The King's Queen
13 Flynn's 'Change' of Hear
♔Flynn (P.O.V)
Flynn shot up out of his bed in a cold sweat; he was wide awake. It's been quite a while since he's dreamed of him. Theo Van the previous alpha. To most, he was a lovable teddy bear of a father and ruler. What people didn't know was that the fighting pit was his favorite place. Nor did they realize that he would inject poor souls with a liquid that caused werewolves to go rabid. Theo started using those people who were no more than a rabid wolf in his fighting pits.
Flynn had hated the pits when he first found out about them. He was young and naive, so he didn't realize how cruel the world was. He had accepted the things Theo had done to him, but not what he was doing to others.
Things change; people change. His anger and pain must have started bottling up at some point. All contributed by Theo's lessons or Theo himself.
The lessons often consisted of Theo bringing small animals and telling him to kill them as a human. Morally as a fifteen-year-old werewolf hunting in wolf form was normal. We killed animals to eat. It's the circle of life. Werewolves ordinarily won't prance around killing animals barehanded, in their human appearance. It's morally wrong.
The problem was if he disobeyed or didn't perform properly, he got punished. Usually with beatings, days in the gray room, or hours of lashings to his back and hands.
After hours, days, and months of torment, his thoughts shifted to somewhere dark. He was conscious of it, and fighting against it was rough.
Eventually, he began to relish in watching the matches between wolves. He would wish he was the one down there, killing the others to survive and that the loser would be Theo. Hoping it would set him free from the chains that bound him to that monster.
Pain rushes through his right wrist, dragging him out of his thoughts. It felt as if invisible needles were sticking into his skin. Stinging and itching began to flow through the nonexistent wounds. Confusion flashes across his face as he absentmindedly rubs his wrist.
"Huh, that's strange," he whispers.
Immediately following the pain in his right wrist, it mirrors into his left. His left hand had finally stopped bothering him a few moments ago, flares up again.
Pressure begins to surround his neck at individual points, almost like the collar from his dream.
The collar from his dream. The gray room.
"Oh no," he almost chokes as a lump forms in his throat.
"Ashton," he tries reaching out to his wolf. "Ashton, man, I need you. Come on."
The pain in his right wrist begins to intensify slowly, almost as if it's inch by inch.
The pain stopped getting worse for a moment he thought it was over. The pain was still there, but it was bearable.
Flynn gets up off the bed, still rubbing his right wrist. His wolf Ashton won't answer him; he's still mad.
They're not marked. To do that, he'd have to sink his K-9′s into her neck. To seal the bond as complete, she would've had to bite his. He rejected her, so they're far from that. She didn't finish the rejection process.
Flynn's mental state is less than desirable. So, he can never be sure if it's him or his mate. He needs Ashton to confirm if it's her or him since he's the stable part of the duo.
It's not another one of his episodes. He's aware this is reality, and it hurts like a bitch. Not to say that at the moment the flashbacks happen, they don't feel real. They do.
His surroundings fade back into his memories. Occasionally, his surroundings stay the same. He can smell the blood, the dampness in the air, or even the cologne Theo wore. The sensations, the emotions of everything that transpired at that time, appear real. Every hell he relives haunts him and makes him feel like he's a mess up. That he isn't good enough, for whatever reason it may be.
With how clouded his man has been, he has no idea what could be real. So maybe it is just a flashback.
Seconds pass before he feels the pain start on his left wrist again. Moment by moment, it increases in distress.
Abruptly his left wrist erupts in agony. Almost like his wrist had been split in two.
"Ashton! Now is not the time to be a pouting child," Flynn shouts through gritted teeth.
Ashton sighs in the back of Flynn's mind, "what do you wan-" he cuts himself off. "It's her," worry seeps through Ashton's words. "She's hurting Flynn; her wolf is weak. I-I can't feel her," he whines. "Please, if not for her, do it for me. I don't want to feel my mate die because of your selfishness," he whispers.
The pressure that was around his throat begins to tighten on one side. He could feel the pain as it worsened in pin-point areas. The anguish deepened as the moments went on, irritation overwhelming in the area.
"Okay," Flynn wheezes.
He rushes out of the door of his bedroom toward the gray room, clutching his left wrist.
Busting through the door, he howls in pain, "Emma stop!"
Flynn's eyes rest on the frail figure in front of him. She's chained to the wall with both silver cuffs and the silver collar. The chains pulled so tightly it's forcing her to stand. Upon closer inspection, it's clear her cuffs are spiked similarly to the collar.
Her clothing made of various browns, whites, and grays now have bloodstains scattered across the chest. The edges of her sleeves soaked in blood. The red wrap that was on her hand earlier is now coated in fresh blood almost black in color.
Her wrist... Her wrist was bent at a sickening angle. Exposed bone glimmered in the light as blood pooled around it. Blood oozed out of a wound on her neck that had a light purple hue slathered all over it. Her cuffs also glinted a purple hue but more defined.
She opened her eyes and met his gaze. Her eyes were burned red from tears.
Staring at the woman that was supposed to be his Luna, he feels nothing but anger. She was holding a gun that no doubt held a silver bullet in the chamber. She had planned on killing her.
Putting his hands up in front of him, slowly approaching Emma from the side, "Emma put the gun down," he says in a hushed tone.
"No! Why should I?" Emma questions anger lacing her voice. "You have me, so you don't need her! I can kill her, and then we can mark each other. You'll be fine without your given mate. I don't have one, and I'm fine!"
"I feel everything she feels, Em. I feel like I'm dying, and she's not even dead. If you kill her, I might die."
"You rejected each other. So why are you still feeling what she's going through?" She rests her arm by her side, still holding the gun.
"She didn't reject me, Em. I was the only one to utter the words."
"I can make her say them! I can do it for us!" Emma's voice begins to crack.
"Don't. Em, please," he begs.
"You want her? You want her, don't you?"
"No, I don't," he whispers.
"Oh. My. Goddess. You do! I have been loyal to you. I have done everything you have ever wanted me to. Sure, I had selfish reasons, but so did you! Nothing I ever did for you was good enough, was it?" Emma questions as tears begin to stream down her face.
Lifting the gun up from her side she aims it at Eustacia.
"Emma, put the gun down without firing it," Flynn demands in his alpha tone.
Her body stiffens at his alpha voice. Being a lower rank in the same pack, she's forced to submit and obey. Carefully she puts the gun on the floor.
"Okay, now walk to the door and stay put. Don't move a muscle," he orders again.
As she begins to move towards the door, Flynn picks up the gun.
Bang! A loud shot rings through the air as the gun goes off. The bullet made contact with the door right behind Emma.
"Emma Rose, you are hereby exiled from The Rushing River Pack. Your crimes include disobeying your Alpha, harming pack mates, and attempting to murder your Alpha's mate. You are to never return to pack grounds. If you come here again, your fate will be death."
Turning his attention away from Emma, he walks over to Eustacia and begins to unchain her. Removing the collar carefully, making sure not to pierce her skin, he drops it to the ground. He then removes the right wrist cuff, slowly removing the teeth from her skin, he drops it as well.
Her body relaxes instinctively, which snags her left wrist on the silver teeth that adorn her still locked cuff. She starts screaming in anguish. Pain shoots through his arm at the same moment. Reacting quickly, he carefully wraps his right arm around her waist and lifts her slightly up.
"I'm sorry, I should've got that one first," he apologizes.
Emma, who hasn't spoken a word, solely nods. Sighing, he unlocks the left cuff with his left hand being careful not to hurt her injured hand. Gently he sits her down on the floor and takes a seat beside her.
"Apologies from me won't make a difference to you. I know that. I've done things to you, let other people do some things to you that I'm not proud of," he admits.
Putting his head in his hands, he continues, "It's not your fault that I rejected you. It's not your fault that I never told you when I knew you were my mate. I have issues that I need to get through, and I don't want to drag you down with me."
"What did I ever do to you to make you hate me?" She asks softly in a shaky voice.
Lifting his head from his hands, he looks at her and responds, "You haven't done anything wrong."
"Then why? I know you said you have issues, but why?"
Flynn thinks for a moment, not wanting to harm her vision of her father. "I was someone's plaything as a child. I was beaten, forced to do things, exactly like you are now. Occasionally, I'll have very severe flashbacks. During them, I usually don't know what's going on around me."
"Oh," she whispers.
"Ashton said he couldn't feel your wolf, why?"
"Wolfsbane and liquid silver. She had the cuffs coated in it. After she forced my neck onto the spikes she forced a mixture of both into the wounds."
Anger flooded through him, at the thought of what that woman did to her. He wanted to keep her for himself, yet he couldn't bring himself to accept her.
"Look, we're not going to be mates. At least not right now. We physically can't," Flynn states
Eustacia's face falls to sadness. Not wanting to see it anymore Flynn, stands up and walks over to the corner of the room. A small cart is stashed away there, reaching in he grabs a syringe.
"What is that?" Eustacia squeaks.
Walking back, he begins to explain, " Foxglove. It'll force your wolf to return to you. You'll be forced into your wolf form, and your wrist there will be healed. The only downside is it hurts like hell, and I have to put that collar back on you. You know, just in case."
"Do it."
"You're sure? There's no going back if it goes wrong," he questioned, shock that she agreed.
"If I don't do it I'll be without my wolf. I'm not strong enough to heal this on my own. It'd take my body weeks, even with my wolf. So do it."
Without hesitation, he places the collar back on her and injects the liquid into her arm. Almost immediately, her body begins to shake as she begins to transform. Her bones break and reform as black fur begins to sprout along her body.
Soon Eustacia's large solid black wolf stands in front of him. Her large blood-red eyes shimmered brightly. The silver collar fit snugly around her neck, still connected to the wall.
"You trust people too lightly, Eustacia. Everything I said to you was true," he chuckles. "I want to be able to accept you, but I can't. I don't want to let you leave either, because you may find someone else. We can't have that."
Eustacia's wolf whimpers, cowering back into the corner of the cell. Clearly trying to get as far from him as possible.
"I'll be throwing you into the fighting pits. I'll tell everyone Emma killed you, so I had her banished. You won't be missed." Eustacia's wolf growls at him, causing him to stop mid-sentence, "Don't worry your little head, I won't let anyone kill you. After all, that would probably kill me too."
Flynn smiles at her, "I would've given you the shot even if you decided against it. You just made it easier on me, so thank you."
"Let's go to your new home, my precious mate," he sneers.
Flynn shot up out of his bed in a cold sweat; he was wide awake. It's been quite a while since he's dreamed of him. Theo Van the previous alpha. To most, he was a lovable teddy bear of a father and ruler. What people didn't know was that the fighting pit was his favorite place. Nor did they realize that he would inject poor souls with a liquid that caused werewolves to go rabid. Theo started using those people who were no more than a rabid wolf in his fighting pits.
Flynn had hated the pits when he first found out about them. He was young and naive, so he didn't realize how cruel the world was. He had accepted the things Theo had done to him, but not what he was doing to others.
Things change; people change. His anger and pain must have started bottling up at some point. All contributed by Theo's lessons or Theo himself.
The lessons often consisted of Theo bringing small animals and telling him to kill them as a human. Morally as a fifteen-year-old werewolf hunting in wolf form was normal. We killed animals to eat. It's the circle of life. Werewolves ordinarily won't prance around killing animals barehanded, in their human appearance. It's morally wrong.
The problem was if he disobeyed or didn't perform properly, he got punished. Usually with beatings, days in the gray room, or hours of lashings to his back and hands.
After hours, days, and months of torment, his thoughts shifted to somewhere dark. He was conscious of it, and fighting against it was rough.
Eventually, he began to relish in watching the matches between wolves. He would wish he was the one down there, killing the others to survive and that the loser would be Theo. Hoping it would set him free from the chains that bound him to that monster.
Pain rushes through his right wrist, dragging him out of his thoughts. It felt as if invisible needles were sticking into his skin. Stinging and itching began to flow through the nonexistent wounds. Confusion flashes across his face as he absentmindedly rubs his wrist.
"Huh, that's strange," he whispers.
Immediately following the pain in his right wrist, it mirrors into his left. His left hand had finally stopped bothering him a few moments ago, flares up again.
Pressure begins to surround his neck at individual points, almost like the collar from his dream.
The collar from his dream. The gray room.
"Oh no," he almost chokes as a lump forms in his throat.
"Ashton," he tries reaching out to his wolf. "Ashton, man, I need you. Come on."
The pain in his right wrist begins to intensify slowly, almost as if it's inch by inch.
The pain stopped getting worse for a moment he thought it was over. The pain was still there, but it was bearable.
Flynn gets up off the bed, still rubbing his right wrist. His wolf Ashton won't answer him; he's still mad.
They're not marked. To do that, he'd have to sink his K-9′s into her neck. To seal the bond as complete, she would've had to bite his. He rejected her, so they're far from that. She didn't finish the rejection process.
Flynn's mental state is less than desirable. So, he can never be sure if it's him or his mate. He needs Ashton to confirm if it's her or him since he's the stable part of the duo.
It's not another one of his episodes. He's aware this is reality, and it hurts like a bitch. Not to say that at the moment the flashbacks happen, they don't feel real. They do.
His surroundings fade back into his memories. Occasionally, his surroundings stay the same. He can smell the blood, the dampness in the air, or even the cologne Theo wore. The sensations, the emotions of everything that transpired at that time, appear real. Every hell he relives haunts him and makes him feel like he's a mess up. That he isn't good enough, for whatever reason it may be.
With how clouded his man has been, he has no idea what could be real. So maybe it is just a flashback.
Seconds pass before he feels the pain start on his left wrist again. Moment by moment, it increases in distress.
Abruptly his left wrist erupts in agony. Almost like his wrist had been split in two.
"Ashton! Now is not the time to be a pouting child," Flynn shouts through gritted teeth.
Ashton sighs in the back of Flynn's mind, "what do you wan-" he cuts himself off. "It's her," worry seeps through Ashton's words. "She's hurting Flynn; her wolf is weak. I-I can't feel her," he whines. "Please, if not for her, do it for me. I don't want to feel my mate die because of your selfishness," he whispers.
The pressure that was around his throat begins to tighten on one side. He could feel the pain as it worsened in pin-point areas. The anguish deepened as the moments went on, irritation overwhelming in the area.
"Okay," Flynn wheezes.
He rushes out of the door of his bedroom toward the gray room, clutching his left wrist.
Busting through the door, he howls in pain, "Emma stop!"
Flynn's eyes rest on the frail figure in front of him. She's chained to the wall with both silver cuffs and the silver collar. The chains pulled so tightly it's forcing her to stand. Upon closer inspection, it's clear her cuffs are spiked similarly to the collar.
Her clothing made of various browns, whites, and grays now have bloodstains scattered across the chest. The edges of her sleeves soaked in blood. The red wrap that was on her hand earlier is now coated in fresh blood almost black in color.
Her wrist... Her wrist was bent at a sickening angle. Exposed bone glimmered in the light as blood pooled around it. Blood oozed out of a wound on her neck that had a light purple hue slathered all over it. Her cuffs also glinted a purple hue but more defined.
She opened her eyes and met his gaze. Her eyes were burned red from tears.
Staring at the woman that was supposed to be his Luna, he feels nothing but anger. She was holding a gun that no doubt held a silver bullet in the chamber. She had planned on killing her.
Putting his hands up in front of him, slowly approaching Emma from the side, "Emma put the gun down," he says in a hushed tone.
"No! Why should I?" Emma questions anger lacing her voice. "You have me, so you don't need her! I can kill her, and then we can mark each other. You'll be fine without your given mate. I don't have one, and I'm fine!"
"I feel everything she feels, Em. I feel like I'm dying, and she's not even dead. If you kill her, I might die."
"You rejected each other. So why are you still feeling what she's going through?" She rests her arm by her side, still holding the gun.
"She didn't reject me, Em. I was the only one to utter the words."
"I can make her say them! I can do it for us!" Emma's voice begins to crack.
"Don't. Em, please," he begs.
"You want her? You want her, don't you?"
"No, I don't," he whispers.
"Oh. My. Goddess. You do! I have been loyal to you. I have done everything you have ever wanted me to. Sure, I had selfish reasons, but so did you! Nothing I ever did for you was good enough, was it?" Emma questions as tears begin to stream down her face.
Lifting the gun up from her side she aims it at Eustacia.
"Emma, put the gun down without firing it," Flynn demands in his alpha tone.
Her body stiffens at his alpha voice. Being a lower rank in the same pack, she's forced to submit and obey. Carefully she puts the gun on the floor.
"Okay, now walk to the door and stay put. Don't move a muscle," he orders again.
As she begins to move towards the door, Flynn picks up the gun.
Bang! A loud shot rings through the air as the gun goes off. The bullet made contact with the door right behind Emma.
"Emma Rose, you are hereby exiled from The Rushing River Pack. Your crimes include disobeying your Alpha, harming pack mates, and attempting to murder your Alpha's mate. You are to never return to pack grounds. If you come here again, your fate will be death."
Turning his attention away from Emma, he walks over to Eustacia and begins to unchain her. Removing the collar carefully, making sure not to pierce her skin, he drops it to the ground. He then removes the right wrist cuff, slowly removing the teeth from her skin, he drops it as well.
Her body relaxes instinctively, which snags her left wrist on the silver teeth that adorn her still locked cuff. She starts screaming in anguish. Pain shoots through his arm at the same moment. Reacting quickly, he carefully wraps his right arm around her waist and lifts her slightly up.
"I'm sorry, I should've got that one first," he apologizes.
Emma, who hasn't spoken a word, solely nods. Sighing, he unlocks the left cuff with his left hand being careful not to hurt her injured hand. Gently he sits her down on the floor and takes a seat beside her.
"Apologies from me won't make a difference to you. I know that. I've done things to you, let other people do some things to you that I'm not proud of," he admits.
Putting his head in his hands, he continues, "It's not your fault that I rejected you. It's not your fault that I never told you when I knew you were my mate. I have issues that I need to get through, and I don't want to drag you down with me."
"What did I ever do to you to make you hate me?" She asks softly in a shaky voice.
Lifting his head from his hands, he looks at her and responds, "You haven't done anything wrong."
"Then why? I know you said you have issues, but why?"
Flynn thinks for a moment, not wanting to harm her vision of her father. "I was someone's plaything as a child. I was beaten, forced to do things, exactly like you are now. Occasionally, I'll have very severe flashbacks. During them, I usually don't know what's going on around me."
"Oh," she whispers.
"Ashton said he couldn't feel your wolf, why?"
"Wolfsbane and liquid silver. She had the cuffs coated in it. After she forced my neck onto the spikes she forced a mixture of both into the wounds."
Anger flooded through him, at the thought of what that woman did to her. He wanted to keep her for himself, yet he couldn't bring himself to accept her.
"Look, we're not going to be mates. At least not right now. We physically can't," Flynn states
Eustacia's face falls to sadness. Not wanting to see it anymore Flynn, stands up and walks over to the corner of the room. A small cart is stashed away there, reaching in he grabs a syringe.
"What is that?" Eustacia squeaks.
Walking back, he begins to explain, " Foxglove. It'll force your wolf to return to you. You'll be forced into your wolf form, and your wrist there will be healed. The only downside is it hurts like hell, and I have to put that collar back on you. You know, just in case."
"Do it."
"You're sure? There's no going back if it goes wrong," he questioned, shock that she agreed.
"If I don't do it I'll be without my wolf. I'm not strong enough to heal this on my own. It'd take my body weeks, even with my wolf. So do it."
Without hesitation, he places the collar back on her and injects the liquid into her arm. Almost immediately, her body begins to shake as she begins to transform. Her bones break and reform as black fur begins to sprout along her body.
Soon Eustacia's large solid black wolf stands in front of him. Her large blood-red eyes shimmered brightly. The silver collar fit snugly around her neck, still connected to the wall.
"You trust people too lightly, Eustacia. Everything I said to you was true," he chuckles. "I want to be able to accept you, but I can't. I don't want to let you leave either, because you may find someone else. We can't have that."
Eustacia's wolf whimpers, cowering back into the corner of the cell. Clearly trying to get as far from him as possible.
"I'll be throwing you into the fighting pits. I'll tell everyone Emma killed you, so I had her banished. You won't be missed." Eustacia's wolf growls at him, causing him to stop mid-sentence, "Don't worry your little head, I won't let anyone kill you. After all, that would probably kill me too."
Flynn smiles at her, "I would've given you the shot even if you decided against it. You just made it easier on me, so thank you."
"Let's go to your new home, my precious mate," he sneers.
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