Cellestra appeared lost in thoughts. I saw her eyes stare at the table blankly after I released the “hug”.

She then ran her fingers over the hairs on my head.

That was a bit… awkward.

The elf appeared to realize what she was doing as she suddenly shook her head and withdrew her hand.

“Sorry… I forgot...” She said with a shaky voice.

“You okay?” I spelled out.

“I’m okay. It’s just… You’re the first… person I’ve told all this. I just spaced out as I thought about how I would ever interact with others… It’s been so long...”

I imagined she’d be okay. This elf was a nice person. My only doubt was that she might be taken advantage of for being too nice.

My mind wandered off to my blessing. I’d seen a healing spell appear. Would it be too out of place for there to be a spell to remove a curse, as well?

I felt like the debt that I owed Cellestra only continued to grow.

The elf smiled once more. “Enough about that. There’s still an hour or so before the sun starts to set. Shall I put you outside again?”

This is why I was worried about her being used. She was too nice.

“Want join me fishing?” I asked with the letters.

“Hmmm, let me think. I’m waiting for one of my brews to age. The venom you gave me is being cooled… I think I can join you, at least until I have to make dinner.”

She took the paper in her hand, rolled it up, and put it in her belt. “Let me take this with me so you can actually talk to me.”

She then held out her hands.

Soon, we were outside and walking towards the stream.

“How many reaperfish have you actually killed? I mean, I’m not complaining or anything. These things are about as numerous as they can get. If anything, you’re doing the wildlife downstream a favor.”

I suppose I was culling a good deal of them. They’d been the best source of experience for my current evolution that I could think of.

I had to admit I wasn’t looking forward to finding out what in the world I would have to kill for my next evolution. I knew that these reaperfish would likely not give me experience anymore. I would likely be forced into taking on more dangerous prey.

Like that wolf.

I didn’t know if I could beat anything like that.

It would be a worry for later. Right now, there were fish to kill.

The elf sat down in the grass next to the stream and put down the paper with text. I went to work as she looked.

I showed Cellestra how I baited them with a knotted line before killing one with an ice lance spell.

You have killed a Small Red Reaperfish: EXP +43

“Hm. I guess that’s a good way of doing it if you’re not looking to catch them,” She commented.

I used the paper that she’d laid out to reply. “Corpse makes perfect bait.”

“Yeah, they’re a greedy lot alright. Will eat their own as soon as they smell blood in the water,” Cellestra replied.

I waited until there were several fish nibbling away at the reaperfish remains before shooting an ice lance that took out three fish at the same time.

You have killed a Small Red Reaperfish: EXP +40

You have killed a Small Red Reaperfish: EXP +47

You have killed a Small Red Reaperfish: EXP +43

Level Up!

Kealyna has reached level 6!

You have been awarded 15 EP.

“Nice shot, Kealyna,” Cellestra said excitedly.

That was a nice shot for sure.


I took a moment to look at my evolution points and noticed I’d accumulated 151. I had enough to enhance the Insight of Elysa skill and I still had a few levels to go, which should gain me enough to acquire some more spells.

I wanted to enhance it right now, but I’d better inform the elf.

I tapped the paper to get Cellestra’s attention.

“Going to enhance new skill. Description says it is painful.”

“Go for it,” She simply said.

I took a deep breath as I prepared myself for what was to come. I’d rather get this done and over with.

I confirmed that I wanted to enhance this skill.

Soon after, I felt a slight pressing on my head. It was mildly painful but not something that would justify the warning.

Then, like a spear, I felt magic pierce my head and flow into me. My mind was set ablaze from the resulting heat. Flames consumed my body from within. Even worse, they burned something deeper inside me. It was as if my inner being… my soul… was being enveloped by hot, molten metal.

The streams of magic were forced around and interwoven around my soul.

I wanted to pass out. I wanted to get away from the pain.

It was too much.

But I couldn’t.

I was forced to feel… everything…

Information that I couldn’t grasp was forced into my skull. Information that I observed for the briefest of moments before it eluded my grasp filled everything that was me.

The flames reached a critical mass, where I thought my entire body would explode. For a moment, I truly thought I would die again.

Then, everything calmed down.

I was pulled back to reality from the deepest depths of my being.

“Kealyna!” I heard the elf’s voice call out.

I stopped moving. Apparently, I was moving.

“Are you alright?”


I think I was fine?

The haze in my mind was lifted and I was myself again.

I nodded with my limbs slowly, hesitantly.

I wasn’t sure what had just happened to me.

Elysa, what was that?

Insight of Elysa

Your body and soul are strong enough to now be able to support the full power of the goddess’s blessing.

Your experience gain is increased, and you can now see the nearest future evolutions and their achievement requirements.

I was baffled.

This was far better than I could have imagined.

The pain had been terrible, but this was definitely worth it.

With this, I should be able to find out what achievements I would still need to obtain in order to have the rainbow evolution appear again!

Wait, maybe there were even better options?

I wanted to look at it now, but as Cellestra had said earlier, there were still a few hours left on this day. I should try to get as much done as possible and then look into things closely tonight.

“That looked like you were in hellish pain. Elysa didn’t lie when she warned you about that, did she?”

“It was worth it,” I wrote. “Can see achievement requirements for evolution now. Hopefully can get speech faster.”

I skittered back to the stream where I saw the reaperfish still eating away at the almost-picked-clean corpse. I fired another ice lance to ensure I wouldn’t run out of bait.

You have killed a Small Red Reaperfish: EXP +68

This experience bonus was more than welcome as well.

I used a few more spells before my mana reserves went dry again. I’d achieved level 8 in the meantime. When I was finished, I turned around to see Cellestra smile.

“It’s quite interesting to see you use spells, you know? I’ve never seen anything like this. I’m looking forward to seeing what spells you’ll be able to acquire through that blessing.”

She sighed with a smile.

“I’m actually quite jealous that you’re able to obtain them seemingly easily.”

I started spelling some more words. “Blessing lets me know how to cast them. I was shocked myself too.”

“If it’s a shock to you too, I assume your old world was similar to this one? Regarding magic that is. I spent weeks training to cast the simplest of fireballs.”

“If that is the case then yes.”

“And Elysa is worshipped here too. Do you think she put you here for those reasons?”

“I assume yes.”

“Were you finished by the way?” She asked.

I gestured yes.

“Shame. I was having so much fun observing you slaughter those fish.”

Yeah. I truly wished I could last longer with magic. I may have to look into enhancing those skills, but I’d have to check exactly what I would do. My spells were enough for now.

Besides, I should be able to get more achievements now that I had this insight skill.

“Wanna head back?” Cellestra asked.

I looked up at the sky and noticed that it was beginning to get darker. I also saw dark clouds form, which hastened the process.

“Yeah, it appears there’s bad weather coming. It would be best for us to get inside. I still need to cook too.”

I nodded with my front two limbs.

She shifted onto two knees to extend her hands. Once I stepped on she stood up and spoke again. “I know you said you weren’t hungry, but I was going to make some chicken. Want some anyway?”

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