After dinner, we returned to practice once more. We started working on the physical barrier spell.

“This spell is much stronger than the other one, isn’t it?” Cellestra asked.

I had taught her the magical barrier at a lower rank. Obviously, there would be some differences with this one.

“Stronger version. Is problem?”

“Hmmm,” The elf hummed. “I don’t think it’s going to be. This spell’s mana cost is quite a bit higher, but I don’t lack mana at all. I guess that’s the one thing this curse helps with.”

“You have large mana supply?” I spelled out.

“I do,” Cellestra said with a nod. “Mana isn’t my issue. Control is. This curse’s power is uncontrollable, but I can still use the mana it provides me for other things.”

She then sighed. “It’s another reason why I’m so happy you’re teaching me these spells. The spells I can cast can sometimes misfire completely. I’ve learned to control it for the most part, but very rarely, it still goes wrong. As I said, it’s uncontrollable.”

Uncontrollable meant something different in my book than hers. I understood what she meant, though. If there was the slightest chance my spell could fail, I would still be wary when using it, even if it goes according to my wishes most of the time.

“These spells of yours… in a way, they are perfect. They don’t seem to be affected by my curse, as in, I can’t miscast.”

Cellestra tried to cast the spell herself after having her mana flow through me a couple of times, but failed and sighed before looking down dejectedly. I didn’t think that reaction was to the spell failing.

I tapped the table to get her attention before spelling. “What is wrong?”

“I’m sorry, Kealyna. My head isn’t quite here at the moment.”

She sat down and placed an arm on the table. I thought about hugging her arm in an effort to cheer her up but decided against it. I simply looked at her, hoping for her to tell me what bothered her.

Cellestra sighed again. “The goddess’s magic...”

She took a deep breath. “I didn’t believe it at first, but there is no other way for me to explain this magic, or your… you know, growth and abilities.”

Cellestra fell silent again, seemingly lost in thought. “I truly wonder if she’s ever looking down at me from wherever she is.”

I did not know how to respond to what she had just said. Was that a hint of sadness… or anger I saw that was directed at Elysa? I could imagine that was the case if she’d spent a lot of time praying for a solution to this curse of hers. I probably wasn’t too far from the truth thinking that.

“You pray to her often?” I decided to ask, when she looked back at the table.

The elf nodded. “I do,” She said without elaborating.

I used to as well, but after meeting her, I didn’t quite know how to go about it again. Being stuck in a spider body wasn’t exactly something I, in my opinion, should be thankful for.

“How about you? I mean, in your old life. Did you pray to her a lot?”

I nodded.

“Did you feel like it helped?” She continued.

I took a moment to think before spelling again. “Hard to say. At the time, I think it calmed my mind whenever I did. After finding out about this blessing, it said she cannot talk to me directly. I doubt she can affect our lives in this realm. Do not know if praying helped knowing that.”

“I see...”

Cellestra closed her eyes for a few seconds before opening them again. “I guess that means we’re on our own until the time comes to meet her. Well, you’ve already met her, but you know what I mean.”

Unfortunately, I knew it all too well. I feel like I got more interaction with another person in the past few days than I’ve gotten in months. That was with me not even being in Cellestra’s presence the entire time.

I continued looking at the elf, wondering what I should ask. I wanted to talk to her, to get to know more about her, but my questions just wouldn’t form. In the end, the only question that managed to make its presence known was what kind of magic Cellestra could cast. I never did get a good grip on what she could do.

“Oh, you’ve seen a few things already, but as I told you, I tend to be pretty careful with magic, especially when there are people nearby. This flame spell I’m using indoors is the only spell that has never miscast before. To answer your question, I can use quite a few spells. Their success rate is another story. Let’s see. There is the fireball, a couple of wind spells that I use to maintain the house, some healing spells that I gained thanks to my research, and an unstable spell that I promised to never use again. Not unless it was absolutely necessary, due to its instability.”

“What spell?” I asked in writing, immediately after she finished.

“It’s a spell that’s unique to me. It uses the immense amount of mana that I can use and transforms it into pure destructive power. It seems to be related to the origin of my power, you know, when a dungeon core exploded… It seems to mimic some of its power and curses nearby organisms. Even if they survive the initial blast of energy, they don’t live to tell the tale for long.”

That sounded dangerous. I could see why she wouldn’t use that…

“How about your curse?” I asked. “Tried anything else to cure it?”

“Honestly? I’m tired of even trying anymore, Kealyna. I was about to resort to the last thing I could imagine, which was delving into dungeons to find answers. I don’t think I would have stayed here much longer. Then you showed up.”

“Dungeons? With no party?”

Cellestra shook her head. “I would have to do it alone.”

If dungeons in this world were anything like my old one, she was essentially committing suicide, endless power or not. With no way to control it, she would have been a dungeon creature’s food sooner or later. If that was true, I was glad I was dropped here by that hawk. It would be a shame for such a kind person to do such things…

“I can see what you’re thinking,” Cellestra said. “It’s dangerous, I know, but I didn’t really have a choice. My research would have reached its end soon enough, and with nothing else to look forward to in this life, it was the only thing I could think of.”

“Glad I showed up. Hopefully I can help.”

“With the power of a goddess, I can see why you would think about it like that. If you truly wish to help me, I’ll be looking forward to what you can do.”

She smiled at me which sent warmth through my body, but then a feeling of dread washed over me soon after.

If I managed to cure Cellestra’s curse, it would mean she would be able to go back to her own kind. If that happened, I didn’t think I would be able to follow her. I would just be seen as a monster, and most likely hunted. Since I enjoyed her presence, the thought of not helping her entered my mind, but it was immediately struck down.

I would have lived a knight’s life for nothing if I allowed my greed to surface now.

It didn’t appear the brunette was interested in trying out the new spell for the time being, so I decided to continue asking things. The humans that I had spotted popped up in my head and brought me to a few questions that I could ask about them. It would be a great way to spend some more time talking, and I’d possibly get some important information too.

“Tell me about this world. What are nearby towns? What could humans do here in forest?”

“Those are some good questions to ask. Nearby villages? There are two; a beastkin settlement, and beyond that, an elven village. I really don’t know much about them as I can’t get close. The last village that I lived in is quite a while from here. About the humans… I don’t quite know. You said something about them preparing for ‘elves’ and ‘goods’, but I don’t know of any expensive goods being traded in the area. Then again, I get all my knowledge from the one peddler that visits me on rare occasions, so you’ll have to forgive me for that.”

“What is status of humans and elves in this world?” I asked.

“Once again,” Cellestra said and then sighed. “I don’t quite know. When I was exiled, humans and elves were technically at peace, but tensions were rising rapidly. Out here, it’s nowhere near as bad. The peddler visiting me is a human, and I have no issues with him whatsoever.”

Cellestra then closed her eyes. “It wouldn’t surprise me if certain factions were at war right now.”

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