The last time it rained was around 50 years ago.

It was a night of full moon.

The roads were empty.

Everyone was at the party, enjoying themselves, while outside was...hell.

There were still thousands of men running all around the city, escaping from Das.

The number of men attacked at the palace is still unknown.

The pavilion of the palace, which is 5000 meters long and 12000 meters wide, was filled with corpses.

Not only that, there are hundreds of hallways in the palace, and all were also filled with corpses.

They all were here to massacre, but they would have never imagined to meet a monster there.

Drip~ Drip~

It started raining.

But the rain was red.

It was their blood. Not only blood, but their body pieces too.

Das killed as many as he could and threw them into the air.

He was jumping, and with one jump he was killing dozens.

Some men were running over the buildings, some on roads, some were trying to hide wherever they could. 

Das jumps once in the air and kills as many as he can, and then he lands down, killing and crushing the one on the roads.

His speed was beyond the human limit.

He was fast enough to not be seen by a normal human eye.

His claws were sharper than anything.

He was just touching them, and they were being cleaved into pieces.

It was just a one-sided massacre.

All the roads were now full of corpses and body pieces. The same with all the buildings.

Corpses were sticking out from everywhere.

Wherever the gaze falls, the corpses are seen. 

It was a true hell.

Das' body is more than damaged right now, and his system is still not repairing it.

Though he couldn't feel any pain, his body was still slowing him down.

He might have even attacked Elena and Selena if they hadn't escaped.

It's not like Das didn't recognize them, or he couldn't recognize them.

He did recognize them, but that didn't have any effect on him. 

He still would have attacked them

Das's brain has been heavily damaged for the past few months.

His thinking ability has been going down drastically for the past few months. Not only that, but his headache and body pain never stopped.

He just got used to them. It was like totally normal for him now.

The same was with his thinking ability.

He can't think straight for more than one minute. And right now, it's even less than one second.

He can't proceed any thoughts, let alone react according to them.

In this state Elena and Selena are no different than those men to Das right now. 

The rain still hasn't stopped.

Soon, the entire city would be bathed in blood.

All the surrounding areas, like roads, buildings, and cars were also damaged.

If any oldies were to see him, they would call him...


Near the Royal Garden.

"I am telling you I am alright"

"No, you are not. We are going home now" 

An old couple in their late seventies were walking on the road.

"But you wanted to enjoy more" the old lady said.

"You are not feeling well" replied the old man.


"No, buts. I have enjoyed enough"

"This will be our last time attending a party like this"

This couple has come here from the 4 cities ahead just to attend this party.

The old lady wasn't feeling good, so the old man suggested to go back home. And now, they are on their way to get their car, which is parked on the road near the sidewalk.

The old man pressed the button in his key, and the car "beeped".

"There it is"

The couple walked to the car, only to see that the car was blocked by other cars.

"I knew this would happen" said the old man.

"We can go back to the party and wait for it to end"

"The party won't end till morning"

"Then use that...automatic park-out system"

"I don't know how to use it"

"Oh my sweet god. What will we do now?"

"Don't say 'god' in public"

"No one is around"

"Yes, no one is around. Only if someone was around, we could have asked them to help us"

"Let's go and stand on the fourway, we might find someone" the old lady suggested.

"We have no other option"

The couple walked to the crossover, and glanced around to find someone.

"I don't see anyone" the old lady said.

"No one would"

"What's wrong?"

"I see someone"


"There" the old main pointed his finger at his front.

"Who is it?" the old lady asked.

"I don't know. It's too far away"

"Let's call them"

"We can't just disturb anyone"

"Just yell for help. They will come running to help" the old lady advised.

"The world has changed. No one comes to help another nowadays"

"Try yelling"

"Fine. But you have to take care of my sore throat later"

"I will make some hot soup for both of us"

The old man looked at the old lady and said, "Now I can yell all night"

"Just once is enough"

"Yeah" the old man looked at the road again and yelled, "Where did they go?!"

"They were coming this way...where did they go?" the old lady said, completely shocked.

The streetlights and all the cars parked around them started going on and off.

"What is happening?!" the old lady hugged the old man.

"What is going on?"

They backed off some steps.


Das fell down on the exact same spot the old couple were standing on before.

If they hadn't moved, they would have been cut into pieces, or crushed by him.

Das walked towards them. One eye red, pulsing crazily. White air which looked brighter than the moon, swaying up and down with his every step.

Das was walking with heavy steps, tilting a little on each side when he walked.

Horns, which were now glowing in dark.

He had something on his left hand.

It was a head.

He was grabbing a head with the, he wasn't grabbing the head by its hair. Das's claws were pierced into his head.

The old couple started trembling as they hugged each other tightly.

The old lady opened her mouth and said, "It's a Demon" 

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