The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 925: Mom asked me why I was kneeling at my phone

"Blind my eyes!"

"My ears! My ears!"

"Mom asked me why I was kneeling at my phone ..."

"Great for my brothers ~~~"

"Don't make a noise, and quickly release the studio version, I'm counting on this song to give me spiritual strength!"

"Yang Geer, you dare to release a non-destructive sound source now, and I dare to reward 10,000!"

The tyrant's yellow highlight barrage was just released, and the assistant uploaded the audio recorded by Yang An on the Internet. The live room replayed this "The Real Man", and it turned out to be better than before. Too much, that kind of **** sensation suddenly occurred.

In particular, some listeners in the Cantonese-speaking district felt the power from Yang An's singing. They thanked Yang An from the heart because he had a few Cantonese songs that were very good and very delicious.

"The lyrics are so good, they are almost a true portrayal of the rowing team."

"Yes, Yang An's songs are all in this style, which is in line with the mood of the song and full of feelings."

"Success and failure try hard, be optimistic about you ~~ work hard, uncles, you can!"

Netizens have released a barrage, encouraging everyone to challenge everyone.

"Whale Shark User [Yangchengfeng Qingyang] rewarded a whale shark! Congratulations on the entire platform!"

A huge whale shark shook his head and swam out of his head, swinging on the screen, and giving 10,000 yuan as a reward. The dual identity of the tyrant and fan made the Feng Qingyang brother throw a thousand bucks without blinking, and commented. : "Gift rewards, no loss of sound to power!"

Many netizens start to enjoy the rain, saying that they like the song and support the extreme challenge.

Everyone else who was recording the first live broadcast was very excited. When they saw various fishes swimming on the screen, their faces laughed into flowers, they joked and chatted with netizens.

It's getting late, Yang An thanked and said, "Today's live broadcast is here. Thank you for your support. We will try our best to participate in the extreme challenge!"

Ten people stood in a row and bowed together. After the live broadcast, everyone relaxed a lot.

There are some other athletes in the room watching the fun. After everyone talked for another 50 cents, everyone went back to rest and started the Asian Games tomorrow. The extreme challenge they also slept early.

But the more critical moments, the easier it is to get excited.

The next day, several people appeared in front of coach Xu with dark circles.

Coach Xu was a little annoyed: "Did you sleep all night?"

Zhang Yixing, Wu Jing, and He Jiong all bowed their heads in embarrassment.

"A bit over-excited."

"I'm sleeping, I can't sleep ..."

"I'm a bit too excited, too, before dawn breaks my eyes."

Coach Xu wanted to blame him. He pointed at the angling Yang An and Shabei and said, "A few of you are still not good in mental quality. How can everyone else fall asleep?"

Huang Bo chuckled: "Coach, you can just say that we have no heart or lungs, don't be so vague!"

Everyone laughed, the words were not rough!

Sun Honglei also looked unhappy: "That is, Coach Xu, turning around and saying these things is bullying. We don't understand culture, right? People can't be straightforward and talk sincerely? Yes, I am a rough person. , I ’ll practice when I ’m full, and sleep when I ’m tired. I ’m also covered by a tall man when I fall down.

I've been laughing so much that no one can answer. Brother Sun, Brother Sun, there is a camera facing you, can you keep his mouth closed? It's a shame!

It was such a joy early in the morning, it was really a good mood, recording a little bit can make people laugh for a day.

Coach Xu looked at this group of buddies who were just friends and friends, and he was very angry and funny: "Forget it, He Jiong, you must take a good rest today. Tomorrow 3:10 pm is our qualifier, I will wait for a while Go to the draw. "

The East Guangdong International Rowing Center has six competition lanes. Among them, men's competitions have been hot for a while!

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