The King's Mandate: Anomalous System

Chapter 190: Hey! Watch Where You Are Touching!

"This area is so confusing"

All the lanes look exactly the same.

I am sure only oldies live here.

This area is at the end of the city.

"Now where is her grandparents' house?"

Found it!

I ran to the door and rang the doorbell.

Ding~~ Dong~~

I waited for five minutes, but no one came.

"Is she not home?"

But Elena said she doesn't have classes now and is currently busy with that project.

The old man would probably be at the university.

"What about her grandmother?"

Ding~~ Dong~~

I rang the doorbell and waited for ten minutes, but no one answered the door. 

There is no way I am going back without meeting Selena.

I came all the way here, even though I know how angry Daulla would be...dammit!

I walked around the house to see if there is any window from which I can see inside, if there is someone in the home or not.

I know it can be considered a crime, but I don't give a shit.

As I was walking behind the house, I heard some clunking sounds.

"It's coming from the garage"

I entered the half-opened garage and saw Selena standing there with her back facing at me.

She hasn't realized that someone has entered here.

Talk about being so careless and defenseless.


What do I call her?

Selena is okay, right?

"Hey Selena" 

She has headphones on.


Her clothes are too revealing. It's probably because it's hot and even though the AC is on, but still...

What if someone else came in and...

The song was playing on her laptop.

I closed it.

She looked back--

"W-W-W-What are you doing here"

She grabbed her top and wore it.


"Don't hello me!"

"I am here for--"

"What are you doing here?!"

"Let me speak!"

"Don't tell plan to--"


"I didn't even say anything!"

"I know what you are thinking. You both think alike"

"So, what are you doing here?"

"How is your project going?"

"It's going fine"

"Have you tested it yet?"

"I did it yesterday"

"Can you show me the result?"


"That's why I am here"

"You want to steal my project?"

"Show me"


She opened her laptop and played the video.

"See this. This is a footage"

There was a powder lying on the plate that was connected to the machine. Soon after that powder changed its shape and became hard.

"The shape was only maintained for ten minutes"

"You did everything as I said?"



"What catalyst did you use?"



"It was just a test!"


"Are you here for that?"

"I wanted to see the full result, but you…"

"Wait, why are you worried about my project?"

"I am not worried about that. I want to use your project"

"You want to steal it?"

"Stop that already!"

"Are you here to buy it?"

"No one is buying it"

"Then what?"

"I will use your idea"

"That is stealing"

"It's for personal use"

"And that is?"

"I just said it's personal"

"What will you do with it?"

"Well, I am just using your basic idea"

"The basic idea is just a base"

"I know that. I just want to use the concept. I will change everything"

"How?! Tell me!"

"It won't work"

"Why would you do it if it won't work?"

"It won't work if you do it"

"Are you saying that I am not capable of using it?!"

"You are really annoying"

I will use it with my system.

"Who are you calling annoying?!"


"Don't sigh!"

I shouldn't have come here!

But still...she is just like Elena...I mean, when the first time I met Elena.

"You are on minus two for me"


"Minus two"

"What do you mean?"

"Zero, minus one, minus two"

"Are you saying that you grade the girls you meet?"

"Not girls, everyone"

"I can't believe it"

"I am not asking you to believe it. See you"

She tried to punch me from behind. I dodged it and grabbed her from behind.

"Let me go!"

"You tried to punch me"

"That's because of what you just said!"

"Are you not happy with minus two"

"I am not! And why am I minus two?"

"You wanted me and Elena to have divorce"

"That's because it's too early--hey! Watch where you are touching!"

"Not my fault! You are moving too much"

"Hey! Don't touch there!"

"You stop moving first"

"You are touching my breasts!"

"I said stop moving!"

"Move your hands otherwise, I…"

"You will what?"

"I will yell!"

"You have been yelling for a while though"

"Shut up! I will call the police"

"There are many things I want to say, but first, I don't care. Second, I don't care. And third, I don't care!"

"How can you touch other girls' breasts even though you have Elena!"

"I am not touching them, you keep moving. And I don't feel anything from touching anyone's else breasts other than Elena and Li--other than Elena"

"Let me go or I will tell El that you groped me!"

I let her go.


That threat is not fair.

"Heh!" she smirked.

I shouldn't have let go of her after all.

"You are horrible" she said, trying to punch me again.

"Thanks for the compliment"

"It wasn't a compliment!"

She swung her fist and leg. I grabbed her leg and pushed it back while dodging her punch.

"These silly attacks won't work on me--hey! What are you doing?"


She started sniffing me.

"You smell like El"


Well, of course I would.

"Why do you smell like El?"

"Well, actually, she gifted me the same perfume she uses"

"She doesn't use any perfume and you don't smell of perfume either! I smell El from you!"

"What type of sister remembers her sister's scent"

"All sisters do! Now tell me what...wait, don't tell me…"

Her face flushed.


She will say something stupid again.

"Now that you two are married, you two are…" she asked, fidgeting.

"Whatever we do, it has nothing to do with you"

"You are saying that...means you…"

I want to go home already!

"How dare you stain my innocent El" she said, punching my chest with her fist.

"Your Elena? She is my girlfrir--" Cough Cough "--my wife"

"I hate you!"

"I hate you too"

"Well then, I am going. Thanks for the entertainment"

I left the garage.

"I wonder what type of face you would make when I say that El used to love some boy when she was a kid"


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