I heard footsteps approaching me.

I glanced at the door just to see Sherley standing here.

"What are you doing here? I thought I already told you not to show your face to me"

"Why so harsh, Lil Das?" 

"Wh...at?" I said, getting up from there.

Did I hear that right?

She called me Lil Das. Only Daulla calls me Lil Das...wait! She spoke?!

But...I thought Sherley couldn't speak.

Or is this Daulla?

No! Daulla is dead. I saw her with my own eyes.

And just to confirm she was Daulla, I checked her scar. Deep down I hoped that she would turn out to be Sherley and Daulla was alive, but...there was a scar on her body. It was Daulla. And after seeing that, I just...went on rage.

I don't remember what happened after that.

Next time I regained consciousness, I was with Robena.

There are memories of what happened and what I did that time, like I tried to attack Elena and Selena, then...I remember hearing some voices, but everything is still hazy.

But what I remember and what I know is, Daulla is dead.

So why is Sherley calling me Lil Das? And how is she speaking?

I thought she couldn't speak...no one said she couldn't speak.

Daulla never said that Sherley couldn't speak, she said Sherley never spoke.

So that means...she could speak.

"What are you so surprised about, Lil Das?"

"Don't! Call me that"

"Why are you looking at me like that, Lil Das?"

"I said don't call me what!"

"Why? I have always called you Lil Das"

"Stop! Please stop using her voice. Please stop talking like her. Please...please"

"Why? Aren't you happy to see me alive?"

"I am not! You are not Daulla! You are Sherley! You should have died instead of Daulla"

"But I am Daulla"

"You are not! Don't you dare take her place"

"I am not trying to. I am Daulla"

"I said shut up! Just because you look like her doesn't mean you are her"

"I am her. Can't you recognize me?"

"You are not her. Please get out of my sight"

"Is this how much you loved me?"

"Shut up!"

"Is this your love?"

"I said shut up!"

"If you had really loved me then you would have been able to recognize me"

"Shut! Up! Shut up! Or I will throw you down from here"

"I see. So I can't convince you, huh?"

She looked at her legs, and started walking towards me.

"Why are you coming--"

She passed me and walked to the edge.

"What are..."

What is she... 

She looked back and said, "If I can't convince you. If you can't recognize me, then there is no point of me living"


She climbed to the edge and said, "Goodbye, Lil Das"

"Stop bluffing"

"You still won't believe it, huh?"

She is bluffing, right?

She won't really jump, right?

She looked at me with the corner of her eyes and said, "Goodbye. I have always loved you ever since you were a kid" and jumped down.

My body automatically moved and jumped down after her.

I grabbed her with one hand and grabbed the edge with another.

"Why...did you stop me?" She asked, looking up at me with her teary eyes.

This is bad.

I don't have any strength left.

I can't hold the edge for much longer.

"Lily! Do something"

[I can recover your strength for two seconds. Your body can maintain it for only two seconds. And in that two second, you have to climb up with her]

"That is more than enough"

I will pull her up and--

"Let me go" she said.

There was sadness and disappointment in her voice.

"Hold on. I will get us both up"

"Let me go"

"Shut up"

"There is no point in living if I can't live with you"

"I said shut up! Lily! Do it now"


I pulled her up quickly as she jumped up and climbed the edge.


I lost my grip and fell down, or I should have, but she grabbed my hand and pulled me up.

We both stared at each other while panting.

"Why...why...why did you jump down"

I still couldn't catch my breath properly.


She didn't say anything, she just kept staring at me.

Don't look at me with those eyes! It reminds me of...her.

"Are you an idiot! Why would you jump down?!" I yelled.

"Why did you save me?"

"I will be asking questions here. Answer me, why did you jump down?!"

"Because you don't love me anymore"

"Why would I love you?"

She started walking towards the edge again. I grabbed her hand and pulled her back.

"Don't you dare do that again!"

"Let me go"

"Stop acting like a kid!"

"Then what am I supposed to do?! You don't believe me and I can't convince you"

"What are...you are Sherley. Stop acting like Daulla"

"I am not Sherley"

"Don't lie!"

"I am really Daulla!"

"Daulla is...dead"

"Please believe me, Lil Das"

"How can I believe you? You could be lying"

"Why would I lie?"

"I don't know. Maybe because I don't feel sad?"

"What can I do to convince you that I am Daulla?"

"You can't do anything"

"But I am Daulla"

"You don't have any proof and I have no reason to believe you"

"Then let me die! Why did you save me?"



"Because you look like her"

"Was that the only reason?"


"I can tell you everything I know about you"

"That won't prove anything"

"I can tell you some secrets that we shared"

"Daulla must have told them you"

"I didn't!"

"Listen, I can't believe you. Daulla died, and there is no way you are her. You are Sherley"

"I am in Sherley's body, but I am Daulla"

"Now you are not making any sense"

"After I died. When I opened my eyes, I was in a room filled with maids. At first, I thought that was all a dream, but then...when I checked my body, there were no scar. Then I realized I am in Sherley's body"

"How can you prove that? Do you have any proof?"

"I don't"

"Daulla had a system. But you are only human"

"I am"

"Then there is no way you are her"

"Maybe you are right"


"Maybe I am just Sherley"


"Maybe I am...I have all of Daulla's memory, and I am Sherley"


"I am Sherley with Daulla's memories inside me"


"Hey Lil Das, you said you loved me...Daulla, right? Then you can easily recognize who am I. You should know it, right? Tell me, Lil Das. Who am I? Am I Sherley or am I Daulla?" 

"How would I know? You both looked so identical. Remember when I saw you...Sherley, I couldn't identify, I couldn't recognize you both. I mistook you....Sherley for Daulla"

"That's because you didn't know about Sherley yet!"

"What are you trying to say?"

"You could easily recognize between your girlfriend and her sister, even though their own parents couldn't"

"What are you talking about?"

"I was talking about 15 years ago" 

"I don't remember that"

"You don't, but I do. You could identify them just by looking at them. And whenever we asked how you recognized them, you used to say, 'They look a lot different to me' and we used to laugh at that reply"

"That was a long time ago. And the kid me was an idiot! He always talked nonsense. He must have been lying at that time too. It was just random guesses"

"Don't you dare insult my Lil Das"

"I am not yours"

"Say Lil Das. What do you see me as? Am I Sherley or am I Daulla?"


"Even I don't know who I am. I know that I am in Sherley's body, but I don't know anything about myself. Who am I? Am I Sherley with Daulla's memories? Or am I just Sherley? Please answer me Lil Das. I would believe anything you say"


I don't know.

How am I supposed to answer that?

I didn't know Sherley that well.

We only met a few times.

How would I know...only Daulla tried to kill herself or threatened to kill herself whenever she couldn't convince me.

Could she really be....no. I can't judge it yet.

What if Daulla has told her everything? Even if hadn't, as she said, when she died, she woke up in Sherley's body.

How is that possible? Even if I...argh! My head.


How am I supposed to make a decision in this uncertain moment?

Even if I believe her for a moment, that doesn't explain how she got in her body.

Okay, let's think about that later.

What if she is Sherley with Daulla's memory?

Would that make her Daulla?

She has the same face, same body, same eyes, same voice and...same memories. Would that make Sherley Daulla?

To be honest, memories are what makes people human.

If my memory got transferred to someone else, would that make him Das?

Memories are what matters the most.

So if...she is Sherley with Daulla's memory, then...

Help me, Daulla.

What should I do?

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