The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 963: Master of Ceremony

Fortunately, the master of ceremonies interrupted the father and son on the edge of anger, Hu Shaohua said quickly: "No need! Give me the microphone, I'll find someone to host! Trouble you, Master Liu, stay and have a light meal, we will pay for it Quite a lot for you. "

Liu Siyi was shocked. Seeing that Hu Shaohua was serious, he quickly handed over the microphone, so he didn't want to blend in with this strange pair of father and son!

When Liu Siyi left, Hu Dongpeng hummed and said nothing, Lao Hu asked, "What does this mean?"

Hu Shaohua said with a smile: "Uncle, leave it alone, I'll find a host, and you are satisfied, oh, isn't that Uncle Qi? You go and entertain me!"

Hu Shaohua left in doubt, Hu Shaohua whispered, "Your dad is about to run away, I must find someone to suppress him!"

Hu Dongpeng asked: "Who do you want to host?"

Hu Shaohua said: "Try the extreme challenge side, your dad can never roar at them, right? When the camera is turned on, hundreds of millions of viewers can see, he can't afford to lose this person!"

That's all. Hu Dongpeng slaps the flowerpot next to him with his heels and whispers angrily, "How can there be such a dad! Is it fun to bully and torture his son?"

Hu Shaohua added in his heart: "How can there be a son like you who cares for the so-called 'true love' and 'unconstrained freedom'? Forget it, it is difficult for a clean official to do housework. I just hope you guys think about it ... "

Hu Shaohua hid aside and called the director. At this time, the director was near the hotel, and it was ten minutes away.

In the business car, Sha Yi, He Jiong, and Mo Wen were chatting.

After the director's phone was connected, they said to the three of them: "The plan may change. They are stunned again. The original emcee is quit. The groom hopes that we can send a personal emcee."

He Jiong volunteered: "Let's go, anyway, I haven't appeared in the first episode, and everyone doesn't know that I am also a guest of extreme challenge."

He Jiong was indeed the best candidate. The editorial team urgently negotiated and decided to let him serve as emcee before arriving at the hotel parking lot.

The admission was well arranged. Sha Yi and Mo Wen waited patiently after the passage of the staff. He Jiong went to the hotel manager's room first and asked the makeup artist to help him organize his clothes.

It ’s almost time, all the guests are here, and the Hu family has also been operating in Star City for decades. There are many friends. As the saying goes, family ugliness can't go out, and Lao Hu can only carry his own person in the back. He is still I don't want to turn my face on the spot in front of an outsider.

Seeing that the time was coming, the atmosphere at the scene revealed that weirdness was unknown, and Li Junlan's feet were a little weak.

Immediately the wedding ceremony, she was most afraid of any moth, her heart was chaotic!

"Nothing will happen?"

"Don't think about it, no matter how my parents are, I won't be stupid enough to be ugly in front of so many relatives and friends."

Hu Dongpeng shook her hand and sent a firm look, which finally reassured her.

"Xiaohua! Where is the emcee you are looking for? Who is it? What time is it?"

Lao Hu stood in the front hall, pulling Hu Shaohua to question.

Hu Shaohua laughed with companionship: "Uncle, don't worry, you'll be here soon. Please keep your voice down and start right away!"

Lao Hu glanced around and noticed a few strange faces. He took a camera and patted him, and he frowned: "Who is this?"

This is the VJ of extreme challenge, Hu Shaohua laughed: "They are all my friends, come here to help, take a few more memories ..."

Lao Hu took his arm and said unhappyly, "What the **** is your kid doing? Hurry up and let that emcee begin and finish the calculations! The simpler the better!"

"Brother Hu, how can marriage be so simple?"

An unfamiliar voice suddenly came from behind him. Lao Hu turned sharply and saw a familiar face. Even if he no longer knew the entertainment circle, he also had an impression on this famous host who is famous in Star City. Huangman Satellite TV Many of the party, important shows, important news, this broadcast!


Lao Hu was scared to take two steps backwards, can't believe it!

"He Jiong?"

"Hello Hu, it's He Jiong!"

He Jiong stretched out his hand with a smile, grasped the confused Lao Hu, and took the initiative to shake up and down.


"He Jiong! Teacher He!"

"Oh my god, who are you really?"

"I'm not dazzled, is He Jiong here?"

Several people saw this scene, several girls screamed in surprise, and the other man with a loud voice shouted He Jiong's name!

At this moment, the entire hall was boiling, and all the guests sitting up stood up. Several chairs were tripped. Hundreds of people looked to this side, looking away, asking questions.

"He Jiong? Is that the host?"

"He Jiong from Huang Mang Satellite TV?"

"He hasn't worked for Huang Mang TV for a long time, and now he has been doing variety shows with Yang An." China Talent Show "," Star Detective "and" The Strongest Brain "are his shows!"

"No! My favorite teacher He ... oh, let's go, I'm going to look ahead!"

"Mr. He, why did he come here?"

"I suspect I saw a fake Ho Jiong, is this a parody show?"

The guests were all discussing, but soon, the cheers from the front hall were getting louder and bigger, everyone believed that this Jiong He should be true!

After holding He Jiong's hand, Lao Hu reacted for a long time.

He Jiong really!

Really that famous host He Jiong!

He is still smiling at me ... calling me Brother Hu ... and saying congratulations to me ... what is this going to do?

Hu reluctantly smiled: "Thank you, that ... you eat at this hotel too?"

He Jiong did not answer him for the time being, but stretched out another hand and shook hands with the other guests coming up, and smiled at everyone who came around ~ ~ Say hello, thank you, and look kind Be polite.

Lao Hu noticed that there were two big men standing beside He Jiong, helping to keep others from getting too close, and He Jiong was wearing a handsome suit and a red firework flower on his chest, which was quite formal.

After shaking hands for a while, He Jiong smiled and signaled everyone to be quiet, and then explained to Lao Hu: "Hu Dongpeng is my friend. I'm here to drink and drink. This is my congratulations ..."

Seeing He Jiong handing over a red envelope, Lao Hu was dumbfounded and rushed away, saying almost incoherently: "Don't use it, Teacher He, you're very kind! Thank you, thank you! Really no need, here is the guest! What is this Sorry to make you spend ... "

Where does the next person look at Lao Hu's ugly state? This scene all looks dumbfounded!

The groom officer turned out to be Teacher He's friend?

Why haven't you heard of this?

And they came to give away red envelopes and drink wine!


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