“All will be fine in the end,” I wrote, earning a slight smile from Cellestra.

“Thank you, Kealyna. Once again, I’m sorry...”

“I understand.”

The elf sighed. “I hope you’ll be able to concentrate now, though. It’s dangerous to lose your concentration when you’re fighting things.”

I hoped so too.

Finding creatures that would allow me to grow stronger was starting to become harder as it was. Not only were they much rarer, but they were also far stronger. I was going to have to be focused.

Should I ask Cellestra to attack me with that fireball of hers?

I took a look at the elf and noticed her slight smile had disappeared again. I opted to not ask yet.

I felt like I needed to get some things done today, but I also didn’t want to leave this elf feeling like this. I skittered to her hand on the table and took hold of it with my four front legs, hugging it.

“Thank you,” Cellestra said once more as I let go. “For all I know, you’re still a knight.”

Her comment filled me with warmth. It served to confirm that I’d not completely lost my old life’s virtues. I had started to worry about losing who I once was…

“Will go out now,” I wrote. “Can practice spells later if want.”

“Yeah,” Cellestra said, smiling once more. “I’d love that. Take care of yourself out there.”

She appeared to be in a much better mood already. I was much more confident with leaving her behind now.

I made my way down to the floor and exited the building through the still open doors. Once outside, I made my way to the stream and followed it downstream, hoping to find some prey down the line. If anything dangerous showed up, I’d be able to take cover in one of the trees to my left.

I also kept an eye out on the reaperfish. If I saw any larger-sized ones, I’d take the opportunity to get some more experience. My sources started to run out, after all. It kind of had me worried about what I would have to kill for experience during my next evolution. Would it be wolves and more dangerous creatures? Maybe a bear?

I shuddered. I had my doubts about taking on a bear.

Then again, my next evolution should be quite powerful, and I didn’t quite know the extent of this venom bolt yet, either.

No large fish or wolves showed up as I continued my trip downstream.

Eventually, I did see something moving around in the vegetation near the trees. When my eyes focused on what it was, I found a green snake slowly slithering towards me.

What was that snake thinking? It was large, yes, but I was quite sizable myself now.

I fired a venom bolt at the approaching creature, impaling its long body by pure surprise. After the projectile had pierced and become stuck in its body, it fell apart in the same manner as the venom bolt I’d fired at the grass.

Seconds later, the snake stopped moving and went limp.

You have killed a Green Forest Viper: EXP+130

Level Up!

Kealyna has reached level 3!

You have been awarded 20 EP.

Seemed this attack was quite effective.

Hold on a second. I believe I possessed the paralytic venom already, right?

I checked my skill list and noted I already had the Paralytic Venom. I could enhance the improved version if I wanted to.

I should try this skill out some time...


I climbed up the nearest tree and confirmed that I wanted to upgrade the skill. There was no point in delaying it. If I needed it, I wanted it to be as strong as possible. I would level it again next time I had enough evolution points, too.

When my enhancement was done, I made my way down again and continued my trip. I imagined I would see the lake that Cellestra had talked about soon. Before that happened, I ran into another snake.

This time, I used my venom bolt with paralytic venom.

Instead of a green spear forming, it was yellow. It was also slightly smaller. I had the feeling that was due to the spell not being as high rank.

When it fired, it also didn’t impale the snake as deep as my normal venom bolt. It did, however, cause the snake to go limp within a second or ten. I had taken several steps back as the snake tried to approach me as I wanted to see the effects from a safe distance.

The creature went completely limp, and I could approach it without danger. I didn’t know how long this effect would last, so I rushed in quickly and killed the snake with my legs.

You have killed a Green Forest Viper: EXP+136

I would say that was moderately effective. The creature wasn’t the biggest, but then again, my venom wasn’t anywhere near its maximum strength, either.

I continued my journey but didn’t run into anything else of interest. All I saw were a few beetles and, of course, plenty of small reaperfish.

Ultimately, I ended up at the lake.

It was a lake that stretched as far as I could see. If I didn’t know it was a lake, I would have thought this was a sea for sure. I looked around to make sure the area was clear of predators before I skittered over to the water.

When I looked into the lake, I saw many reaperfish darting about. I was certain I saw a couple that were far bigger than the ones in the stream.

Maybe they were classified as large?

There was only one way to find out.

It was time to go fishing again.

I had just created a thread that I used as a lure when something approached in the corner of my vision.

Before I even knew what was going on, I saw a large boar charging at me, tusks ready to impale me.

I left the water behind me and cast the physical barrier enchant as I made a run for the nearest tree. I was pretty sure these animals couldn’t climb.

I managed to get to a tree in time and scale it. Not long after I made it up the trunk, the tree shook as the beast impacted it. I didn’t have any issues holding on, but this beast’s anger was evident. What had I done to upset it?

I was going to give it something to be upset about.

I climbed to an overarching branch and looked at the boar below who looked up at me with fiery eyes.

Here, have a venom bolt to the face!

I cast my spell and saw the bolt pierce the boar’s hide. The attack seemed to anger the creature even more as it bashed its tusks into the trunk again.

What was this beast’s problem?

I cast venom bolt several more times until my venom reserves were empty. After that, I switched to my paralytic venom and ice lances.

This beast was quite tough, but I could see it start to take damage as all the projectiles had caused quite a few puncture wounds that were bleeding. Eventually, the beast seemed to regret its decision to anger me as it started to walk away.

It was walking slowly and limply, though. I imagined those were lingering effects from all that venom.

I observed it walking away, and soon enough, its legs gave out.

No message showed up saying it died. I wasn’t sure whether it was blood loss or my paralytic venom that had caused it to lose its footing.

I looked around to make sure the area was clear. I made my way down shortly after. I had to take advantage of this while I could. Even if I wasn’t planning on taking on a boar, there was no reason to let this opportunity slip by.

This creature was sturdy, though. My ice lance spell didn’t seem to do nearly as much damage as I’d hoped. It appeared my poison was far more effective.

I made my way over to the beast’s head and cast my ice lance directly at its skull.

Instead of piercing as I had hoped, the icicle shattered as soon as it impacted.

I should have known it had a hard skull from the way it smashed against the trunk without seeming to care.

Time to use my other spell.

I threw my fireball at its side where it would impact the largest surface area.

I didn’t dare to get close out of fear that it would suddenly stand up and attack me. Those tusks looked like they could still do a lot of damage, even if I had my physical barrier active.

The fireball did as I had hoped and burned the beast’s fur. It didn’t take long for the animal to be completely engulfed in flames. The smell that came from the creature was actually kind of… good.

You have killed a Large Forest Boar: EXP+770

Level Up!

Kealyna has reached level 4!

You have been awarded 20 EP.

Level Up!

Kealyna has reached level 5!

You have been awarded 20 EP.

Level Up!

Kealyna has reached level 6!

You have been awarded 20 EP.

Great, now I am hungry…

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