As we were on our way to school, Elena said, "We might get to live together too"

"Yes, we will live together once you graduate"

"No. I mean, I Can live with you after this exam"

"What do you mean?

"I made a bet with dad"

"What type of bet?"

"If I score more than 95%, dad will allow me to live together with you"

"But 95% is..."

"Don't worry. I have studied too much"

"Don't tell me that's the reason you were pushing yourself hard?"

"That's part of it but...most of it was because I wanted to show you that I can get top score if I study"

"You are still holding a grudge on that, huh?"

"I am not. It's motivation. That gives me inspiration to study"

"I was a pathetic idiot at that time"

"Don't forget that I fell in love with that side of you"

"What about now?"

"I am improvising"

We both reached the school and took the exams.

I was done in 30 minutes, so I came out and waited for Elena.

The time limit is about to end, and Elena still hasn't come out.

"She really studied hard, huh?"

[I also want to give an exam]

When I was taking the exam, Lily kept talking with me.

She was too excited to see this many students at once.

Ding~ Dong~

"The bell rang and the remaining students came out"

[So many humans]

"You said the same thing in the morning"

I noticed Elena at a distance.

She was glancing around.

[She is looking for you]

"I know"

[Shouldn't you call her?]

"She has already seen us"

Elena came running at me.

"How did it go?" I asked.

"I missed the last question"


I have never seen her so down for missing one question.

"It was a six mark question"

"It's okay. Do better in the next exams"

"I have to score more than 95%"

I hugged her and said, "Don't worry. You will get more than that"

If she doesn't, then I will just have to bribe the teachers.

She has worked so hard, and she deserves everything she wants.

On our way to her home, she said, "There is a new type of VR gear and game going to launch soon"

"Is that so?"

"Yeah. I saw someone talking about it on my blog"

"What type of new VR gear?"

"I don't know. I asked them, so they sent me the link"

"Don't open random links given by strangers"

"They are an old reader of mine"

"Still strangers, right?"

"Don't say that"

"So, what was in the link?"

"It was the registration page"


"Of the launching event"

"When is it?"

"Next month"

"Is it online?"

"Both online and offline. I registered online"

"I will register too then. Send me the link"

"I have already registered for you too"

"As expected of my girlfriend"


"Yeah, wife. But I will call you girlfriend when we are in public"

"I thought you didn't care of what peoples think"

"I don't. But mom asked us to keep it a secret, so..have to do as she said"

"That is true"

"What else did you do last week?"

"I played LWO twice. Met Serah and Lier. Told them about what happened with you"

"About that. Don't tell them everything"

"But you promised you won't hide anything from them"

"That's not what I mean. I was talking about 'saying everything in detail'. You tell them everything in detail, don't do that"

"What's wrong with it?"

"It's embarrassing"

"And when are you going to tell me what you did with Lier last night?"


"In detail"

"I am not telling. Ask Lier"

"But we won't get to meet or talk until our exams end"

"Then wait for it"

"Das is becoming arrogant like he was before"

"I won't deny that I was arrogant before, but I am not being one right now"

"I also watched a movie!"


"It was a pre-release on the movie"

"You went to the theater alone?"

"It was on their website"

"Oh, I see"

"It's still available"

"What's the site?"

"It's synced with my account"

"Is that so?"

"You already have access to my account, right?"


"You hacked my account at that time"

"I didn't hack it!"

"You did it! You did it in front of me"

"Don't forget that we made a bet on 'What your password is?' and I guessed your password right"

"That is still hacking"

"If I want to hack then I will just hack your phone, and access the camera. Then I can see everything what you are doing"

"That's called stalking"

"What's the movie's name?"

"It will be on my 'Recent watch' list"

"Okay. I will watch it tonight"

"And the subtitles are a little off"

"I don't need subtitles. I know every possible language of the entire world" 

"I know it too. But watching with subtitles feels good"

"Fine. So what's off about them?"

"Set the subtitle's synchronization to '+3.22 seconds' and decrease the subtitle's speed to '-1.56 seconds' and it will be perfect"

"You keep using your brain on this stuff, huh?"

"Got a problem?"

"I do. Use your brain on me"

"I use my heart on you" 

We reached her house.

"Elena, here"

I took out a pendant with the shape of a flower on it and gave it to her.

"What is this? Birthday gift?"

"It's not"

"Then why?"

"Just wear it"


She grabbed my hand and gave it back to me.

"You want me to..."

She nodded.

"Sure" I said, putting the pendant around her neck.

"Do you like it?"

"Yes. But why did you..."

"I just wanted to give it to you"

"It's so simple but beautiful"

"And I have already planned everything for your birthday" 


"It's a surprise"

"Tell me now!" 

"Just wait for one week"

"I can't wait for a week!"

"You have to. Bye"

We kissed each other.

"Bye. I love you" she went into her house.

"Shall we go now, Lily?"

[You gave half of the Oyuoras to her. It might affect your materializing system]

"I don't care. My first priority is to keep her safe"


Next chapter will be a bonus chapter. And then there will time-skip till his coronation day.

I can write it without the time-skip, but it will just turn into unnecessary fillers.

So, Elena's birthday will also skipped with the time-skip. (I might write it as a bonus chapter in future) 


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