The King's Mandate: Anomalous System

Chapter 259: Teachers, Students, Parents, Student, Teacher

I will just go and pick Elena up.

"I tried shrug Lier off, but she wasn't letting go.

"Where are you going?"

"I will go and pick up Elena real quick"

"You can't go"

"I have to go"

Lier is still not sober. I can't just leave her like this.

"Hey Rikka. Can you take care of her for some time?"


"You are not going anywhere" Lier pulled me.

"Stop acting like a kid Lier"

"I am a kid!"

She is a real pain when she is drunk and sober!

"I will be right back"

"I am coming with you"

"You should stay here"

"I know you will just leave me here and go to the palace with Elena"


I was so desperate to see Elena that I forget about Lier feelings.

When I first came here, Lier said, 'I thought you are not coming'. She wasn't jealous or anything. She was just anxious and scared that I wouldn't come.

And even now, she fears that I will take Elena and go to the palace.

I can't blame her for thinking like that.

"I promise, I will come back"

"You better come back. Or I will dash into your room at midnight"

I couldn't help but chuckle at her threat.

"I will be right back"

"Hey Das!" Ricky called out.

"What's wrong?"

"Tell Joey we are looking for him. He is not picking up his phone due to these loud DJs"

"Joey is here too?"

"Yeah. He was with us, but then he said, 'I see Biana' and ran off somewhere"

What's wrong with that guy?

I get that he loves her but...he is just being creepy.

Well...I am not the one to say.

I have done more creepy things.

"Okay! I will tell him if I see him!"


When I was running towards the exit, I glanced around just in case, I see Joey, so I could tell him that Ricky was looking for him. 

As I was running towards the exit, I saw mother talking with...Serah.

They noticed I was looking at them and called me to come there.

I went to greet them.

"I was talking about you with Serah" mother said.

"Is that so?"

I have a bad feeling about this.

"Yeah. She told me some things that you never told me about"

Ah shit!

"What things?"

Is it of that one time I squeezed Serah's breast? Or is it that one time when I pushed Serah down and kissed her? Or maybe it's both?!

As I gulped down, sweating crazily.

"She said you and Elena were late to school for a few days. She also told me that you and Elena have skipped one day"


"That was it?"

"What do you mean 'That was it'?! What did you do with Elena? Where did you two go?"

"Nothing. Just some sightseeing, and a cafe and walked around"

"I can't believe you skipped a day"

"It was way back then"

"It doesn't matter. If you want to stop going to school then just say so, don't skip it"

"I don't want to stop going to school"

There are many reasons for me to go to school.

Elena is the first. And I also get to meet Serah everyday there.

"Where are you going?" Serah asked. 

"Elena is not here. I was just going to pick her up"

"She got lost somewhere here?"

"No. She...hasn't come ere yet"

"Oh! Yes, you should go and pick her up. It's almost 10 PM"


"By the way, Das. Guess what?" mother asked.


"Do you know who Serah is?"

" teacher and girlfriend?"

"Not that! Do you know what she is to me?"

"Uhh...future daughter in law?"

"No! I am her teacher"


"I was a professor in her school"

"How would I have guessed that?"

"Aren't you surprised?!"

"I am. I's great? Your student is my girlfriend and your future daughter in law"

"Not only that! What's ironic is that her parents were also my teachers"


If I remember correctly. Serah told me she grew up without guidance. And that she has foster parents.

There are only two meanings of that. First is, they are dead. And the second is, she is not close with them and now lives with her foster parents. And I think, the first one is the correct one.

"Serah. Are you comfortable talking about your parents?" I asked.

"Yes. In fact, I would like to hear stories about them"

So I was right. Her parents are...dead.

"Okay! I will tell you. But let me tell you this first, I didn't know you were their daughter back then. I just got to know you recently when I was...researching about you. And I was surprised to see you, and the surprise doubled when I found out they were your parents"

"I also never knew you would be Das's mother"

"Okay, so. The thing is, your mom and dad both were childhood friends. They grew up together. Went to school together. And chose the same profession"

"I know that. My foster father told me about this"

"Your father, he was a total scumbag"



That's not a way to talk about someone's parents who are dead. And not in front of their daughter!

"He used to hit on his own students"

"He used to beat them?" Serah asked.

"No. I mean, he used to hit on girls"

"Uh...I see"

That is actually....scummy.

"Your mother was the same. She used to hit on boys"


She had...weird parents.

"But the thing was, they both, your father and mother were trying to make each other jealous"


"They were smitten with each other since childhood. And because they were childhood friends, they never told their feelings to each other. They were worried about rejection, and didn't want to ruin the relationship" 

"That is sweet"

"Fast forward to some months, they got married"

"You skipped too much"

I know right?!

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