【The scene changed, and a new monster appeared in front of Gauss.】

【This time it’s a monster that looks like a firefly.】

【It is called Chaosbag. It is also possessed by the Chaos Virus and has become extremely aggressive. However, unlike the previous Lidorius, it is the product of the Chaos Virus possessing illegally discarded inorganic garbage. Although it looks like a living organism, it is not actually a living organism.】

【As soon as Chaosbag saw Gauss in front of him, he immediately attacked him, and the tentacles on his head fired destructive rays at him.】

【But Gauss evaded it skillfully.】

【Then, just like he did with Lidorius before, he placed his hands on his chest, condensed the dazzling seven-color purification energy, and then slowly pushed it towards Chaosbag.】

“As expected, he is a compassionate warrior. When facing a rampaging monster, his first thought is always to persuade it!”

“What an Azazel!”

“He really… I cried to death!”

Seeing this scene, the eyes of countless people watching the video in the universe softened.

“How great it would be if we met an Ultraman who was not a tearing Ultraman, but a loving Ultraman Cosmos!”

In the other dimension, many super beasts saw this, and their eyes became moist for no reason.

“Kindness? Humph, that’s just the performance of a weak person!” Seeing this, Dithrem, Absolut Diablo and others immediately sneered with disdain.

And the countless evil monsters and cosmic people in the main universe of the Kingdom of Light decided to take out their anger on this guy once they met him.

Obviously, they would not be merciful to him just because of Gao Si’s kindness.

“The benevolent hero Gao Si? He is even more idiotic than Tiga~” In the Tiga world, Lina couldn’t help but say with a crazy look on her face when she saw this.

“No way, Tiga is also very idiotic, okay!” Da Gu heard this and said with a sour tone

【However, as Gauss’s Luna extracted, separated, and purified light and shone on Chaosbag’s body, it did not have the same effect as it had on Ridorius, who was possessed by the Chaos Virus.】

【”What was that light just now?”】

【Shinobu Mizuno, the vice-captain of the EYES (youth elite team) who was flying the fighter plane, looked puzzled when he saw this.】

【”It was the light that separated the chaos virus that had attached to Lidorius.”Doigaki Hiroji, a scientific researcher at EYES who was sitting behind her, immediately said】

【”It doesn’t work on the chaos virus that fuses with inorganic matter?” Inside the base, EYES captain Hiura Harumitsu’s face changed.】

“Is Gauss unable to purify the chaos virus in his body?”

“so what should I do now?”

“This Ultraman Cosmos doesn’t seem to be good at fighting at all.”

Seeing this scene, countless people watching the video in the universe couldn’t help but worry about Cosmos.

“This is the powerlessness of the weak. Your so-called kindness is just the hypocrisy of the weak to move themselves!”Seeing this, Di Si Lei Mu and Diablo sneered again.

“As an Ultraman, it is ridiculous to think about influencing the enemy instead of defeating him!”The Lord of the Light Universe, countless evil monsters and cosmic people could not help but laugh at this.

“Regret for your own weakness!”

On an unknown planet, Sister Fujiwara Juri shook her head slightly, but she was not shaking her head at Gauss, but at Chaosbag.

Because she knew Gauss very well, once he found that the enemy could not be persuaded, he would…

【Seeing that Chaosbag was not influenced by his Moon Goddess extraction, Gauss was obviously stunned.】

【The next second, two blue destructive rays suddenly shot out from Chaosbag’s eyes!】

【Although Gauss immediately created a light shield to resist, he was still hit by the powerful destructive light and quickly retreated. In the end, his shield was broken and he was blown away.】

【Fell heavily to the ground!】

【At this moment, even though Gauss was known as a kind warrior, he was furious. He subconsciously grabbed a handful of soil and held it tightly.】

“Do you have to go to this point to realize that hypocrisy is useless? But what can you do without fighting power? You are just a weakling!”

Di Si Leimu, Diablo and others shook their heads with disdain on their faces.

“The anger of the weak is meaningless!”

Countless evil monsters and cosmic people in the main universe of the Kingdom of Light could not help but reveal a playful look.

【However, at this moment, as Gauss stood up from the ground, they suddenly found that his entire temperament seemed to have changed.】

【Then, his whole body burst into a dazzling red light, and his entire body changed from blue to red, blue and silver. The feeling he gave people instantly changed from being as soft as moonlight to being as hot as the sun! 】

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