I stepped out of the house.

"Hey, Das. Wait!"

"Lier? What's wrong?"

She ran and hugged me.

"I love you"


"I really really love you"

"I know"

"I really really really love you"

I hugged her back and said, "I love you too"

"Hey, can I ask something?"


"When did you realize that you are in love with me?"


I was trying to avoid this topic!

"Tell me" she said, snuggling with her face on my chest.

"Well, after you kissed me..."

"So, you got horny after that?"

"No! I mean, after that...I thought about you and..."

"And what?"

"And that legend too"

"What legend?"

"Pregnant at 20"


"I remembered it and thought that if I reject you, you will fall for someone else"

"How rude! Do you think I am a shallow girl?"

"I don't mean it that way. Even if you hadn't fallen for someone you might have gotten pregnant by someone..."

"Hmm and?"

"I just decided at that moment"

"Decided what?"

"I decided...that...I will be the one to impregnate you"


I said it!

I just said something very disgusting!

I mean...it's not disgusting, but...thinking of impregnating someone is just...


"Y-You w-want to-to im-imp-impreg-nate me?"


"Say it!"

"I want to. You got a problem with that?" 

"You...I never thought you would think that"

She tightened her grip and buried her face in my chest.

"Elena would be the first one though"

"You had to ruin the moment" she said, puffing her cheeks.

I kissed her. Her puffed-up cheeks were still red.

"Was that a goodbye kiss?" she asked, kissing me back.

"Will you participate in the world two event?"


She hugged me again.

"Then I will see you there"




"I have to go now"


"Let me go"

"One more minute."


Her voice was a little hoarse.

Is she crying?



"Can you pat my head?"


I patted her head.

My hand just slid on her silky hair. 

"One more"

I patted her again.

"Say 'Good job' to me"

"Good job"

"Say 'You did well' to me"

"You did well"


Both my shirt and t-shirt are wet by her tears.


I patted her head, followed by her face.

When I caressed her cheeks, she leaned on my palm, like she could feel me.

"Don't cry"

"I am not crying"

Her tears gently touched my hand.

Seeing her cry reminds me of--

--of...reminds me of what?




"Thanks for loving me back" she said, closing her eyes and smiling wide.

I couldn't hold my urge to kiss her.

Her lips were trembling due to her crying, but when I kissed her, they...

She pushed me back and said, "Go home now or I will drag you to my room and assault you"

"I patted her and said, "Bye. See you in LWO" 

Today was a good day.

I will remember it.

I called a taxi and went home.

There was construction going on the street that goes to my house, so I walked from there.

There is another street, but I am too tired to do anything.

My body has been hurting like hell ever since I left Lier's house.

My head feels like it can burst at any moment.

I can't even think straight.

"Excuse me, kid"

Who is it now!

I am at the gate of my house. I just needed to take two steps in, so who the hell is stopping me now?!

I looked back to see two police officers.

They showed me footage on their phone and asked, "This kid is you, right?"

It's footage of the cafeteria from school.

Hasn't that matter ended already?

"Yes, it's me. What do you want? 

"The girl who was hurt regained consciousness a few hours ago, and according to her confession, you are the one who kicked her"


Why is she still alive?!

"Is it true that you kicked her?"

There are only two of them. I can easily kill them.

"Yes, it is me"

But there is one problem. How will I dispose of their dead bodies?

"Kid, you are arrested for hitting a girl"

Well, nevermind. Let me kill them first. I can think of disposing of their bodies later.

The only cameras here are from my house. I can delete the footage.

Even if by chance, I got caught, mom and grandpa will handle the rest.

They have guns. It will be a problem if one shoots me while I am killing the other one. 

I need to kill them in one hit. If I hit them on the neck and just break it, they will surely die.

"What's going on here?"

That voice!

What is mom doing here?

No! That's not the right question. It's our home. Of course, she would be here.

The right question is...

"Why are you here, mom?"

"So, this is your mom"

"Listen, miss, your son has hit a girl in his school, and we are here to arrest him for that"

Now they have done it!

"What did you say?"

"Your son has hit--"

"No, not that. What did you say after that?"

"We are here to arrest him"

"How dare you speak that word in front of me!"


"Stay here!" mom said, rushing into the house.

Death would have been an better option.

My mom came with two heavy bags in her hand.

She took a handful amount of cash from it and threw it on them.

"Take this and get out of here!"

"Miss? Are you trying to bribe the police?"

"Think whatever you want! Don't you dare come closer to my son again" mom said, throwing the bags at them.

"Miss, do you even realize what you are doing?"

"Have you realized to whom you are speaking to?"

"Zes, call for backup"

The other officer took out his tab and called.

"I am the queen of this country. I can make you disappear in a minute"

The tab dropped from his hand after hearing that.

"Are...y-you lady Angela?"

"Any doubt?!"

"We apologize for our behavior! Please forgive us! We will never bother your son again!" they both bowed down to mom.


Know your place, citizens!

"We will excuse ourselves now! Hail the Queen!"

They got in the car and went off.

"Das. In!"

She is in angry mode.

I went in. As I was about to set foot on the stairs, to go into my room, mom stopped me.


"What...is it, mom?"

"Was that true?"

"What are you talking about?"

"Don't play dumb!"


"I am talking about what they said. You hit a girl, is that true?"

"What if it was?"


"Don't. Question. Me!"

"It is true"


"Why did you hit her?"

"Shouldn't you ask this before slapping me?"


"Don't talk back. Answer me! Why did you hit her?"

Curse you, officers!

"She insulted Elena"

"And you hit her for that?"

"I did nothing wrong" 


"Stop acting like papa"

"I will kill everyone who hurts my loved one"

"Again...stop acting like papa"

"Mom. I don't think I did anything wrong"

"Argh! I will slap you again! Go to your room. I will call you when dinner is ready"

I went to my room.


It's been months since she hit me.

It doesn't hurt when I get wounds, but it damn hurts when she slaps me.

I still don't think I did anything wrong.

"I am right"

What's wrong with killing them?

Once I become king I will exterminate all the pests.

I will start with the government.

I will plan everything and kill them one by one and make it look like an accident. Like they did with us Edens.

But first I--


Das fell down to his face on the floor with Splat.

Even though he was unconscious, his eyes were still open.

He stood up, but it was nothing more than a sleepwalk.

"Scan body"

"Check for internal injuries"

"Start regeneration" 


"Force regeneration"

"Activate master protocol"

"Force regeneration"


"Boost it"


--need to find that boss.

"Just who is that guy?"

Whoever he is, I will find him and end him! 

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