【With no other options, Beidou and Nan Xizi could only rely on their own strength to transform into Ace.】

【After transforming into Ace, he confirmed once again that the 200-meter-tall Hippolytus in front of him was indeed just an illusion.】

【So he followed his previous guess and flew all the way to the mountain where the driver had the accident.】

【”Look, Ace has escaped, the beast!”However, the members of the mountain team saw this and came to the conclusion that】

“How on earth did the Tucker team recruit a player like this?”

“Where’s his brain?”

“Wake up!”

This scene made countless people in the universe frown.

In the Tiga world, Da Gu looked at his teammates and felt that his teammates were more reliable.

Mirai, Daichi, Xiachuan Yaohui and others also felt the same.

Only Leo was not surprised at all, because his teammates were more than one person who was so outrageous.…

【When Ace flew all the way to the mountain, he found that as he had guessed before, the real Hippolytus was hiding in the mountain, and the giant Hippolytus that appeared in the city was the special illusion he controlled.】

【So, he rushed forward and beat up the real Hippolytus.】

【Obviously, this Hippolyte is no match for Ace, at least in terms of fighting.】

“Could it be that this Hippolyte also wiped out all the Ultra Brothers?”


“It seems that this guy can only perform some tricks, but he has no ability to wipe out the Ultra Brothers?”

“What is going on?”

Seeing this, people all over the universe who watched the video were even more confused.

Even if Ace was really the engine that wiped out the entire group, then at least the enemy would have to have the strength to wipe out the Ultra Brothers. But no matter how they looked at it, they felt that this Hippolyte star didn’t have such strength at all.

The video continued to play

【However, at this moment, the situation suddenly changed. Hippolytus retreated rapidly under the attack of Ace’s cutting beam, and then suddenly disappeared.】

【Then, something like a transparent glass cover appeared out of nowhere and attacked Ace from the front and back.】

【Seeing this, Ace didn’t know whether he was panicked or for some other reason, but he just stood there blankly, letting it cover his body.】

【This is exactly what the Hippolyte people are most proud of, the Hippolyte Capsule】

【”Hahahaha, it’s a pity, Ace, you can’t see your own end, so let me enjoy it slowly!”Seeing this scene, the figure of Hippolytus appeared again and laughed.】

【”Be in pain, be in pain, and die slowly like this!”】

【Then, as the Hippocratic capsule released a liquid called Hippocratic tar, Ace’s body gradually became completely petrified.】


“Ah this…”

However, countless people watching the video across the universe couldn’t help but open their mouths when they saw this, because they always felt that with the speed at which the Hippolyte Capsule appeared, Ace could easily dodge it?

【However, just before Ace was completely petrified, he sent Ultra Signature to the Kingdom of Light.】

【”Hahahaha, it’s the turn of the four Ultra Brothers next!” But Hippolyte was not panicked at all, and even made a bold statement.】

“Are the Ultra Brothers really going to be wiped out again?”


“It feels like this guy can’t do it with his strength.”

Seeing this, everyone in the universe watching the video suddenly had a bad feeling in their hearts.

As for the four people involved, Zoffy, the first generation, Seven, and Jack, they also felt like digging their way out of the ground. This time they were going to be socially dead for the second time…

It was at this moment that they suddenly realized that whenever the four of them went to support Ace, they never seemed to win, and every time they ended up being wiped out. Could it be that Ace was really the engine of team annihilation?

【After receiving Ace’s Ultra Signature, Zoffy, the First Generation, Seven, and Jack, who were in the Kingdom of Light, immediately rushed to Earth to rescue Ace.】

【Unfortunately, when they arrived on Earth, Ace had already become a stone statue.】

【””Hahahahaha!” At this moment, Hippolytus appeared again laughing.】

【With a wave of his hand, four Hippolyte capsules suddenly fell from the sky and covered the four Ultra Brothers.】

【Perhaps they were not able to react in time, and Zoffy and the first generation were directly covered in it.】

【Fortunately, Seven and Jack reacted quickly and rolled over to escape.】


“The first Ultraman is fine, but why do I feel like Ultraman Zoffy never even thought about hiding?”

“Can you really not escape?”

But this scene stunned countless people watching the video in the universe.

“You are worthy of it, Zoffy!”

“Is this the strength of Captain Yantou?”

“Sure enough, the plan to destroy Ultraman was made by Zoffy!”

“Zoffy: Everything is in my plan.”

When the countless evil monsters and cosmic people in the main universe of the Kingdom of Light saw this, they immediately laughed at him excitedly.

【But this is not over yet. Seeing that Seven has already rushed over to fight with the Hippolyte, Jack immediately tried to open the Hippolyte capsule from the outside, but it was useless.】

【Just as he was about to use the power of the super bracelet, Hippolyte took this opportunity to launch the Hippolyte capsule and cover him as well.】

【In a blink of an eye, only Seven is left among the four Ultra Brothers who came to rescue Ace! 】

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