to win.

He Jiong was in a good mood. He focused all his attention on his rowing boat, corrected the speed of prompting someone, quietly swung the direction lock to adjust the position of the channel, recorded the distance label on the waterside buoy, observed the situation of the team members, and did Make fine adjustments.

"Very good! Keep! 500 meters has passed! Second acceleration! One! Two!"

He Jiong raised his head and shouted forward, his eyes staring at Shabei. He clenched his fists in both hands, almost roaring at Shabei's face, and wanted to lend his whole body strength to Shabei.

Shaibe gritted his teeth, his muscles on his arms were tensed, and 85% of his muscles were moving. He and Wu Jing behind him worked hard. The No. 8 and No. 7 engines started, and their paddle frequency accelerated. , The second acceleration, almost reached 28 times a minute, approaching the starting stage!

Sun Honglei on the 6th and Shayi on the 5th on the bottom. The two kept up with the rhythm accurately. Captain Yang An of the 4th had enough reaction time and he could drive the rhythm of the next three without error!

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