When I woke up, it was already past 4 PM.

"Why didn't you wake me up, Lily?"

[Your body needed rest]

"And thanks to that entire day is ruined now"

"It is not ruined, Lil Das"


"Good morning...or should I say good afternoon"

"Good morning"

"But it's the afternoon" 

"It's morning when I wake up"

"Oh? Trying to be cool now, huh?"

"Did you clear the misunderstanding with Lirole?"

"I did, but she doesn't seem convinced"

"It's all your fault for flirting with me"

"I never did that"

"And I still have to return your kiss"

"Please do it after a few days. If Lady Lirole sees us doing it again, she will misunderstand again" 

Daulla is close to my mom, like a sister. But not that close with Lirole.

It's not like they are on bad terms, but they used to fight very often when Lirole was a kid.

Daulla calls my mom Ange, but calls Lady Lirole to Lirole. The same goes for me and Lier.

She calls me Lil Das, but she calls Lady Lier to Lier.

Lier used to often get angry when Daulla tried to touch me. I do realize that she was being overly touchy. And now I know the reason why Lier used to get angry. 

"Get up now, Lil Das"

"Is there anything to eat?"

"I will prepare some hot dishes for you"

"I will go take a bath then"

"Lil Das"

"What?" I looked back.

I was about to leave the room, but Daulla stopped me.

"What are you going to do with this?"

"Oh, I totally forgot about that. Keep it in my room and don't allow anyone to enter my room"


Oyuoral is the hardest yet versatile metal in this world. At least, that's what was written in the books.

"I will select your today's attire and put it in the bathroom"

"Don't peek"

"How rude. I won't peek, I will come in directly if I want to"

I went to the bathroom and took off my clothes.

I was almost done with the bath, then I realized something that I should have before I took a bath.

"Uhh...you saw everything?"

[Of course]


[You look so--]

"No comments please"



[What's with that sigh?]

"I am missing Elena"

[Would you like to meet her?]


[The thing what you did with Elena the day before yesterday]

"What do you mean?"

[I can play that memory again]

"What will happen if you do?"

[You will be sent to that memory and you can do whatever you want with her]

"Like a memory dive or something?"

[Hmm, that's a nice name. Let's call it memory dive]

"So you are saying that if I do a memory dive, I will go back to that memory?"

[No. You won't go back to that memory. That memory will be recreated and I will send you there]

"It will be different than the original memory?"

[Yes, it will be different from what happened in real life. It's just like replaying any game]


System can do something like that.

I can do what I did with Elena that day, and many more things which I couldn't do.

[So, what do you say?]

"Answer me one question"


"Will that girl be Elena?"



[That girl will be a copy of Elena]

"Then I will pass"

[There is no way it would be the real Elena]

"I don't want to do a memory dive"

[You don't want to?]

"That girl in the memory is not Elena, and that boy is not me"

[But those are based on your memories]

"I don't want to be a slave to memories"

[Memories are precious]

"I know. Believe me, no one would know it better than me"

[Then why--]

"Memories and artificial memories are different. If there is another Das, I would kill him. Similarly, if there is a different Elena in this world, I will kill her"

[She has a twin]

"That is a different matter! I was talking about a copy"



[I can't find much information about clones]

"No need to"

[Daulla is waiting for you outside the bathroom]

"Stop using the palace's system"

It's pretty handy though.

After eating lunch, I went to my room.

"Okay. Let's try"

I held the Oyuoral.

[Shouldn't we wait for Daulla?]

"She is already here"

The door opened, and Daulla entered, closing the door.

[How did you know?]

"I can recognize her by her footsteps"

"That's kind of creepy, Lil Das"

[I was going to say the exact same thing]

"You guys are cruel as ever"

"So, what will you do with this?"

"Create a mask"

"But this metal is unbreakable. How will you make a mask out of this?" Daulla pondered.

"Just watch the show"

I held the Oyuoral with my both hands.

"Lily, run the program"

I have already memorized Selena's project.

[Initiating trial one]

"Connect yourself with it"


"I am leaving the shape on you"

[What type of shape do you want?]

"Anything small"

[A small ball then]

The Oyuoral started shaking and its shape started to deform slowly.


The Oyuoral cracked and its shape changed into a small ball.


There was liquid in the Oyuoral. When the outer solid later deformed and turned into a small ball, the liquid in it fell down.

The liquid is of the same color. As soon as the liquid hit the floor, the floor started melting.

"It's acidic?"

I threw the ball at Daulla and touched the liquid.

[Be careful, Das] "Be careful, Lil Das" 

They both said it in unison.

"Change the shape of this, Lily"

[Into what?]

It's liquid, so maintaining the shape would be difficult.

"Just keep it on my hands for now"

The liquid started to rise on my finger and soon covered my entire hand with it.

It wasn't touching my skin, but it was circulating around my hand.

"It looks awesome"

It was slowly circulating, and this white-blue color was admiring its beauty.

"Can't believe I am praising a liquid"

I need to fill this liquid in something.

"Daulla, can you bring something?"


She brought a jar.


[On it]

The liquid fell into the jar from my hands.


The liquid isn't affecting the jar, but melted the floor.


A message?

"Lily, Can you read the message? I am kind of busy"




"Lily, what's the message about?"

[You better read it yourself] 


I gave the jar to Daulla saying, "Keep this in your room"

I grabbed my phone and opened the message.

'Looks like you don't need your mother. I will get rid of her'




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