The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 939: Start the wedding

Yang An took the task card and said, "I just finished the physical work of the game, should I have some freshness and sweetness? Remember the sweet" Sugar "song?"

Upon hearing this name, everyone couldn't help humming: "Peel a ~~ coconut skin ~~ but you gave me a pear ~~"

Yang An was also very happy, put down the envelope, patted the beat on the table, and sang with everyone: "Your-sugar / Yes ~ please / won \ 't-you--and-put-it-down- on-me ~~ "

The extreme men helped baptize the song contest. Even the people who can't sing, they feel very much now. This applause, that shot the table, and B-Box, I made up a harmony version of " Sugar!


Everyone high-five to each other, very satisfied with the tacit cooperation, very happy.

Guo Hongyang is also happy. This is definitely the best-performing variety show. The entertainer can play with his own emotions to drive the audience ’s emotions. After the post-production, he will be accompanied by "Sugar" BGM, and a few photos and videos of He Jiong ’s wedding scene This episode will catch the attention of the audience as soon as it opens!

Yang An asked, "Singing is over, too?"

Guo Hongyang said: "Your fans have said that they haven't heard you sing this song for a long time, and everyone thinks that the creative wedding ideas in" Sugar "MV are very classic, and the audience wants to see more detailed stories. So the extreme challenge The next long-term special is a wedding toast. Your task is to sing a toast at the wedding of the selected couple and send a surprise gift. "

"OK! OK! OK!"

"I like this long-term special!"

"What hesitant for such a festive task? You must do it!"

"Every October is the wedding season, and we can do it once a year!"

Everyone is very happy. It ’s such a joy to attend the wedding. Like Yang An who filmed the “Sugar” MV many years ago, when he went to about five or six wedding scenes, they were so excited and wept, one after another. Jealous, I posted on the Internet and prayed for Yang An to sing a greeting at their wedding.

Of course, Yang An will never forget such a happy thing!

He said afterwards: "The first time I went to Yao Beina's wedding scene, my god, what kind of Yao Beina was crying that day, I felt distressed. Say something inappropriate, although I still Without being a father, Yao Beina was a few years older than me, but at that time I sang "Sugar" for her and looked at her crying. It felt like ... marrying a daughter, I really hope she will always be happy ... "

Everyone is envious of everything, and they are applauding, and they are all blessed deeply for such a lucky girl.

"Wow ~~ I want to hear you singing when I get married!"

"Yi Xing you still have a chance, we all go to support you when you get married."

"I didn't know Yao Beina a few years ago. If I knew her then, I would definitely go with Yang An."

Just turning to talk about Yao Beina, Huang Bo was curious and asked, "I only heard a little about her story. How is she doing now?"

Shabe asked Yang An: "I only know that she had breast cancer that year. Later, I heard that you took her to Hong Kong for treatment, did she get cured?"

Yang An nodded: "As long as breast cancer is discovered early, it is not difficult to treat. Her five-year risk period has passed early, and her review is now very healthy. You all know the singing career. After healing, her career is booming, and she has won The second place in the four seasons "I am a singer", several albums have been released. Oh yes, she plans to have a baby recently. Haha! Did I say something wrong? Cut it out, cut it Drop it! "

"Wow ~~~"

"Not bad!"

"This is the winner of life!"

The staff also laughed happily. Everyone liked to listen to good stories. Seeing that this kind of original sad complex was eventually reversed to Happy Ending, everyone's mood was much brighter.

After Yao Beina's affair was finished, the topic shifted to the wedding ceremonies, but Sun Honglei suddenly asked somehow: "Guo Guo just said that we would sing celebratory songs to the newcomers and give surprise gifts. Is this also our expense? "


Everyone laughed, my brother, do you want to be so funny!

"Once bitten, twice shy?"

"Hong Lei brother, you have paid 1 million for your rowing boat, and then you have to pay for a surprise gift?"

"That's it! When you get married, you always have some money, right? It's okay to give a gift without money!"

"Hong Lei brother, do you want to eat and drink for nothing, and go to a wedding with nothing?"

Sun Honglei was run by everyone ~ ~ and I was a bit unsure: "You should return the stolen paddle to me first, I will never mention money!"

Speaking of returning the oars, the brothers started to cheat again. Anyway, they are about to kill one or not!

"Our own name is engraved on the paddle, why should I give it to you?"

"Ten thousand paddles, I'll transfer them with you now!"

"A set of paddles cost only 80,000 yuan. The manufacturer sent two more. Counting down to 8,000 yuan, there is no 10,000 yuan. I will transfer you up to 8,000 yuan!"

"Brother, I'll give you 1 million. You can just transfer the hull to me. I have a 1 million bicycle, which can be exchanged with you ..."

"What oars? What bikes? You guys really don't understand romance, so you have to separate the boat and the oars offsite? You can't let them live together happily and form a whole set. Teapots and cups can't make up happiness family?"


Dirt, as if a train appeared in the room, the group started to quarrel again and again, the topic became more and more biased, what a teapot, a few cups, a rowing boat, a few paddles, anyway, there are post-production, their old men occasionally No one knows about talking too much.

Guo Hongyang said quickly: "Gifts for new couples do not require you to pay for them. Gifts come in various forms such as home appliances, honeymoon air tickets, meeting a small wish, etc. All are sponsored by the Ministry of Civil Affairs. They are not expensive, but gifts Lightly. "

"Sponsored by the Ministry of Civil Affairs?"

The laughter stopped and Shabe couldn't figure out his head: "What does this have to do with the Ministry of Civil Affairs?"

Huang Bo patted him on the shoulder: "You are stupid, the Ministry of Civil Affairs manages your marriage!"

Yang An asked queerly: "Oh, we made a special edition of" Red Maple Great Escape "for the Ministry of Public Security, and a special" boat race "for the General Administration of Sports. Now the Ministry of Civil Affairs asked us to make a special" Wedding Ceremony "?"

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