"So Rias is your spy?"

"Not a spy. She just monitors stuff, like a...uhh...informant. That was the deal between her and Zero" 

"So, this Zero guy. He is dead now. He told me that he was killed. Why don't you find them?"

"It's been 30 years since he died. Most of them are probably dead by now. And we did try to find them, but it was a failure"

"Uhh...how old is your daughter?"

"Why do you want to know that?"

"Just curious"

"She is 22"


Zero died 30 years ago, and she is alive. Zero is her husband, and she has a daughter who is 22 years old. How does she have a daughter if her husband died 30 years ago?

"She has a boyfriend by the way"

I didn't ask that!

"How did you have a daughter? You did something--"

"It's better if you don't know about it. And she is mine and Zero's daughter. A normal human" 

"So, are we done now?"

"Why don't you take your mask off? Isn't it hot inside?"

"It's not"

The Oyuoral is matching with my body temperature.

Is it okay to call it Oyuoral now? How about Oyuoras? Because it was the solid part. And let's call that liquid, Oyuoris. 

"Take off my mask, Lily"


The shape changed, and the mask turned into a locket chain, which is now on my neck.

"Wow! Cool, what was that?"

"It's nothing"

"Was that the materializing system?"

"You even know that?!"

"My daughter was working on this project, but gave up because she got back with her boyfriend"

"Uhh..." I facepalmed and asked, "Does your daughter foes to La Rie University?"

"Yes! But not anymore"


So the friend Selena was talking about was none other than her daughter.

"And what is this material?"

"I can't tell you that"

"Oh, okay. So, the thing is, you need to be careful"

"I don't need you to say that"

"You don't have to worry about after-circumstances. I will take care of all the clues"

"Why are you being so generous?"

"What do you mean?"

"You must want something in return, right?"

"I don't! Why would I want anything? I have everything I want"

"Well, I don't trust people"

"You are really weird"


"I will need your blood sample. Will you give me that?"

"What for?"

"Just some checkups"

"I am not giving"

"I already have your blood-stained clothes, I will take it from that"


"Can you tell me some other stuff about your system?"

"I don't know. It just works as I want"

"You even installed your AI in your system and gave it permissions to access your system. That was a very smart move"

"She is not just AI. I love her"

"Yeah, yeah. I know. You are in a relationship with her, your cousin, and your teacher. A real harem" 


I just don't know what to reply when she knows everything.

"Don't make that face. I am also a harem member of Zero"

"He also has multiple girlfriends?"

"Not girlfriends. They are his wife. And he has more girls than you" 

"Are you asking for the competition?"

"Oh, does it sound like that?"

"It did. And...can I ask you something if you don't mind?" I asked, hesitantly.


"How does it feel?"

"Feel what?" 

"Being a harem member. You are old, so you must have some experience"

"It's not that bad. I was against it at first. But I loved him, so I had no choice but to be a harem member. Then some time passed, and I got used to it"

"The way you said it, it looked like you were not the one who suggested the harem. Was it Zero?"

"No. The girl he loves the most suggested it"

"So, it's the same as me"

"No, no, in your case, your girlfriend was okay with it, right?"


"In my case, that girl wasn't. We fought many times"


"It was in the VR game, by the way. Meaning if one of us died, we would have died in real life" 


I can't imagine what I would do if they started fighting with each other.

"You might not know, but Zero was also in love with your mother"


"He got brother-zoned before he could even confess. I still remember how hard I laughed that day. His face was so...hahaha...I can't forget the face he made"

Mom knew him too. Well, if this old lady knows then, he must know too.


And who the hell is Ruidas?

Mom said she named me after him. And today too, she asked me if I am Ruidas.

And on the day mom's NGO got on fire...when I tried to save Sia. Dad asked me if I am 'him'. Now I think he meant Ruidas.

"Do you know someone named Ruidas?"

Mom said he was like her bro...there. Wait, don't tell me...

"Zero is Ruidas" she said, holding back her laugh.

"So it was him"

"You know. Zero simped so much after your mother, only to find out she already has a boyfriend"

She was trying her best not to laugh.

"I don't know what to say"

"Let's put that aside for now. Can you use your system and show your powers?"

"Use on that?"


As soon as she clapped, a door opened from behind the wall.

"Follow me"

We entered the room.

There was a big wall.

"What do you want me to do?"

"Punch the wall with all your strength" 

"It will break"

"It won't. It is ten times stronger than the Prik wall"

"Well, if you say so"

She stepped away from the wall.

"Lily, give me enough strength to break this wall"


I stepped back and pulled my hand back to punch the wall.

"As I said, it won't break! No matter how hard you try. It has elasticity. All the shock will absorb--" 


"What the fuck! You broke it!" 


"Impossible! It was built by the strong--hey, why does your arm look like rubber?"

"Why you ask...the bones in my arm are shattered"

"Are you okay? It must be hurting a lot" 

"It's not hurting"

"Looking at it, it will take 3 hours just to regenerate it"

"I will boost the process. It will be done in 20 seconds"

"Is that so?"

"Lily, activate--"

[Already healed]


"How much power did you use?" she asked.

"I don't know"

"Ask your AI. She must know it"


[It was 3% of your total strength] 

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