The King's Mandate: Anomalous System

Chapter 272: FOE = Fall of Edens

When I woke up, I was lying on the bench.

My head ached like never before.

My memories are still hazy and I don't remember everything.

Lily is angry too.

well that's given, after what I did to her...It's totally natural for her to be angry.

As long as she is fine, I don't care.

I glanced around and then looked at my body.

"I can't believe I am alive after all that"


There was something in my fist.

I opened my fist to see the pendant.

I glanced around.

"Where is Robena?!"

She was sleeping...Lily said I attacked her.

Where is she?

Is she okay?

My pendant...did she pick it up from somewhere?

Wait. What was she doing here in the first place?


My head. It is killing me.

I can't think anything.

"Lily. Are you there?"


"Where is Robena?"



[She went home]

"How?! Didn't you say she was in danger?"

[Her legs were still working]


[She got up and walked to the Royal Garden. Called Bianca, and she took Robena to the hospital. And they just reached home now]

"Is she okay?

[Some fractures. She needs rest]

"Thanks for keeping an eye on her"

[I am never doing the same mistake again] 


I can't believe this is really happening.

Everything was fine till I was there.

I shouldn't have left the palace.

It's all my fault.

It's my fault that Daulla...

I don't want to go back to that place.

I don't want to...grandpa!

I have to go and check on him.

The worst case he is already... 

I got up and started walking.

My body is aching so bad.

I can't even walk properly.

I walked all the way to the palace by dragging my feet.

It took me 80 minutes to get there.

I saw my reflection on the cars. My hair is still white though my eye has turned back to normal.

The palace was exactly the same as I saw when I last came here.

Though the corpses seems to have increased.

All my way here, to the palace, I only saw corpses.

Wherever I laid my gaze, I saw corpses.

The roads, buildings, cars, everything was painted red.

Just how many men came to attack?

The palace is also filled with corpses. 

It is like...they just came here to...

Ignoring all corpses, I walked to Grandpa's room.

The door was already open, so were the balcony door, and the windows.

6 men were lying on the ground, blood coming out of their bodies.


I couldn't see the front, but from back it looked like he was sitting on the chair, looking at the balcony or rather the full moon. 


I slowly walked to his chair.


His eyes were closed, he was smiling and there was a boo in his hand.

Blood was dripping down from the chair.

I looked down to see he was stabbed with a sword in his stomach.

The blood is still dripping down. That means it happened after I came here and saw Daulla...

I could have saved him but...

It's all my fault.

"Didn't I say to protect your family?" I heard a voice from the room.

It was a static voice, coming from the darkest corner of the room.

There was someone sitting on the chair.


"Oh, you can see me in this dark? Wow"

I picked up a sword from the ground and threw it at him. 

He disappeared in a second and the sword ended up stabbing the chair.

"Is this how you Edens welcome people?"

He was standing on the balcony now.

He was wearing a mask, so I couldn't see his face.

"I will kill you!"

"Now, now. I have heard that before. And if you are thinking that I am behind this attack then you are completely wrong"

"Like hell I would believe you"

"I don't care"


"Do you think I am scared of you? Well I am not"

"What are you doing here?!"

"I got to know that the palace is going to be attacked tonight, so I came to see the fall of the Edens myself. But much to my surprise, no one was here"

"Everyone in the world knew there would be a party tonight at the Royal Garden"

He stared at me for a while and said, "Guess you are not an idiot after all"

"Answer me!"

"I just came here for a stroll"

I quickly checked the CCTV footage of the palace.

He came here after I saw Daulla...

The men had also tried to attack him, and he killed them without any weapon.

He wasn't even using his hands to kill them.

He then entered Grandpa's room and saw some men stabbing grandpa.

Grandpa was just sitting on the chair. He never tried to fight back. It was like he accepted his death.

Augustus killed those men and stared at grandpa as he took his last breath.

After staring at him for a while, he went and sat on the chair.

"Why are you lying?" I asked.

"I am not lying. I was just here for a quick stroll"

"I saw you trying to save grandpa"

As soon as he entered grandpa's room, he killed all the men in an instant.

"Oh please. Why would I try to save this old man? He is better off dead"

"Who are you?"

"How many times do I have to say it? I am Augustus, the fall of you Edens"

"Which clone are you?"

"Oh! I am the real deal"

"You said this attack wasn't done by you"

"I did"

"Then who attacked the palace?"

"Do you remember what I said when we met at noon?"


It is all my fault.

If I was more careful, both Daulla and grandpa would have been alive.

"Do you think it was your fault?" he asked.


"Don't blame yourself. The attack wasn't for you, it was for the maid. Even if you were present here, you wouldn't have been able to save her"

"Why Daulla?"

"How would I know?"

"She was just a maid! There wasn't any need to kill her!"

"Don't yell at me. yell at those killers, and those who sent the killers"

"She just wanted to live"

"Why do you think they killed your maid? And it wasn't the first time she was attacked, and you know it"

"Only if I had realized it sooner..."

"Even if you had, you would never have been able to save her"


"Hey, tell me. What does that maid had? What made her so special that she was killed this way?"

"I don't know"

"You know nothing, Das Edens"


"I was also attacked by them many times, you were too, and so was your maid. What do we have...oops. She is dead already. What did we have in common?"


"Come on, tell me. You know the answer"


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