
John opened his eyes, feeling his organs hurt. His consciousness came back slowly. John, who wasn’t aware of his situation for a moment, made a hardened face. He was in Dominic’s room, both of his wrists were tightly bound to the head of the bed.

Sitting at the corner of the bed, Dominic was looking down at John with an expressionless face. What he held in his hand was a brandy glass, which had pills dissolving at the bottom. Looking at Dominic’s indifferent gaze, John’s heart began to pound and beat ominously. John’s mouth was dry, so he could barely call out his name.


“John, I’ve always been curious about something.”

When Dominic smiled, John felt uncomfortable and repulsed. They had been close friends for many years, but now John just felt strange. As if he had never seen Dominic before. After looking at John, Dominic, who was smiling, said.

“When I see you, I don’t know why… I can’t stop thinking about holding you. I got a boner because of a Beta, isn’t that funny?”

“Do… minic…”

“Now I know why. You’ve sweetly fooled me.”


John twisted his back, groaning painfully. It was because Dominic let out his pheromones just before he stopped talking. Approaching John, who was panting, Dominic gently touched his cheek. Flinching madly at the light contact, John felt he would rather die. Dominic put his head down and whispered in John’s ear.

“John, did you sleep with Valentine?”

“What… what the… uck.”

“Otherwise, he wouldn’t look like he wanted to choke me whenever he saw me.”

“Dominic, please…”

“If that isn’t right, then have you read my mind?”

Dominic, who laughed low as if his words were funny, continued.

“Since your heat cycle came anyway, you have to have sex with an Alpha to let it pass. I’ll help you, John. We’re friends.”

“…Haa… ha.”

“Don’t worry. I will be good to you.”

“Ugh… huh…”

“If I had known this, I would

n’t have put up with it.”

The lip that brushed John’s earlobe was soft. Although the contact was light, the tingling pleasure excited his neck. As John raised his gaze, full of heat, Dominique kissed him on the cheek. Contrary to the rush of coercion, the repulsion tightened his neck, filled with tension.

“Ple-please, let go!”

When Dominic’s hand reached John’s pants, John, whose rationality returned, began to struggle frantically. The bed creaked, and Dominic, who was hit in the jaw by a recklessly stretched foot, lowered his upper body. John didn’t miss the opportunity and waved his arms, close to the head of the bed.


Before he knew it, Dominic came back to the bed and hit John’s cheek strongly. Bam! The bloody taste spread in John’s mouth. He was hit hard enough that his lip was cut, and it made his body droop once again. Dominic didn’t get off of John, and opened up his pants.

“Do… don’t…”

“There’s no point in resisting.”

John’s pants were pulled down to his knees. Dominic, who saw John’s penis standing upright, giggled and jokingly touched John’s body. The burning sexual desire, shame and despair surrounded John, who somehow tried to come to his senses, but his body betrayed him when Dominic’s dick rubbed along the inside his thigh.


John’s mind was going crazy, feeling as if he was going to go insane. However, he felt his instincts rejoying from Dominic’s mere touch. John turned his gaze sideways. Dominic used his fingers to gently caress John’s opened lips and asked.

“John, do you want to go out with me?”

A confession that was out of place was nothing more than a mockery. John somehow tried to push Dominic off of him, but Dominic settled between John’s legs, as he overpowered John’s feeble resistance. When Dominic moved his waist, something blunt was pressed against John’s wet entrance.


John didn’t even have the will to rebel anymore. Wanting to think nothing, John slowly leaned his head against the bed. It was only then when he resigned to his fate, as he closed his eyes.

“What are you doing there?”

The air instantly became oppressive.

Dominic, who was trying to insert his cock inside John, raised his head. John also opened his eyes again. When they turned their heads, they saw a figure standing by the door. They immediately realized who it was. It was Valentine.

“What are you doing?”

Valentine approached them, leisurely walking over. As the distance narrowed, a heavy permone was released. Dominic raised his upper body, his face stiff, but Valentine did not notice him. From the very beginning, Valentine only had his eyes on John.


It was Valentine who broke the silence, his words as sharp as knives. His lips were curled up and he was smiling softly, but his blue eyes were cold. His anger was completely directed at John.

“Do you know what this is?”

Valentine lowered his head and smiled. The document in his hand fluttered lightly in the air.

“I found something interesting in my room. I found the place you will go after graduation.”

John’s eyes began to regain their clarity. He was at a loss, not understanding what Valentine was saying. In Valentine’s hand, was the application for GOFIE which John had hidden and forgotten about. John had never told him, so Valentine had misunderstood. John forgot about his current situation, stuttered and opened his mouth.

“Th-that’s… You’re mistaken…”

“You said that you weren’t going to leave me. Was that a lie?”



At that moment, John’s eyes rolled up, as if he were about to faint. Intense pheromones, which were different than ever before, weighed heavily on his entire body. It was as if his body were falling into an endless darkness. John convulsed from the overwhelming sensation, as if his cells were dissolving. Dominic also faltered off the bed.


Valentine’s pheromones were like a creature itself. Unlike his sparkling appearance, his pheromones were intense, dark and aggressive. It felt as if it would melt John’s brain. It wasn’t until this moment that John felt he had met the real Valentine.

“You’re right.”

Valentine was standing and slowly knelt down in front of John, who had a painful seizure because he didn’t know how to accept the pheromones. When Valentine untied John’s wrists, the firm knot became loose and both of John’s hands were free.

“I was too arrogant.”

Valentine rubbed the remaining red marks on John’s wrist and kissed his skin. John gasped, as he was assaulted by the various sensations that exploded from the area that came in contact with Valentine.

“Hmm… huh….”

“I thought I had you wrapped around my fingers.”

After the small whispering, Valentine pushed his finger into John’s mouth. Saliva flowed down John’s chin every time Valentine moved his hand. Valentine, staring at John gasping, raised his lips.

“John, you’re so naive if you really believed you could get away from me.”

“…Get lost!”

Valentine’s expression quickly cooled down by the voice that chimed behind him. Without pulling his hand from John, Valentine turned his head and looked at Dominic.

“Ah… Dominic.”

Dominic was already showing signs of sensing Valentine’s oppression. Dominic was also a dominant Alpha, but when it came down to instinct and genes, he was inferior compared to Valentine.

“I didn’t want to do anything terrible in front of John, so why don’t you shut up and wait?”

Facing Dominic, Valentine breathed through his nose and laughed. His dark eyes showed a dangerous light. As Valentine slowly rose, the heavy air swirled.


Unexpectedly, Valentine threw a chair at Dominic. After being hit in the head, Dominic fell to the floor with a short scream. Valentine started using the chair to hit Domic, over and over again with an indifferent face.

Pam! Bam! Pah!

The leg of the solid wooden chair broke and flew into the air. It didn’t take long for the dark blood to splash over the carpe. Dominic was lying down, unmoving, but Valentine seemed unwilling to stop. There was no hesitation in the hand that grabbed the chair. This was the first moment Valentine’s hidden cruelty appeared in front of John.


Who was that person?

Are you the Valentine I’ve been with until now?

For John, the whole situation felt like a terrible nightmare. The situation reflected in his eyes was too terrible to be called reality, and it certainly didn’t feel real. Having been absent-minded for a while, John got down from the bed. The trembling hand pulled on Valentine’s clothes.



“Va-Valentine… he will die. If you continue, he will really die…”

Until he heard the sobbing voice, John didn’t even realize he was crying. Valentine turned his head and smiled at John. The dazzling blonde hair and the dark red blood spattered on Valentine’s cheeks stood out. Pheromones mixed with the smell of blood were grotesquely dizzying.

“I don’t care if he dies.”

The chair in Valentine’s hand was thrown onto the carpet.

“Because you’re driving me crazy right now, pretty boy…”

The blood-soaked hand grabbed John’s chin. John groaned in Valentine’s unpleasant grip. The elongated fingers wiped away the tears gathering at the corners of John’s eyes.

“Don’t provoke me anymore.”


John was stunned as he mumbled Valentine’s name. Valentine lightly kissed John on the cheek and stood up. Then, Valentine grabbed the unconscious Dominic. Valentine dragged him over to the balcony, even though Dominic did seem heavy.


John’s cry was cut off in an instant. The reason behind it was because Valentine pushed Dominic off the balcony without any hesitation. A heavy crack rang in John’s ears, and then there was just silence. John felt like he was going to black out. His nausea rose. Eventually, he couldn’t stand it anymore and knelt down. Drip, drip. Tears mixed with sweat fell on the carpet.

Please, I hope this is all a nightmare…

When I open my eyes, it will be yesterday.

But the situation John was currently in was reality. John just gasped helplessly, losing the power to control himself. Valentine approached John again and rubbed his hand on the sheet. There was blood everywhere.

Valentine wrapped his bloody hands around John’s cheeks and bent over. The emotionless eyes stared at John. John let Valentine touch him without knowing what was going on.

“Don’t… Don’t. Please, don’t. Valentine…”

Valentine held John’s shoulders and whispered in his ear.

“I was off guard. I didn’t expect it to come out at this time.”


“I liked to believe that you were a Beta, to the extent that I wish you could be one forever.”

John’s body went stiff by the unexpected words.

Did Valentine know that… I would express myself as an Omega?

Valentine smiled affectionately as he stared at John. The pat on the cheek was soft.

“Why do you think I’ve always put my pheromone on you?”

“…Ha… ugh…”

John’s shoulders trembled. This time, pheromones that became softer and more sticky were poured into John’s entire body. The heat, accompanied by itching, didn’t let John use his reason.


John didn’t understand his reaction at all. Even in this situation where Dominic might be dead, Valentine was feeling excited.

“Let’s leave, John.”

Knowing John’s despair, Valentine hugged him. John weakly rebelled, trying to get out of Valentine’s arms, but it was not enough. Filled with cold sweats and tears, the expressive face was likely to evoke a sadistic impulse just by looking at it. Valentine kissed John’s sweaty forehead.

“Don’t worry about anything. I’m here.”

Even in this situation, John was eerily terrified when he saw the fragile Valentine, but at the same time, there was a desire to believe his words even though John knew it was a lie. Even in this situation, the tears ran down John’s cheeks again. John was confused, and was unable to determine whether trying to rely on Valentine was a crazy act or not.

“You remember that I wanted to tell you something earlier, didn’t you?”

Valentine asked as they walked down the hall. As he used his usual voice, John felt a little surprised. John only gasped for air from time to time in his arms. Then, Valentine made an absolutely unbelievable suggestion.

“Let me… mark you.”

John’s face was stiff. That act, the marking, would mean they belonged only to each other. John wasn’t so dumb that he didn’t know what it meant. Anyway, this matter shouldn’t be discussed at this very moment.

“Let me… down.”


“Valentine, stop…”

John, whose mind had gone blank from the shock, began to struggle. However, Valentine let out his pheromones again. As if Valentine were laughing at John’s desperation, and John collapsed again due to the ruthless flood of senses.

“Ah… Haah, uh.”

The body, after entering its first heat cycle, was already reaching its limit.The heat made it impossible to control himself. John rubbed his head against Valentine’s chest.

Don’t, please, don’t. No, Valentine. Please, please…

John was sobbing, as he continued to plead. Without even realizing that they had entered their room, John bumped against the bed.

“Uck… huh…”

John rolled back his head. Valentine stood still and unbuttoned his shirt. A white, solid upper body was revealed. When their eyes met, Valentine tilted his head.

“I’ve thought about it, and I think it’s going to be hard to kill all of the Alphas in the world for you.”


“So John, I’m going to mark you.”

The full-body sensation was now painful. Valentine hadn’t even touched John after begging several times, but John’s lower body had long been damp. John’s head was hazy as if he were drugged. His body couldn’t beat the heat, shaking and trembling. John felt that he was reaching his limit.

“…Valentine… Please…”

His voice sounded empty. Without a reply, Valentine hastily stripped John of his clothes. The moment Valentine’s hand held his penis, an unrefined moan escaped John’s mouth.

“Aha…  Haa… Haah…”

Now, all that remained in John’s mind was his desire to be free from the rising sensation covering his whole body. It was something as simple as a survival instinct. Valentine smiled as he watched, as if looking for when John would collapse.

“John, only I can set you free.”

“Ugh… Uh…”

“Just saying that you want me is more than enough.”

John let out a sob. He wanted to protest, tell Valentine not to do this and that he wanted to keep their prior relationship, but his head was empty. It was as if he had lost the ability to speak. No, wake up. John said to himself. Too much had already happened, but he didn’t know if it could be reversed by now.

“…I want you.”

But what John’s lips said was a betrayal to the will of the owner. Valentine lowered his head and placed his ears over John’s lips. John gasped and groaned, saying the same thing.

“I… I want… you…”

“Do you love me, John?”

“…I love you.”


“I love you… Valentine.”

Forced to confess his love, Valentine’s face was full of joy. Valentine smiled happily, his eyes sparkling and cheeks were flushed, appearing like the day they first met. The smiling face looked gruesome and innocent at the same time.

“I love you too, John.”

John blankly looked up at Valentine, covered in sweat, tears and fluids. Trapped somewhere between the upcoming joy and despair, John closed his eyes.  A huge shadow fell on his body.


Valentine turned John’s body over easily. John’s shoulders trembled as his nipples brushed against the sheet. When Valentine squeezed his erect penis, a moan dripped from John’s mouth.

“Ah, ahhh, ah…”

After so much time trying to control it, John now felt fireworks in his head. John moaned, his thoughts messy as he twisted his back at Valentine’s touch. John felt as if his whole body had become sensitive. Wherever Valentine’s hands reached, the heat bloomed with the joy of dizziness. The instinctive desire had increased.


When Valentine’s finger touched his hole, John moaned and twisted his body. A finger entered John, making his back tremble with anticipation. His limp body made him feel ashamed, but John couldn’t control it. Valentine, holding John’s butt open and looking closely inside, slowly closed his eyes and opened them again. The blue flame flared in his eyes.

“…Here you are, feeling pleasure all by yourself.”

Thick fingers had already entered the wet hole, little by little. The walls were tightly clenching Valentine’s fingers.

“Hmm… uh…!”

As the middle finger sank deeper, John let out a moan, feeling his entire body melt. John’s erected penis was practically glued to his stomach, as a string of semen leaked from the tip.

“Are you aware of how your body refuses to let go of my fingers?”

“Hmm… Haa, uh, ahh…!”

John’s inside was hot and wet. Every time the fingertips rubbed the inner walls, it felt like John’s head was struck by lighting.

“Huh… Ahh, uck, ahh…!”

All John could do was thrash around the bed, clenching the sheets as the fingers stretched his hole. John could feel the inside of his own hole flutter in delight and suck on Valentine’s fingers. His anus was tight, but there was no pain. The misery was soon replaced with pleasure, which only sparked a greater heat.


John’s mouth was wide open when Valentine’s fingers went deep inside his body. As if being punched in the stomach, all of his muscles suddenly contracted. John’s dick splattered semen onto the sheets.

“Haha… John, I haven’t even started yet.”

Valentine stopped moving, as if he was surprised that John had cummed from the briefest touch. He soon positioned himself behind John. John, who was heaving, trembled upon feeling the heavy pressure on his back.

“Ha… Fuck.”

Before the curse could reach John’s ears, the thick penis slowly rubbed the hole. John shook his head weakly in defiance, but his penis, stimulated by the Alpha’s pheromones, was once again erect.


John slowly regained his reason, which he had believed to disappear. He turned and looked at Valentine, whose eyes were full of fear and lust. Valentine’s chest was pressed against John’s back, and he stuck out his tongue to lick John’s tears.


Soon, Valentine’s thick cock began to push into the hole. John let out a long groan.

“Ah, haah!”


As the tip attempted to enter inside, Valentine’s pheromone became stronger. The pheromones washed over John’s body, instantly melting away the pain.

“Uh … ugh…”

Slowly, John felt something that he didn’t even know what it was, it was his blood rushing, as John moaned helplessly. Before John knew it, he was holding Valentine’s wrist with one hand and the sheets with the other, as if his life depended on it.

“Ah, uck…!”

Valentine also moaned because his dick felt too much pressure, as if it was going to be chopped off. The round tip of the penis was constantly pushed through the anus. Between the pain and pleasure, John almost fainted.

Valentine’s cock was going deeper and deeper, but it continued moving slowly until it stopped at one point. John felt the sensation in his stomach, making him tremble. Valentine whispered, while holding John’s waist up with both of his hands.

“It’s all in.”


“Finally… We are united.”

John’s head slowly sank. His head was drenched in sweat. Every time Valentine’s cock touched deep inside of John and was pulled out, the inner wall heated up.

“Ugh! Uck! Ugh! Ah, ah, ah…!”

John moaned, although it sounded more like he was crying. Valentine pulled John’s waist, thrusting in from behind. The interlocked part was even more deeply connected.

“Now you, John.”

“Ugh, ugh!”

“My… Lover.”

Valentine lowered his upper body and kissed John’s open mouth. The red tongues touched and saliva leaked from their mouths. When John, who was out of breath, unconsciously put strength in his butt, Valentine let out a delightful moan. 

“Ugh, ugh! Ah! Ah…!”

Every time Valentine moved, the long thick penis was pushed deeper. Pleasure slithered up his spine and his entire body was drowning in passion. The unscrupulous desire to be completely possessed melted his brain. The two bodies seemed to merge and mingle. John sobbed madly and moved his waist without realizing it.

“Ah, ugh… Uh…”

Honestly, it feels so good.

To the extent that I want to stay like this forever, if possible.

John’s body trembled with delight, but his mind didn’t. John moaned at the feeling, as it rushed in like waves and drove himself into the endless heat. At the same time, John was experiencing the despair of the world that had supported him so far.

Today was completely different from yesterday. Today, his new identity was being an Omega, who had accepted Valentine’s dick inside him. Valentine and him were no longer brothers or friends. It was just Alpha and Omega, who had gone into heat, having lost their rationality.


Valentine’s movement began to intensify, as if he had noticed that John was thinking of something else. John’s body clumsily moved from the rough movements. John held his arms back and forced his waist up, as he blankly stared at the ceiling. The billowing light landed on his cheek, as if to console him.

Tears flowed down from the swollen eyes.


Valentine spent the entire night persistently doing John. Like a boy who had just discovered sex, he was outspoken and immersed himself in mapping out John’s body, until his whole body was covered in hickeys.

John, as he couldn’t endure the numerous rounds of, fell unconscious. When he opened his eyes again, the night had turned now in a bluish dark dawn. John, who was trying to get up, collapsed once again due to the pain he felt in his back.


Last night, his heat, which had been so strong, disappeared without a trace. Only the painful body aches remained. John helplessly stared at the wall while lying down. He belatedly recognized the arm wrapped around his waist and felt the warm body temperature from behind him.


Valentine was still asleep, holding John in his arms. The tousled blonde hair, outstretched eyelashes and slightly-open lips were still beautiful, but now John knew how cruel Valentine could be.

John’s back was hot and sweaty, the inside of his legs were sticky with a soggy fluid. John flinched, trying to get away from Valentine, but the feeble movement woke him up. Pulling John’s waist towards him, Valentine mumbled in a low voice.

“…Are you up?”

John tried to get up instead of answering, but Valentine grabbed John’s shoulder this time. Looking down at John lying on the sheets, Valentine covered his lips with his finger.




With his head bent, Valentine lowered his lips over John’s. John blinked slowly because of the kiss. Unlike usual, the kiss with Valentine left a dry taste in John’s mouth. There was no warmth to it.

Is Dominic dead…?

The unacceptable sense of reality suddenly exploded and instantly choked him. John barely swallowed the hot saliva that was entering his throat. His eyes seemed to turn red, feeling guilty, so he had to breathe several times.


After practicing several times inside, John was barely able to speak. Valentine’s clear eyes roamed over his lips. John spoke, as casually as he could.

“Warm water… I want some.”

“Of course, hold on a second.”

Without delay, Valentine got dressed, picking up his clothes from the floor. In the dim morning light, Valentine’s body was perfect, like a sculpture. What used to be a comforting sight, now only aroused fear for John.

“I’ll be right back, so lie down for a while.”

Valentine, roughly dressed in a shirt and pants, kissed John’s forehead. As John closed his eyes, he heard the door close. Shortly after Valentine’s disappearance, as John breathed in and out, Valentine touched his shoulder.

“Here you are.”

Shortly after returning to the room, Valentine gave John a cup. Valentine silently handed the cup to John. As the lukewarm liquid gently moistened John’s throat, he noticed the faint taste of iron. Valentine, after gently stroking John’s head, walked to the window.

“It’s raining.”

John raised his head, after hearing the easy-going tone Valentine spoke in, as if nothing had happened last night. As Valentine opened the window, the smell of the rain and cool air rushed in, airing out the heavily scented room. The fresh air was mixed with something other than the smell of the rain and grass. It was Valentine’s pheromones. Now John was an Omega, so he could feel it.

“Do you want me to wash you?”

Shaking his head, John handed over the cup he was holding to Valentine. Looking down at it, Valentine took the cup and drank some water. His Adam’s apple moved in a regular manner. Valentine, who took a few sips of water, lowered his chin and kissed John. A stream of water flowed down between the two interlocked lips.

* * *


John couldn’t afford to take a shower. Picking up his crumpled shirt and pants, John stared at the sleeping Valentine. His fingers were trembling because even a brief movement exhausted his physical strength.

John secretly put sleeping pills in the cup and gave it to Valentine. It was a colorless and odorless sleeping pill that John always carried with him, due to his sleep disorders. John felt his heart tighten with fear as Valentine sat still holding the glass, but Valentine didn’t seem to know what John had done.


After taking the last glimpse of Valentine, who was totally asleep, John took a small step. If he waited some more, he would feel impatient because he thought Valentine would open his eyes and follow him.

John walked down the hall and anxiously looked around. His legs were shaking, as he was afraid that yesterday’s crowd would pop out of nowhere, but it was completely silent in the dormitory. The quietness made John even more afraid.


It was raining, just like Valentine said. Upon reaching the entrance of the dormitory, John slowly walked out. He stretched out his palm, which was quickly soaked in the pouring rain. John, stood there absent-mindedly looking at the pouring rain, as he turned his head to the sudden presence.


Joseph stood a few steps behind John. Even now, he was still dressed in yesterday’s attire, having not left the living room. Joseph was staring at John, with an indescribable look on his face. John also expressionlessly looked at Joseph. Only the sound of the heavy rain broke the silence between the two.

“You were an Omega all along, weren’t you?”

It was Joseph who broke the silence. He mumbled to himself, in a subdued voice. John didn’t answer, but that was enough for Joseph.

“I knew it. There were times when I felt weird.”

Only then did John think of Joseph’s attitude, which was sometimes strange. John twisted his lips. 

Why was I the only one who didn’t know the signs of change that Joseph felt, why… John bit his lips because if he let his guard down a little, he would burst into a maniac-like laugh.

If only Valentine hadn’t joked around and pretended he didn’t know, while believing that I was a Beta…

But that didn’t mean anything now. John’s world was irrevocably destroyed.

A smile formed on John’s lips. Turning to Joseph, John squinted his eyes. Joseph stared at him. John nodded slowly.

“Yeah. I didn’t know, but I was an Omega.”


“Why? Do you want to rape me too?”

Joseph’s face was irritated by John’s words. Standing firm in place, Joseph slowly approached John instead of responding. John’s face changed as Joseph got closer to him. John’s physical strength was exhausted and it was hard to stand upright, as if he had been injured. If Joseph made up his mind, John couldn’t even resist properly, so when Joseph reached out, John chose to close his eyes.


However, contrary to his fearful imagination, the outstretched hand only pulled on the open collar of the shirt. Joseph’s trembling hands were shaking too much to correctly button up the shirt.

John stared at Joseph with a blank look. Joseph pretended to be as fierce as usual, but his eyes were red, as if he were holding back his tears. John choked for a moment and swallowed his saliva.

Joseph, who had clumsily buttoned all of the buttons, raised his head. Being so close, they looked at each other. Joseph asked in a low, broken voice.

“Where are you planning to go?”

It couldn’t be true, but that question sounded as if Joseph was worried. John, blinking slowly, bowed his head. It was a strange thing. The fact that Joseph, who John had never liked before, was the one to comfort him at this moment.

John swallowed a bitter laugh in his heart and turned his back without answering.


John walked in the rain and quickly got soaked. It was a heavy rain, one that caused puddles to form. His whole body felt chilled to the bone, but the heavy rain was rather welcoming to John. The pouring rain will help wash away some of the pheromones and leftover traces.

If he walked about twenty minutes from school, he would find downtown, which was near London. Even though it was early dawn, John might be able to catch an empty taxi if he was lucky. John walked away, wiping off the rain that didn’t let him see properly. When he recalled the semen that might remain in his body, John felt nausea.

What if I get pregnant?

For John, who had lived as a Beta his entire life, even felt that assumption was terrible. In this case, there was only one person he could rely on. It was just when he left the front door of the school.


A black sedan crossed the empty road and suddenly stopped in front of John. The tinted window lowered, and it was Joseph who appeared. He reached over and opened the passenger door. Then, he made a gesture to John.

“Get in the car. I’ll take you where you’re going.”

As soon as Joseph saw that John wasn’t moving, his impatient expression became uglier.. He growled.

“Don’t resist and get in.”


“Can’t you hear me?”

John had no desire to be with Joseph, an Alpha, in an enclosed space. Joseph’s sudden kindness was also questionable. Valentine and Dominic had just betrayed him. Joseph could do so and even more. In the end, John was about to walk away.

“Just get in!”


As Joseph couldn’t contain his anger and hit the steering wheel, the loud horn broke the silence. When John paused, Joseph breathed roughly as if to hold back his anger. The white fist was shaking under the steering wheel.

“Where are you going? Do you want to tell everyone what happened?”


“Damn it… I’m not going to do anything, so please get in.”

Only then did John hesitatingly get in the car. When John sat down, Joseph stepped on the accelerator without further delay.

“Where should I go?”

After getting in the car, Joseph, who didn’t even glance at John, asked. John, who was about to answer, stopped because the sun-visor was lowered and he could see his own face.

Why do I feel that my body is completely unfamiliar, even though I look no different from yesterday?

John stared at himself in the mirror and twisted his lips.

“…To Richmond. I have to… Go home…”

The hour-long car ride was completely silent, as it finally arrived in front of the Lindberg estate. The rain had slowed down, but Joseph turned on the car’s heater in frustration. John’s body, which was as cold as ice, finally relaxed.

“…Thank you.”

John, who hesitated for a moment as he held the car door handle, thanked Joseph. Joseph kept his mouth shut the entire time, bent his upper body and leaned on the steering wheel. The darkened amber eyes flickered slowly. He remained silent, but soon asked a question.

“You’re not coming back, are you?”

“…Mn, I’m not.”

“…I see.”

Joseph bowed his head, rubbing his cheek with his palm as if he were tired. Turning his back on Joseph, John opened the car door and stretched out his legs. At best, he hoped the rain would clear his head, to no avail.

“What the…”

The security guard looked surprised when he saw John walking there. He ran over with a large umbrella and a blanket, wrapping it around John. A Rolls-Royce car stopped in front of John, as the security guard was taking care of his body. It was Carter, who got out of the car in a hurry. He supported John, as if Carter knew John would fall.

“John, why all of a sudden…”

Carter’s face quickly hardened before saying anything. Since John’s body was full of lingering Alpha pheromones, Carter intuitively realized that something scary had happened. Instead of asking the whole story, Carter wrapped his shoulders tightly around John and got into the car.


When John had just arrived at the mansion, Ryan and Grace, who had been waiting for him, ran over to check on him. Upon seeing the only people he could trust and rely on, John burst into tears. He had been holding them back on the drive over.


John swallowed his saliva and his head dropped. In an instant, the tears made his vision blurry.


It was obvious what had happened. John was in a messy state, and was still in the middle of his heat cycle. His pheromones mixed with Valentine’s. Grace, who realized what it meant, sat down with her hands covering her mouth.

“…My God.”


Rushing past a panicking Grace, Ryan approached John, took off the gown John was wearing and hugged him. Smelling the familiar scent of cigarettes and cologne John sobbed as he crumpled on to the carpet. He was nauseous and he felt as if he was going to suffocate.

“What… What should I do…?”

“John… Oh my God.”

Ryan grabbed John’s shoulder. No matter how old he was, John was still a minor in need of an adult’s care. Ryan grabbed John’s shoulder, a miserable look on his face.

“Where… Is Valentine right now?”

John couldn’t even breathe properly and stuttered.

“Maybe he’s sleeping. I gave him sleeping pills.”

“Sleep pills? How many… How many did he take?!”

Surprised by the sudden shouting, John raised his head, and then he trembled in fear.

“I… I don’t know. Not a lot.”

Only then did Ryan chew on his lips, as if he had realized what he had done. Ryan turned his head, frustrated.

“I’m sorry I yelled at you, John. I just can’t sort things out…”


“So Valentine… He’s not in danger, is he?”

As soon as John heard the words, he felt even more nervous for some reason. There was a sense of difference that couldn’t be explained at all. His eyes wandered helplessly, as he looked at Grace. She stared at John, with a helpless look on her face. Her lips, which had always smiled pleasantly, were shaking.


Grace called his name, still avoiding John’s gaze. Staring stubbornly at the wall, she asked in a trembling voice.

“Don’t tell me… He didn’t knot you, did he?”


“Did he? Did Valentine do it?”

John felt his throat being forcibly squeezed. John shook his head, forcibly ignoring the sense of someone choking him. Knotting. John didn’t know about such a thing. He didn’t even know anything about his new condition. John took short breaths, as he clutched his fist while trembling.

I just wanted you to hug me and tell me that it’s going to be okay…

John couldn’t say why, but he kept getting a bad feeling. The moment he saw Grace, who looked relieved upon hearing John’s answer, the terrible premonition became reality. John’s face quickly hardened.

As if to drive a wedge into his despair, Ryan questioned the frozen John.

“Who else knows?”


“To whom… did you tell this?”

“…No one.”

“Good… Alright. First of all… I’ll call a trustworthy doctor.”

With Ryan’s words, the reason for the impending feeling of dread suddenly became clear. John gradually faced reality. Even though he was a mess right in front of Grace and Ryan, they were solely worried about Valentine. Still, Valentine was their only son, and this family game only continued because Valentine wanted it to.

The moment he realized that fact, the brightness in John’s eyes died. Suddenly, a broken laugh left John’s lips.

It really is… A long and cruel day.

He felt like a fool, coming home to seek comfort that will never be freely given.

What on earth was I expecting? I haven’t had a family since Emily passed away.


At that moment, John’s bright smile appeared on his face. At the same time, he felt an intense amount of anger at Valentine. The feeling was so overwhelming that John felt like he would choke Valentine if he were in front of him. Various voices began to buzz in John’s head, where his reason had fallen.

Valentine, why did you do that to me?

Why do I have to feel this way because of you?

If I hadn’t known, I could have stayed like this.

What should I do now?

I resent you so much…

I so badly want to hurt you.

John was captivated by this irrational thought of revenge. All John had was his body, and there was only one way he could hurt Valentine. He was weak and self destructive, but that was John’s only card.

“…I’m not going to make you worry.”

A surprisingly cold voice exited his mouth, as Ryan and Grace stared at John with a stiff face. John sneered, as he had a blank look on his face.

“Erase my existence.”

“John, that’s… What are you talking about?”

“I know you can’t hide me here, but … If Father helps me with that, the story is different.”

John held his breath for a moment, then added strength to his trembling voice and said lastly.

“Don’t ever let Valentine find me.”

The moment he said those words, the dizziness in the back of his mind appeared again. It was already irreversible, but the desire for Ryan and Grace to not abandon him still remained and bothered John.

…You’re our son too, so we can’t do that, but if you say so.


But God wasn’t on John’s side. Ryan slowly nodded, which severed the last familial tie John had to this family. Drip, drip. Thick tears flowed down John’s dry cheeks.

…Why is the gown so cold?

To hide his trembling hand, John clenched his fist again.

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