The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 930: Dirty means


The audience laughed and applauded!

Who doesn't know the situation at the scene?

Today ’s pre-match interview, the domestic media did not ask any questions about the game at all, and all of them were related to entertainment. On the one hand, it is the essence of a variety entertainment program that fits the "Extreme Challenge", on the other hand, it is not for the other party. Come under pressure, relax the atmosphere and relax.

A pre-match interview was so joyful that the audience was even more satisfied.

Next, nine people carried the black and red flame [Extreme Challenge Rowing Boat] and walked towards the pier. Their figures appeared on the big screen. Everyone's face appeared on the big screen for a few seconds. The patterns of the boats complement each other, and the burning flame is very imposing!

People shouted in unison at the scene, the name of the extreme challenge resounded through the sky!

Putting down the rowing boat by the dock, the assistant coach wrapped everyone in anti-slip bandages. Huang Bo pulled a lucky charm from his neck and kissed him. He introduced: "This was given to me by Zhang Xingyu last night and said he could bring me Good luck! "

Others were envious, but Yang An also took out a small, thin red rope with a glittering bead hanging on it, and smiled, "This is a gem of strength from my child. How about it? Don't worry about wearing it Exhausted. "

Wow, it was a moment of envy, and I was amazed.

Shabei voiced loudly again, beckoning in the direction of the director: "That assistant, bring my Sinopec recharge card, I will take it on board and cheer everyone on!"

"Well! Believe in your evil!"

"Just pull you!"

"Sabbie, you don't get a cramp today, even if you are unqualified!"

Everyone habitually began to beat Doudou, after simply warming up, they started boarding.

With the shouts and cheers of tens of thousands of spectators, members of the extreme challenge team shouted Fighting, pushed the oars, and left the dock.

On the dock, Dunchao continued to applaud. Although he has not been able to be a substitute who has never been absent, he is still proud and proud of being a member of the extreme challenge team. He applauded desperately, shouting loudly, and wanted to be He gave all his strength to his brothers. He has been waiting for everyone and fighting side by side!

Coach Xu left the wharf, rode his bicycle, and rode on the side of the river where only professionals can pass. He will complete the 2000-meter challenge with the team members and never give up!

Wearing a hat with a hidden camera on his head, He Jiong looked a little funny. He took a deep breath, knowing that he had control of the fate of the team and whether he could perform impeccably in front of audiences across the country, depending on whether he could handle all the details himself. Already.

"Single number draws, the boat turns!"

He Jiong gave the order. The team members finished it correctly and efficiently, and quickly turned around. They came to the scheduled route 1 to prepare for the experience. This is the result of the preliminaries. Their last place was arranged on the far side.

"There's nothing to hide, the next is the last 30-second sailing training, a frequency of 20 times, and rowing with a small depth of force."


The team members shouted in a row, He Jiong smiled with satisfaction. In the slogan, the rowing boat suddenly started and the speed was fast. Although the real sprint of 30 times was not achieved, the uniform movement caused the crowd to cheer.

"Extreme challenges are awesome!"

"You are the best!"

"Fight the extreme challenge!"

"Never give up ~"


In cheering, the 30-second start was over, and everyone was very satisfied. Today's condition is really good. Although I was not fast just now, I can feel that the rowing boat is flying on the water. As soon as the feeling of unity comes out, everyone Laughed.

That's why brothers work together!

Yang An sitting in the middle said loudly: "Everyone is doing very well today, not nervous at all, I hope it will be the same next time! In nine months we rowed hundreds of kilometers, today is the last two kilometers, we rowed It ’s a hero, no matter what difficulties we encounter, we are the ultimate men ... ”

"never give up!"

Roaring in unison, the morale of the extreme challenge rowing team has reached the highest!

At 3:15, the extreme challenge team arrived at the starting point and the other rowing teams just arrived. The floating platform pilot helped fix the starting position. Everyone was resting, drinking water and replenishing their strength.

At this time in Yangcheng, the outdoor temperature is 29 degrees, but because it is on the water surface and the sun reflects, the human body will feel the heat of 33 degrees, and the physical energy will be consumed quickly.

Yang An took a closer look at the Japanese team next door. As the fourth place in the preliminary round, the Japanese team was assigned to No. 2 waterway, surrounded by No. 3 Chinese team and No. 1 extreme challenge team. It seems to be caught in the Chinese siege circle, which is also miserable. .

Anyone playing together with the Chinese national team is under tremendous pressure. This time, No. 2 Japan, No. 3 China, No. 4 India, No. 5 Korea, No. 6 Iran. The happiest team should be the extreme challenge team. They It's really too relaxing.


There was a voice in the radio. All of them were surprised by Yang An. It turned out that this feeling was not the same as what the shore heard.

With time getting closer, suddenly the Korean team seemed to be unable to withstand the pressure, shouting slogans to simulate orders, sprinting on Channel 5 to practice.

Yang An and they all turned to look at it, He Jiong quickly stopped them: "Don't look! This is their disruption tactics, they want to affect other people!"

Everyone condensed, and out of their absolute trust in the helmsman, they all turned their heads, preferring to lower their heads to rest in the sun, but also not be affected by the sudden changes in their surroundings.

He Jiong sneered, "Here it is!"

Before the game, coach Xu said a lot to him. The helmsman is too important in the game. This must be a clever commander. Such a trick must be seen at a glance and he can protect his team members from being affected. .

Coach Xu said that there are a lot of tricky and dirty methods in rowing.

For example, running away, weak teams with no hope of winning the prize deliberately running away, stopped by the electronic running monitoring system, but it is possible that other people's rowing boats have crossed 50 meters ~ ~ Others broke out The best teams can't do it all.

For another example, it is stipulated in international rowing competitions that if a certain rowing boat has a technical failure during the first 100 meters, it may be required to restart the race. This is also a hole that can be drilled, which is the same tactic as running.

Don't think that this is all the dirty things done by the weak teams. Britain, the birthplace of rowing, has used it like this in the Olympics. It pitted the French team with a gold medal. There is no gentleman in front of the gold medal!

In the last five minutes, all the rowing boats returned to the sailing platform. The assistant referee lay on the platform and grabbed the tail of the rowing boat, fixed the direction of the channel straight, and pulled hard to prevent the rowing boat from drifting away.

When I saw the river, many rowing teams were shouting slogans and cheering for themselves. The audience on the sideline also shouted support, and shouted in support of the team's name, and became more and more neat, gradually becoming The chorus of ten thousand people: "Extreme challenge! Extreme challenge!"

Yang An, they are so touched that there can be so many viewers supporting them regardless of return. What reason do they not desperately want?

Fighting for their lives, they will burst out the strongest force today, challenging their limits!

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