The King's Mandate: Anomalous System

Chapter 297: Flow of Time

"What prank?"

"Like you are just bluffing about the clip. And when my attention is on the clip, you will kiss me suddenly. If that's your plan then it's not going to work" 

She kept staring at me while doing nothing.


Why am I getting more chills now?

Did I guess her prank?

But it was a very lame one.

"Can I play the clip now?"

So it wasn't that?


"Go ahead"

She played the clip.

It was from a low angle...or rather, it was...

"Is this what I think it is?"

"Yes. I am showing you what I was seeing when you were in...what should we call that form?"

"Are you seriously asking me that? You already know how much I suck at naming"

She pouted and said, "Fine then. I will name it"

She thought for a while and said, "How about Black Das?"

"Uh...I have so many questions"

"Okay, then it's decided. We will call it Black Das"

"Don't ignore me!"

"All questions are rejected"


"You didn't even try to think and come up with any name. So you don't have the right to ask any questions"

"Why are you actually making sense?" 

"I always make sense"


I am not even in any mood to fight back.


I sighed and said, "Please resume the clip already"


The clip started playing again.

I was looking at it from my eyes, so the clip was...kind of...weird.

I was crawling on the road and soon entered the park.

There was someone lying on the ground...wait! That's Robena.

And I didn't pay attention back then, but everything was damaged in the park.

I did that? 

How hard did I hit her?

Is she...okay?

I crawled to Robena and tried to attack her. But fell down again.

Robena tried to get up from the bench, but she fell down. 

I tried to get up with the bench as support.

Robena slowly got up, and held me.

I tried to shrug her off.

She held his face as my mask fell down.

Her eyes widened.

There wasn't any surprise or shock in her eyes, nor any fear. She looked worried about me.

"So it was you after all"

She brought her face close to mine, and kissed...wait, kiss!

"What Why do you look so sad? What happened?"

She...kissed me?!


I looked at Lily who was making a smug face.

"So, I won, right?

"Wait a damn minute! What is this? Is this real?"

"Of course it is"

"When...why did she do that?!"

"I don't know"

"I...I hit her, and she could have died because of that. She should be scared of me. But instead, she kissed me?! Why?!" 

"Maybe she thought she was going to die?"

"If so then...then why would she kiss me?"

"Because she loves you?"


"Because she loves you"

"What the hell are you talking about?"

"I am saying that she loves you"

"And I am asking how do you know that?"


"She told will she tell you"


My brain stopped working again.

"She hasn't told me or anyone that she loves you"

"Exactly! So why do you think that she loves me?"

"Why else would she kiss a person who hit her to death?"


Is that true?

She loves me?


And how?!

We have only met once...maybe not once. But we definitely didn't share any moments where she could have...LWO!


We dipped together in the lake.

Did she fall in love with me because of that?

But...why would anyone fall in love after taking a dip with them?

And I never actually dipped with her. She pushed...pulled me into the lake and I fell down.

My clothes were already wet, so I was waiting for them to dry. Nothing else.

I may be dense, but there is no way anyone can fall in love after that.

What happened after---Ah!

We ran into that buliger.

She was also acting weird at that time.

Many things were happening to me at that time. Like those whispers and screams and my body pain and head aching. Too much shit. And during all that, Robena was being annoying.

She was killed by that Bulgier.

I took revenge though.

Did she fall in love with me because of that?

Maybe not.

Am I forgetting something?



"My headache is back again"

"I am sorry, I wasn't trying to annoy you. I just wanted to see you embarrsed face" Lily said as she sat on my lap.

"It's not your fault. I just...I just don't know what to do"

"It's not like she has confessed to you. And...I am not sure, maybe I am just mistaken?"

"Say that..." I squeezed her breasts and said, "Earlier!"

"Das" she leaned back on my chest and said, "Hey"


She looked up and said, "What are you going to do about your heart?


"But you can't live it like this"

"I don't need a heart now"

"You do need it"

"My system is doing all the heart's work"

"But heart is important"

"Not anymore"

"It makes you human"

"Please Lily. Don't force me to make me do something I don't want to do"

"What about your emotions?"


"You exterminated them from your body and system"


"Have you realized its effect yet?"


"You are lacking emotions and feelings"

"That's not true. I can still feel the sadness of grandpa's death"

"It will be gone soon. Every emotion. Your every feeling will vanish. Everything. Do you know what will happen once its happens?"

"I don't"

"You will stop feeling anything. You won't have any emotions. You will stop loving me. You will stop loving Elena, Lier, Daulla, and Serah. You will stop loving your parents"


"What will you do once it happens?"

"You will stop loving us, you will stop feeling anything about us and you won't even realize it"

"Can you do something?"

"Is that an order or a request?"

"It's just a question"

"I don't know if I can do anything or not"

"Can you try?"

"I need time"

"How much?"

"Thousands of years"

"I am being serious here"

"I am also being serious here. I have to find every single emotion from your system which are scattered all over your system. Just finding them would take more than hundreds years, And that emotions will be corrupted with no value in them. I have to repair them and then I have to create the exact same emotion, because the old one won't work even if it's repaired"

"Too much work"

"And that's for only one emotion. There are many emotions"

"Can you do it?"

"I will try. But as I said, I need time"

"But thousands...Hey Lily. You said you can slow the time here, right?"

"Yes we can"

"You said, you can make one milliseconds here into one day, right?"

"I did"

"Why don't you do that?"

"I can't"


"As I said, I will need a deep concentration to look, repair, and create your emotions. And I can't concentrate if I am slowing down the time"

"How much can you manage?"

'I can't slow down the time"

"I will do it"

"Do you know how to?"

"I don't. Teach me Miss Lily"

"Hehe. Fine. I shall teach you" 

"Okay. But first" I got off the bed and bowed down, saying, "Thank you for everything. Please keep loving and supporting me all my life"

"Hey!" She quickly jumped down from the bed and said, "Stop. What are you doing?! You are the king!"

"Not here. Not for you. Not for my loved ones"

She helped me get up and said, "Never, ever, do that again. Got it?"


"Got it?"

"Got it"


She looks so scary. But scary Lily is also cute.

"So, let's start"


"So first, what's the time outside?"

How will I know that?"

"My bad. You won't know. Hmm, let's see. It's 3: 12"

"Wow. I am here for over 40 minutes?"

Time really passes by fast here.

"The sunrise is at--"

"5: 37" I added.

She glanced at me and said, "You always know weird stuff"

"I will take that as compliment"

"Okay, so we have 125 minutes"

"124--123 now"

"Stop interrupting me!"


"So we have 123 minutes left. Try to imagine the flow of time"


"Just close your eyes and try to imagine it"


"I closed my eyes, and imagined the flow of time.

"Do you see anything?"

"All I see is black"

"You are not imagining it properly"

"Why am I even doing this? I thought there would be some kind of switch to slow the time"

"Focus on imagining"

I really don't know how it works.

How am I supposed to--


"What was that sound?" I asked.

"Sound? What sound?"

"I just heard a dripping sound"

"I haven't heard...are you seeing anything?"


"Okay. Keep focusing"


"Again! Did you hear it this time? It was faster than last time"

"I can't hear it"

Drip! Drip~ Drip~!

The dripping sound got faster and faster. And it felt like it was coming closer. But I still couldn't see anything.

Soon, I heard a sound of footsteps, as if someone was walking on the water.



"I am freaking out here. I can't see anything, but I keep hearing the sound of something dripping and the sound of footsteps approaching me"

I felt something on my face...or rather on my lips.

I opened my eyes to see Lily kissing me.

"What are you doing?!"

"I was so scared"

"I should be the one saying that"

"You stopped speaking after I told you to keep focusing"

"What are you talking about? I was yelling... 

"I see"

So that's what going on.

Rather than imagine the flow of time, I was the time flowing.

This is too complicated.

"I give up! Please do something Lily"

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