The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 920: Restart it, Beiqing's 0-year rowing competition!

After returning to the training center, the production team has prepared the video materials. All of them are fully polished, take a shower in the steaming bathhouse, wash off the fatigue, then put on clean clothes and come to the tactical analysis room to continue recording.

The first is video analysis. Members of the expert group correct each person's actions and give suggestions, and everyone accepts them with an open mind.

I have to say that they realized how good they are today. Coach Xu praised him throughout the whole process, and he didn't have many opportunities to provoke him. I am very proud of it. In the past few months, there has been no hard work.

After the tactical analysis was almost completed, Zhang Xingyu and his party came in, and several injured players were properly treated and can walk normally.

The next thing is naturally a feeling of emotion. Zhang Xingyu admired the extreme challenge team. Yang An also expressed respect for his predecessors. He deliberately downplayed the fact that he won the other side. He joked, "We all lost, we lost the weight. National team! "

The atmosphere at the scene was very good. In the end, Yang An asked, "What is your most important thing to say to the audience in front of the TV?"

Captain Zhang Xingyu was deduced. When he realized that this was the last appearance and the last time to work with the extreme challenge rowing team, maybe it was also the last time he got on the boat. He suffered a dozen years of grievances, and at last he suddenly burst out. come out.

"I just want to say that we hope that after 10 years and 20 years, when we are too old to walk, we will return to our alma mater, Tsinghua University. Even if all the buildings are strange and we do n’t know anyone, we have a place to Visit, that is the Tsinghua University rowing team ... Restart, Beiqing Centennial Rowing Race ... We have only this one extravagant hope ... "

All the senior rowers all booed. On the big screen, there was a video of them desperately paddling. Everyone's expression in the wind and rain really looked like they were fighting against fate. It was so shocking!

Yang An, they couldn't say anything. Only when they stood up and applauded, everyone stepped forward, hugged and choked Zhang Xingyu, patted his shoulders to comfort him, joined hands with Tsinghua University Rowing Team, and shouted loudly!

People must live with dreams!


The schedule of the rowing special is eight episodes, and the last one is to participate in the Asian Games on September 20th to see how their rowing team performs. If they pass the preliminary round, then they will record a segment until the final day, and the entire race is over. After that, the finale will be played the next night.

The sixth issue went to Melbourne. Those places in Cambridge were broadcast on August 14. The training session with the national team and the Tsinghua team was the seventh. The broadcast time was scheduled on August 20.

In the past half month, the audience in the whole country has enjoyed it again. Like extreme men, they played funny at MIT, and played friendly matches with Cambridge University Rowing Team. Those did not say, the program maintained the consistent high quality of extreme challenges, funny and professional, Everyone was very pleased to see the growth of Extreme Men's Gang.

On August 20th, no one expected that the content of this episode would be so explosive, it was really amazing.

At the beginning of the program, the video of the Beiqing School ’s rowing PK was played back. The Kunyu River was still crystal clear and the buildings on both sides of the bank were still old and dilapidated. Although the footage is very scum, the video looks old and many years old. A little audience immediately remembered the grand occasion of that year, and everyone was curious, why did Extreme Challenge put this?

Immediately afterwards, the extreme challenge men helped the actors to act as the Peking University rowing team and a tragic PK with the Tsinghua University rowing team.

Of course, these are performed according to the script, and most of them are funny, and the audience is happy.

"It's been 18 years since this happened?"

"The actor is too unprofessional. Can't I find a younger person to play? Look at these big bellies ... is this 20 years old?"

"Is this an alternative version of Extreme Business? Laughing at me! Hahahaha!"

In the eyes of many viewers, this is a sitcom, which may be a variant of Extreme Business. Extreme Business is also one of the most well-known and most interesting long-term funny series of Extreme Challenge. The audience is no stranger. They have seen this several times in the past two years, so they have this doubt.

But then, the parties came forward to tell the story, and audiences across the country finally knew it was true!

The Peking University Tsinghua Centennial Rowing Race, which was buzzing at the time, ended because of these reasons!

Time seems to have gone through for more than ten years at once, the old sense of the picture finally became clear and bright, and the story returned to modern times.

Yang An introduced to the audience the Tsinghua University rowing team that was hard to find, as well as the old coach and others. Everyone remembered the hard work and the story was very warm.

Sharp questions, straightforward answers, compared with the real recording of this episode of the broadcast ~ ~ 90% of the content has not been cut, which is very rare.

"I rely on this hanging!" Extreme Challenge "even dare to release this? Blockhouse!"

"It turned out that the inside story of the Beiqing rowing team's dissolution at the time was this ... I said it was inexplicable!"

"Well, is he really black! The crows in the world are black!"

"Do these people have faces? Alas!"

"No wonder our country has the second highest GPD in the world, but none of the top ten universities in the world!"

"What a great thing was ruined by a group of short-sighted idiots!"

The audience laughed and scolded, filled with indignation, and many people were worried whether the reputation of the two schools would be affected after the program was broadcast.

What they didn't know was that after the program was produced, it was submitted to the State Sports General Administration, the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television, and the board of directors of the two universities in Beiqing in advance. After many parties communicated and voted, the minority finally obeyed the majority and agreed to broadcast.

A leader of the General Administration of Sport said something interesting: "Don't Shabe and Yang An say in the show? What we couldn't do in the past, let's do it now!"

To be honest, those leaders who have worked in the past, transferred and transferred, retired and retired, so well, to expose the scars, then to expose it, it does not matter, now the extreme challenge rowing team is so hot, the two schools have the courage to admit the past Failure is a good thing, but they can also respond to the final call of the show-restart the Peking University Tsinghua rowing competition!

How can a school that dare not face up to its own mistakes and a school without broad minds be convincing? How do you teach people? How to educate students? How to be world famous?

The audience was very satisfied with this content. When they saw the three teams play together at the training base of the national team, countless viewers cheered in front of the TV.

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