The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 953: Maggie's Gift

But Sun Honglei flipped through the next application form, and Shabe realized what it was, and was surprised: "The bride has come to apply alone?"

Sun Honglei laughed: "Yes!"

Everyone laughed and this one was fun!

According to Director Guo's statistics, the applicants are divided into several types: either the husband and wife know it and send it together, or the other party knows the other party does not know, and they want to surprise the lover, or the husband and wife do not know, but the friends and parents, Brothers and sisters know that they want to surprise the new couple.

In this group of cases brought out by Sun Honglei, it is quite rare that a husband and wife conceal each other, apply separately, and can be accurately pinched out by an auditor.

Sun Honglei smiled proudly: "I didn't expect it? The groom applied alone and wanted us to attend the wedding to surprise the bride. The bride has the same idea. She said that I am the bride-to-be, Zhuang Chen, who is going to get married next month. Working in a luggage processing factory, the salary is meager and hard. My boyfriend is very hardworking. Although he never said he loves me, he is working hard every day to make money, and he is reluctant to buy a new dress for a year. The monthly living expenses are only 5oo yuan. I know he wants to send me a home that can shelter from the wind and rain, so I never blame him and have always supported him. Now that the wedding is near, I hope the extreme challenge can participate in our wedding and give him support and encouragement. "


Everyone applauded appreciatively, with emotion.

"One month's living expenses are only 5oo yuan? Still in Zhongjing? How does this live?"

"It's unimaginable! The young couple really struggled to save money on buying a house!"

"The most important thing is that although they don't say anything in their mouths, they love each other, understand each other, and are working hard to run this small family together! Although they are poor, love is enough!"

When everyone was moved, Yang An said with a smile: "This story reminds me of a story in a junior high school textbook."

Shabe suddenly realized, clapped her hands, and said excitedly, "O Henry, The Gift of Maggie!"

Others also remembered: "Yes, yes, the young couple is very poor, and there is no money to give each other gifts at Christmas, the husband sells his ancestral gold watch, buys his wife a precious comb, and the wife sells herself The most precious beautiful head was sold. I bought a gold bracelet for my husband to surprise my lover! "

"Wow! What a touching story!"

"What a pure love!"

"That being said, the intention is immediately elevated!"

In praise, Yang An said, "What do you think, Hong Lei Brother?"

Sun Honglei said: "The four of us had a discussion and decided to hide the spouses from each other without even notifying them. We would give them a surprise at that time."

Yang An nodded, and suddenly showed a serious smile: "Good idea, by the way give them two big red envelopes!"


Several people applauded and laughed. Shabei hurriedly fell into the hole, and then said, "You two, as well as Dunsun Li, are rich movie stars. You help the young couple to ease the economic difficulties. What's the matter? difficult?"

Seeing Yang An suddenly dig a big pit for Sun Honglei, after Sun Honglei fell into it, he couldn't even struggle, the strange look on his face was so strange that everyone almost smiled!

Can Sun Honglei say no to this situation? I ca n’t make my own appointment. No, the newcomer I chose should take care of the whole set with tears!

Just now Sha Yi and He Jiong have handled such a difficult problem by themselves. Sun Honglei and they are able to solve the problem by giving money and solve it better.

Yanjiao's 4o square meter new house is 10 million. According to Guo Hongyang's understanding, the couple saved 350,000 yuan in four years. It is no problem to pay. What is this little money? Not to mention all the gifts sponsored by the Civil Affairs Bureau, money is really not important, what is important is the significance of this move!

Sun Honglei was not so depressed because of money, but was pitted by his brothers. He always felt that his IQ was not enough, and his brain was not good enough. The feeling that he couldn't even play the game made him feel bad.

Of course, in the end, he promised to do so, and others also gave face, and offered to take part in the initiative. They were all happy.

The last person I introduced was Yang An, who said, "This application in my hand was selected by Rong Feifei. At that time, she cried and said that she must choose this, otherwise she would not be finished with me!"

The crowd applauded and said, "Why do you say that?"

Looking at the application form, Yang Annian said: "The applicant is 24 years old, Yungui. I will read her application reasons ... My name is Song Fuping, my sister is two years old and my name is Song Yiping. My parents divorced when I was three years old No one cares about us. Our sisters were raised by my aunt and grandmother from childhood ~ ~ until my fourteen-year-old aunt who died without her own children, and we became homeless again. "

This miserable life made everyone smile and seriously sound.

"After my aunt died, no relatives took charge of us, only our sisters depended on each other. My sister dropped out of school to work for me to continue my studies. When I was admitted to university, she followed me. My sister married a good man four years ago. When I was married, there was only my loved one on the table, but my sister said she felt happy whenever she saw me. But three years ago, unfortunate things happened again ... "

When Yang An read this, he suddenly stopped, his nose was a little sour, and others felt a little stunned in his heart. The secret way was not good, and his expression became more dignified.

"... My sister and brother-in-law had a car accident when I returned to my in-laws' home during the Spring Festival. Both left the world and I lost my loved one again. I do n’t know how I spent the past few years. I would n’t be able to live without my boyfriend to encourage me Iguan. I have been observing filial piety for my sister for three years, and my boyfriend has been with me for three years. I will be getting married in November this year, but there is no relative at the table. My heart is empty and I am really scared. Then they will cry ... "

Thought of this, Yang An paused again, looking at the ceiling, that feeling was really uncomfortable.

Others also sighed and did n’t know what to say. Everyone here was happy and happy, the husband and wife relationship was harmonious, the children were nice and filial, the family and friends were warm, and there were many friends, but they could still hear the sadness of a poor girl from the line. With depression.

Yang An breathed a sigh of relief and said, "... I hope that in the only wedding of my life, in addition to my favorite husband, I will also receive the testimony and blessings of members who challenge the extreme. I hope you can help fill the women's seat, Let me know, I'm not alone ... "

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