The King's Queen
6 Obeying Emma
————- ♔ ————-Six
"Choosing Emma as his luna, you're to help her they say. That'll be fun." I mimic Gedeon as I whisper to myself. Slowly I begin to make my way to Emma's room, allowing my thoughts to wander.
Gedeon and his orders from Flynn give me a good way to procrastinate doing the cleaning. The sole downside to this is that I may end up further behind schedule than I'd like if she does throw me into the Gray Room.
I don't understand why that dumbass alpha is making that broad his mate and the packs luna. I mean he does have a mate out there, one that was intended for him. Even so, here he is choosing a mateless as his luna. But I'm not sure that his mate would be entirely lucky. He's abusive, cold-blooded, and a beanie-wearing ass-hat that thinks of no one but himself. So, in reality, they deserve each other.
Mentally shrugging at the thoughts swarming in my head, I allow myself to take a deep breath while approaching her door. I gently raise my hand and begin to knock on her door. One. Two. Three.
"Roxy get that, would ya!" a high pitch voice yells. It's Emma.
Roxy? My heart sinks. Iroxaris Henderson, Roxy. She's the girl that usually tends to my wounds after Emma's Gray Room punishments. She's honestly sweet, granted she takes part in the beatings as well, she is after all in Emma's group. Being nice around others would be the equivalent of signing a suicide note. I assume the healings and being nice is her way of making up for her hand in it. Being the daughter of Akela and Aleu Henderson, the pack doctors, it's sort of her job.
Nevertheless, sometimes I like to think we could be friends if the situations were different. But they're not and we aren't.
My ears twitch as I hear the sound of footsteps approach the door, the parts yell out as they do their work while it opens. She stands tall at a 5'7'' with her red straight hair flowing down her back as it peeks out on her sides. Her green eyes always hold a glow and sweetness to them. Her usual black floral lace dress hugs her perfectly toned body. The sleeves a black mesh. Seeing her is refreshing. However, it's clearly not for her, as fear slips across her features, but she quickly collects herself. No doubt the sign of seeing me while she's with Emma.
Discreetly looking around the room, I can see Emma is sitting toward the back of the room at a vanity. The surface area of the vanity is occupied by an ocean blue patterned vase, make up supplies and the oval mirror.
The white Ivory Frenchi vanity she's sitting at used to be mine years ago. The room used to be mine as well, yet it's become so foreign. It's once white walls are now a horrible shade of pink. The queen sized bed once adorned with a white marbled bed set is now decorated with a very fuzzy pink set.
I almost got sucked back into my thoughts before Roxy's voice rings in my mind.
"The servant is here Em." She laces the word servant with clear hatred. If I didn't know any better I would think she was a bitch, who also detested me for some reason.
"Ewww." squealing Emma continues, "keep IT off the floor." She emphasizes the word itself as they both start to giggle. A sick feeling floods and fades as quickly as it occurs. Her words hurt, but I'm used to it.
I know my place and I know how she wants things. I lower my head and posture into a mere bow and wait. I really hate doing this. It goes against the alpha blood that courses through my veins. Yet, I live with it because I know what happens if I don't.
"What are you here for mutt?" Roxy is the one to speak up first. Hatred lacing her voice as she addresses me. Emma's loud chuckling comes right on cue as the word mutt leaves Roxy's mouth.
Clearing my throat and staying bowed I begin, "Beta Gedeon informed me that I was instructed to help Emma-"
Emma interrupts me in a flash. "That's Lady Emma mutt, and soon it will be Luna. Once that's possible," she pauses as I hear her footsteps come closer to me and she roughly grabs my chin with a handkerchief and pulls so I'm looking at her, " I will officially be rid of you." She takes away her hand from my chin and pushes me back into my bowing position. I hear both sets of footsteps move toward the area with the bed as I hear it let out its soft squeak I know they both sat down.
Clapping her hands as if she's singling to do something Emma speaks up, " let's try that again, shall we?" She lets out a small snicker.
I nod and briskly obey, "Beta Gedeon informed me that I was instructed to help Lady Emma with setting up or whatever you ordered."
"Better." She retorts. "Back to the order of business. I don't want your little rat fingers grasping their way around MY day." It's faint but I hear her growl. Fighting the urge to growl back, I stay silent and take her words as if they are sacred. She continues, " So no, I don't need your help. What I do need you to do is provide me entertainment." She claps her hands singling for me to raise my head and as usual, I obey.
She's smiling. That's not a good sign. Sure, people can smile, but when she's smiling around me it normally ends badly for one of us. Namely me.
"Why don't you ignore what Gedeon told you and do me a favor?"
"What can I help with, Lady Emma?" Politely I ask. Hoping she is less of a monster today than she normally is.
"Why don't you. . ." She trails off as her gaze rests ocean wave patterned cylinder vase sitting on her vanity. She gets up and slowly heads and rests right beside it. My eyes following her every movement. Carefully, she focuses her gaze on the vase as her long piano type pointer finger slinks across the vase.
Before I can react her body tenses up as she slams her palm forcefully against the vase. The vase springs forward rapidly like the ocean it is decorated as and meets the oak wood floor. Clang! The vase collides with the floor, the pieces spread across in various ways, leaving a small tink noise to vibrate through the otherwise quiet air.
A small gasp escapes Roxy before her and Emma and begins laughing. "Why don't you pick that up little mutt?" Emma sneers in her stuck up voice.
"Right away Lady Emma. I'll go get the broom." I bow and almost turn around before her annoying voice stops me cold in my tracks.
"No, you'll do it now. With your hands." I look at her and every inch of her face is serious as she points at the glass scattered like a mosaic decorating the floor.
"All due respect, but that's glass Lady Emma," I say softly, trying to avoid her wrath. Although I won't say it to her face, simply because I'm aware of what she can do to me. She is stupid if she thinks I'll clean this up with my bare hands. It's glass. Sharp, jagged pieces of glass, that if I am to pick up barehanded will no doubt slice my skin.
"I don't give a wolf's ass if its glass or hot embers. I want it cleaned up right this moment or I will call the guards and have you thrown into the Gray Room for knocking my vase over. I'll specify that I want you reserved for myself and then throw you to the dogs." She states matter of factly.
Wincing at her hot ember remark, I bite my tongue as a growl rises in my throat, "right away." My first two years of living like this I would've disobeyed her. In fact, I know I have told her to fuck off and do it her damn self countless times. Specifically, one time they had a campfire out on the pack grounds and instead of disposing of it properly, she demanded after the fire was out I was to get rid of the hot embers barehanded. I refused and told her to do it herself and went back to my small room. Only to be later woken up being dragged to the Gray Room. She had the wicked idea of branding my skin with a hot iron bar labeled slut. The scar is still there on my lower back left side slightly faded. Thankfully.
However, now I'm seemingly a well trained obedient dog. Picking up the glass. Barehanded. Bracing myself for the pain I'm no doubt about to feel I slip down onto my knees and carefully begin to scoot the glass overusing the sides of my hands into a pile. The small shards nibble at my skin and a few succeed in biting their way through as small blood begins to swell around their wounds. The bigger shards prove to be less difficult, my hands burning and aching from the small pieces I'm thankful I can pick them up without them getting logged into my hands.
"Here." Emma slams a small rounded trash can into my side, causing me to lose my concentration. Without warning my balance is thrown off place and I fall forward into the glass. My hands catch me and I immediately scream as one of the larger quarter-sized shards slip right into a home on the palm of my left hand. Blood begins slipping around the glass shard as agonizing pain flows through my hand.
Emma starts to laugh as she speaks up, "finish your job and then you can leave." Looking up at her with tears in my eyes she growls at me and aggressively slaps me across my face. "Don't get any more blood on my floor you useless rat."
A small gasp leaves my mouth as the wind is knocked out of me. The taste of iron fills my mouth, a sign she got me pretty good.
"Roxy go ahead and get another maid in here to clean up the blood she's left." Emma giggles.
Gritting my teeth to ignoring any lingering pain I quickly scoop the glass up and toss it in the trash. Standing up I face Emma and bow. Every fiber in my body wanting to go against it, but I do as I was taught all these years.
My hands now numb from all the glass that has found cracks in my skin. All of them small except for the one quarter sized shard sticks into its hole.
Raising my head up from my bow Emma motions for me to leave. Not hesitating to leave I book it to the door, but not before she speaks up. "I don't need your help planning this, but thanks for the amusement. Go clean the house or do something useful."
Roxy says the first thing in a while speaks up, "try not to get blood everywhere." Almost immediately her comment erupts into laughter between the two.
Free of the horrible hell that was Emma's room, I rest my hands above my heart so the throbbing would stop. Slowly I make my way towards my room.
"Eustacia are you okay?" A familiar voice says in my head. Zoe.
"I'm fine Zo. It hurts, but I've had worse." I mentally shrug.
"You're right, but you also have never had that sticking out of your hand. I'm sorry to say this, but even your self taught abilities aren't going to be enough for that without severe damage." Zoe mentions the glass that's sticking out of my hand.
Although she's right what options do I have? I have no medical training and I'm not allowed to go to the pack doctor.
"I can't do anything else about it Zo. I'll just have to do the best I can." Groaning with no other option, I'll have to remove this shit somehow. I'll figure that out when I get there I guess.
Inside my room I sit down on the makeshift bed and allow my wolf nails to grow on my right pointer and thumb nails. Crumbling a piece of cloth I stick it in my mouth, biting down from the pain. I carefully start pulling the smaller pieces out of my skin. The blood starts pooling onto the side of the hand and down my arm where the small pieces I removed were once living. The pain still there, but it immediately starts subsiding as my werewolf healing kicks in. Doing the same with my other hand it yields the same results. Blood pools, it heals.
"I'm really debating on leaving that bitch in there Zoe." Giggling I stare at the glass.
"You know staring at it isn't going to solve the problem." Zoe states.
"Mm. I know."
"Eustacia, someone is outside the door." Zoe growls the warning in my head.
Almost immediately after Zoe said that someone softly knocks on the door twice. I have no idea how she can sense them. My senses are overwhelmed with the stench of my blood.
"Come in?" It's more of a question than a statement. Who would even want to come to my room unless it's to give me orders?
The door opens and Akela pokes her head through the door and waves her doctor's bag.
My savior.
"A little birdie told me that you would probably need my help." She takes one look at my hands and nods as if answering herself. "The bird was right. Damn. that's bad hon." She frowns and makes her way over to me.
"Thanks Akela." I say no more than a whisper.
"It's my job. I don't get why they won't let you physically come see me." She gently grabs my hand and receives various items out of her bag and starts to remove the piece of glass.
Akela is roughly my height so maybe 5'6''. Her reddish hair has been cut into a pixie style and spiked up in the back. She smells of roses and medicinal chemicals. Her green eyes glow with sadness and pain as she works on fixing my hand. Her blue scrubs signify that she just got out of the human hospital, which explains the medicinal smell.
"You're lucky you're of werewolf blood Eustacia. This could've been really bad dear." She sighs and finally takes out the large chip of glass. Pain shoots through my hand and up to my elbow as blood oozes out of the injury. She quickly covers it with a cloth and wraps it to forbid the blood from getting anywhere else.
"Clean up." She gives me a pack of baby wipes and I start to clean the blood off. "You can have this shirt, no one will think twice about it. I have to go now, okay? Your hand should be fine, just keep it covered." She sits an old white shirt beside me. Packing her bags she gets up and flashes a smile before turning and starting to leave.
"Thank you Akela. . . It means a lot." I honestly want to ask who the little birdie was but I have a sound idea on who it was. Particularly considering it was her daughter that was there when this happened.
"Choosing Emma as his luna, you're to help her they say. That'll be fun." I mimic Gedeon as I whisper to myself. Slowly I begin to make my way to Emma's room, allowing my thoughts to wander.
Gedeon and his orders from Flynn give me a good way to procrastinate doing the cleaning. The sole downside to this is that I may end up further behind schedule than I'd like if she does throw me into the Gray Room.
I don't understand why that dumbass alpha is making that broad his mate and the packs luna. I mean he does have a mate out there, one that was intended for him. Even so, here he is choosing a mateless as his luna. But I'm not sure that his mate would be entirely lucky. He's abusive, cold-blooded, and a beanie-wearing ass-hat that thinks of no one but himself. So, in reality, they deserve each other.
Mentally shrugging at the thoughts swarming in my head, I allow myself to take a deep breath while approaching her door. I gently raise my hand and begin to knock on her door. One. Two. Three.
"Roxy get that, would ya!" a high pitch voice yells. It's Emma.
Roxy? My heart sinks. Iroxaris Henderson, Roxy. She's the girl that usually tends to my wounds after Emma's Gray Room punishments. She's honestly sweet, granted she takes part in the beatings as well, she is after all in Emma's group. Being nice around others would be the equivalent of signing a suicide note. I assume the healings and being nice is her way of making up for her hand in it. Being the daughter of Akela and Aleu Henderson, the pack doctors, it's sort of her job.
Nevertheless, sometimes I like to think we could be friends if the situations were different. But they're not and we aren't.
My ears twitch as I hear the sound of footsteps approach the door, the parts yell out as they do their work while it opens. She stands tall at a 5'7'' with her red straight hair flowing down her back as it peeks out on her sides. Her green eyes always hold a glow and sweetness to them. Her usual black floral lace dress hugs her perfectly toned body. The sleeves a black mesh. Seeing her is refreshing. However, it's clearly not for her, as fear slips across her features, but she quickly collects herself. No doubt the sign of seeing me while she's with Emma.
Discreetly looking around the room, I can see Emma is sitting toward the back of the room at a vanity. The surface area of the vanity is occupied by an ocean blue patterned vase, make up supplies and the oval mirror.
The white Ivory Frenchi vanity she's sitting at used to be mine years ago. The room used to be mine as well, yet it's become so foreign. It's once white walls are now a horrible shade of pink. The queen sized bed once adorned with a white marbled bed set is now decorated with a very fuzzy pink set.
I almost got sucked back into my thoughts before Roxy's voice rings in my mind.
"The servant is here Em." She laces the word servant with clear hatred. If I didn't know any better I would think she was a bitch, who also detested me for some reason.
"Ewww." squealing Emma continues, "keep IT off the floor." She emphasizes the word itself as they both start to giggle. A sick feeling floods and fades as quickly as it occurs. Her words hurt, but I'm used to it.
I know my place and I know how she wants things. I lower my head and posture into a mere bow and wait. I really hate doing this. It goes against the alpha blood that courses through my veins. Yet, I live with it because I know what happens if I don't.
"What are you here for mutt?" Roxy is the one to speak up first. Hatred lacing her voice as she addresses me. Emma's loud chuckling comes right on cue as the word mutt leaves Roxy's mouth.
Clearing my throat and staying bowed I begin, "Beta Gedeon informed me that I was instructed to help Emma-"
Emma interrupts me in a flash. "That's Lady Emma mutt, and soon it will be Luna. Once that's possible," she pauses as I hear her footsteps come closer to me and she roughly grabs my chin with a handkerchief and pulls so I'm looking at her, " I will officially be rid of you." She takes away her hand from my chin and pushes me back into my bowing position. I hear both sets of footsteps move toward the area with the bed as I hear it let out its soft squeak I know they both sat down.
Clapping her hands as if she's singling to do something Emma speaks up, " let's try that again, shall we?" She lets out a small snicker.
I nod and briskly obey, "Beta Gedeon informed me that I was instructed to help Lady Emma with setting up or whatever you ordered."
"Better." She retorts. "Back to the order of business. I don't want your little rat fingers grasping their way around MY day." It's faint but I hear her growl. Fighting the urge to growl back, I stay silent and take her words as if they are sacred. She continues, " So no, I don't need your help. What I do need you to do is provide me entertainment." She claps her hands singling for me to raise my head and as usual, I obey.
She's smiling. That's not a good sign. Sure, people can smile, but when she's smiling around me it normally ends badly for one of us. Namely me.
"Why don't you ignore what Gedeon told you and do me a favor?"
"What can I help with, Lady Emma?" Politely I ask. Hoping she is less of a monster today than she normally is.
"Why don't you. . ." She trails off as her gaze rests ocean wave patterned cylinder vase sitting on her vanity. She gets up and slowly heads and rests right beside it. My eyes following her every movement. Carefully, she focuses her gaze on the vase as her long piano type pointer finger slinks across the vase.
Before I can react her body tenses up as she slams her palm forcefully against the vase. The vase springs forward rapidly like the ocean it is decorated as and meets the oak wood floor. Clang! The vase collides with the floor, the pieces spread across in various ways, leaving a small tink noise to vibrate through the otherwise quiet air.
A small gasp escapes Roxy before her and Emma and begins laughing. "Why don't you pick that up little mutt?" Emma sneers in her stuck up voice.
"Right away Lady Emma. I'll go get the broom." I bow and almost turn around before her annoying voice stops me cold in my tracks.
"No, you'll do it now. With your hands." I look at her and every inch of her face is serious as she points at the glass scattered like a mosaic decorating the floor.
"All due respect, but that's glass Lady Emma," I say softly, trying to avoid her wrath. Although I won't say it to her face, simply because I'm aware of what she can do to me. She is stupid if she thinks I'll clean this up with my bare hands. It's glass. Sharp, jagged pieces of glass, that if I am to pick up barehanded will no doubt slice my skin.
"I don't give a wolf's ass if its glass or hot embers. I want it cleaned up right this moment or I will call the guards and have you thrown into the Gray Room for knocking my vase over. I'll specify that I want you reserved for myself and then throw you to the dogs." She states matter of factly.
Wincing at her hot ember remark, I bite my tongue as a growl rises in my throat, "right away." My first two years of living like this I would've disobeyed her. In fact, I know I have told her to fuck off and do it her damn self countless times. Specifically, one time they had a campfire out on the pack grounds and instead of disposing of it properly, she demanded after the fire was out I was to get rid of the hot embers barehanded. I refused and told her to do it herself and went back to my small room. Only to be later woken up being dragged to the Gray Room. She had the wicked idea of branding my skin with a hot iron bar labeled slut. The scar is still there on my lower back left side slightly faded. Thankfully.
However, now I'm seemingly a well trained obedient dog. Picking up the glass. Barehanded. Bracing myself for the pain I'm no doubt about to feel I slip down onto my knees and carefully begin to scoot the glass overusing the sides of my hands into a pile. The small shards nibble at my skin and a few succeed in biting their way through as small blood begins to swell around their wounds. The bigger shards prove to be less difficult, my hands burning and aching from the small pieces I'm thankful I can pick them up without them getting logged into my hands.
"Here." Emma slams a small rounded trash can into my side, causing me to lose my concentration. Without warning my balance is thrown off place and I fall forward into the glass. My hands catch me and I immediately scream as one of the larger quarter-sized shards slip right into a home on the palm of my left hand. Blood begins slipping around the glass shard as agonizing pain flows through my hand.
Emma starts to laugh as she speaks up, "finish your job and then you can leave." Looking up at her with tears in my eyes she growls at me and aggressively slaps me across my face. "Don't get any more blood on my floor you useless rat."
A small gasp leaves my mouth as the wind is knocked out of me. The taste of iron fills my mouth, a sign she got me pretty good.
"Roxy go ahead and get another maid in here to clean up the blood she's left." Emma giggles.
Gritting my teeth to ignoring any lingering pain I quickly scoop the glass up and toss it in the trash. Standing up I face Emma and bow. Every fiber in my body wanting to go against it, but I do as I was taught all these years.
My hands now numb from all the glass that has found cracks in my skin. All of them small except for the one quarter sized shard sticks into its hole.
Raising my head up from my bow Emma motions for me to leave. Not hesitating to leave I book it to the door, but not before she speaks up. "I don't need your help planning this, but thanks for the amusement. Go clean the house or do something useful."
Roxy says the first thing in a while speaks up, "try not to get blood everywhere." Almost immediately her comment erupts into laughter between the two.
Free of the horrible hell that was Emma's room, I rest my hands above my heart so the throbbing would stop. Slowly I make my way towards my room.
"Eustacia are you okay?" A familiar voice says in my head. Zoe.
"I'm fine Zo. It hurts, but I've had worse." I mentally shrug.
"You're right, but you also have never had that sticking out of your hand. I'm sorry to say this, but even your self taught abilities aren't going to be enough for that without severe damage." Zoe mentions the glass that's sticking out of my hand.
Although she's right what options do I have? I have no medical training and I'm not allowed to go to the pack doctor.
"I can't do anything else about it Zo. I'll just have to do the best I can." Groaning with no other option, I'll have to remove this shit somehow. I'll figure that out when I get there I guess.
Inside my room I sit down on the makeshift bed and allow my wolf nails to grow on my right pointer and thumb nails. Crumbling a piece of cloth I stick it in my mouth, biting down from the pain. I carefully start pulling the smaller pieces out of my skin. The blood starts pooling onto the side of the hand and down my arm where the small pieces I removed were once living. The pain still there, but it immediately starts subsiding as my werewolf healing kicks in. Doing the same with my other hand it yields the same results. Blood pools, it heals.
"I'm really debating on leaving that bitch in there Zoe." Giggling I stare at the glass.
"You know staring at it isn't going to solve the problem." Zoe states.
"Mm. I know."
"Eustacia, someone is outside the door." Zoe growls the warning in my head.
Almost immediately after Zoe said that someone softly knocks on the door twice. I have no idea how she can sense them. My senses are overwhelmed with the stench of my blood.
"Come in?" It's more of a question than a statement. Who would even want to come to my room unless it's to give me orders?
The door opens and Akela pokes her head through the door and waves her doctor's bag.
My savior.
"A little birdie told me that you would probably need my help." She takes one look at my hands and nods as if answering herself. "The bird was right. Damn. that's bad hon." She frowns and makes her way over to me.
"Thanks Akela." I say no more than a whisper.
"It's my job. I don't get why they won't let you physically come see me." She gently grabs my hand and receives various items out of her bag and starts to remove the piece of glass.
Akela is roughly my height so maybe 5'6''. Her reddish hair has been cut into a pixie style and spiked up in the back. She smells of roses and medicinal chemicals. Her green eyes glow with sadness and pain as she works on fixing my hand. Her blue scrubs signify that she just got out of the human hospital, which explains the medicinal smell.
"You're lucky you're of werewolf blood Eustacia. This could've been really bad dear." She sighs and finally takes out the large chip of glass. Pain shoots through my hand and up to my elbow as blood oozes out of the injury. She quickly covers it with a cloth and wraps it to forbid the blood from getting anywhere else.
"Clean up." She gives me a pack of baby wipes and I start to clean the blood off. "You can have this shirt, no one will think twice about it. I have to go now, okay? Your hand should be fine, just keep it covered." She sits an old white shirt beside me. Packing her bags she gets up and flashes a smile before turning and starting to leave.
"Thank you Akela. . . It means a lot." I honestly want to ask who the little birdie was but I have a sound idea on who it was. Particularly considering it was her daughter that was there when this happened.
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