
Oops. I accidentally posted a wrong chapter first. I corrected the error and posted 32 and 33.

Don't forget to red 32 before this :D

“Can increase ice lance skill,” I started writing. “Can get water walking, magical barrier, healing light.”
“Healing light?” Cellestra said with a gasp. “You can learn healing light?”
Her eyes widened. “That’s a rare spell in itself. Normally it’s only reserved for those with the light affinity, or those who spend countless years studying it. To be able to learn it and cast fire and ice magic as well is just.. Unheard of.”
“Can you learn it you think?” I spelled out for her.
She scratched her head. “Possibly. It will probably take a lot of time, though. I’d love to try!”
Cellestra seemed excited. I figured I’d take the first rank of this spell for sure.
“What about other spells?”
“Well,” She continued. “I know some form of physical barrier myself, but you said yours is different right? How is it different besides the flow of mana?”
“Does not need mana supplied to maintain.”
“That’s incredible!” She then thought for a moment. “I’ve never used or needed water walking, but it sounds like it could be useful. Do you mind taking it to teach me?”
“No problem,” I wrote again.

It looked like I was just going to get a whole bunch of spells. I did have plenty of points to spend, but I just wanted to make a quick calculation of what would happen if I took all the interesting things…
I stared at the blue square with my options and asked Elysa for a calculation of the cost if I took the skills that I wanted.

Improved mana regeneration and reserves, venom bolt, ice lance, water walking, the physical barrier, the magic barrier, and healing light, all at their highest ranks would cost me 79 points. I would still have 30 points left after that.
I considered spending more, but I didn’t quite see the need to. If I were to spend it on anything, I was inclined to spend it on a higher level of my threads, but from what I could see, they were already very strong as it was.
Wait, I forgot I had to spend five points on venom before being able to get venom bolt. In that case, I’d have 25 points left. 

Before evolving, I wanted to see what skills the Green Resica would have offered.

The evolution options for ‘Green Resica’ were:
Improved Venom

Advanced Venom

Strong Venom

Paralytic Venom

Improved Paralytic Venom

Advanced Paralytic Venom

Strong Paralytic Venom

Weak Toxin Resistance

Improved Toxin Resistance

Advanced Toxin Resistance

Strong Toxin Resistance
The evolution didn’t offer anything different compared to the one before. The only difference was that these skills would be one level higher as a maximum.
Wait a second.
Elysa, can venom bolt be used with paralytic venom?


That… could make for interesting attacks.
How does venom bolt work? Does it consume mana like spells or does it consume my venom instead?

Venom bolt uses small amounts of mana and some venom.

This was something that had been bothering me. I had quite strong spells right now, but I couldn’t do much in combat after running out of mana. The creatures that I had to kill for experience right now… I just didn’t dare to get close anymore. It would be much better to take them on from range. Venom bolt would be a worthy addition to my arsenal. It would allow me to use my venom… but from range.
Since I had Fireball and Ice Lance at their maximum ranks for this evolution, I felt like I would still be able to use them during my next with proper effect.
I was certain the green evolution now would be better than the rainbow.
I would be able to see the requirements for the rainbow evolution and work towards it while levelling the venom skills.
Once in rainbow evolution, I could upgrade my other skills to the same level as my highest spell at the time.
Thinking about it convinced me.
“Going to choose enhancements,” I wrote. “Going to take while.”
I selected all the enhancements that I had confirmed in my mind and allowed them to enhance my body one by one.
I had to spend a while doing this as there were a lot of enhancements to go through.
When I was finally finished I wrote again. “Want to see if your spell works on me?”
“I’d love to!” She said excitedly.
Maybe I should have done this before spending all my evolution points to see if it even worked.
Then again, I would like to have as many spells during this evolution as possible. I would likely have taken them anyway.
Cellestra led the way outside and I followed behind her. She knelt in the grass once we were in front of the house.
“You want to start with your fireball? I’d like to see how it’s different from mine.”
I nodded with my limbs and started my fireball cast, slowly so she could probably make it out better. I saw Cellestra cast something with her eyes closed and I felt a small stream of her mana connect with mine. I felt part of her mana flow through my body into the fireball whose magic was still forming. I then finalized the spell and threw it.
She went quiet.
“Is this the power of a goddess? This spell is completely different from mine. It’s like...”
She shook her head in silence.
“It’s so much more efficient. Your spell is weaker than mine, for now, but it’s so much more efficient. Every drop of mana was converted into the perfect spell.”
I turned to face her, awaiting her answer.
“I’m not sure if I could ever cast something like this...” She said softly.
“I’m not sure if I can ask this of you. Even if I could, I’d probably need quite a lot of time...”
She went silent again. “I don’t want to hold you up...”

Poor Cellestra. She had seemed so excited before. I don’t know when the day comes that I’ll have to head out. I reckon it’s as soon as I get the ability to speak.
That made this thing even worse…
I kind of wished I could have her stick around. 
Maybe I could, and have her try to learn the spells along the way?
“Could you maybe do the physical barrier?” She asked. I detected a hint of fear in her voice. Was she feeling sad because of my spells being so different?
I felt her magic flow into mine again as I cast the physical barrier spell. I felt the energy surround and envelop my body and with it, some part of Cellestra’s magic.
“This is amazing...” She whispered. “This is truly amazing...”
I looked up at her again and saw her eyes staring off into the distance. “Such efficient mana flows… it’s beautiful.”
She stood up after that. “I’ve seen enough for now, Kealyna. I’ll practice trying to mimic the flow.”
She opened the door but didn’t enter the building. “I’ll stay outside while you do your… evolution thingy. Thank you so much.”
I felt for her. This must have been hard. I suddenly fell into her life and completely shattered her existing knowledge of how spells work. I didn’t know what I would do if that had happened to me.
I climbed onto the table and checked my enhancement list once more just to make sure I didn’t accidentally forget something.
When I was confident everything was in order I confirmed my evolution into a Large Green Resica.
This time, I was knocked out before I could experience any pain.


When I awoke, the first thing I noticed was Cellestra sitting at the table, watching over me while sipping a cup of tea.
I got to my feet and noticed I’d grown yet again. I was now about a foot and a half… and completely green. This had been an explosive growth spurt.
And I was hungry…
I should have saved those fish…
“Welcome back, Kealyna. How are you feeling?”
Cellestra placed the paper in front of me.
Thanks, Cellestra.
“Hungry,” I spelled.
“I had the feeling that would be the case,” The elf said with a smile. “I have the rest of that chicken in the oven right now. It’s almost time for dinner, anyway.”
Chicken… I would love some chicken right now.
“Thanks,” I wrote.
I couldn’t thank her enough…

“I’ve practiced that simple fireball of yours for hours. I still have no idea how to make my mana flow like that. It’s truly mysterious...”
“No idea,” I wrote. “The information on how to cast is put in my head when I enhance skill. It’s mystery to me too.”

“Heh,” Cellestra chuckled. “That doesn’t really help, either, I guess. If you’re willing to assist, I’ll probably have to use that spell on you quite a few times before I even understand the basics...”
“No problem for me.”
“You’re such a kind person, Kealyna. You know that?”
I was simply repaying her for her help. Although I couldn’t say that her smiles didn’t invoke mental smiles of my own.

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