After that, we had a hearty dinner consisting of more of the same as yesterday. I reckoned that even after two days, there was more than enough meat leftover for one or two more. We thanked my parents once more for their kindness, and after Elira had shown me her spell once more, Cellestra and I were off to our shelter, to get some good rest.

“Cellestra,” I said once we were in the forest after a quick stop at the shrines for Cellestra to use the facilities. “You know what I’m going to say, right?”

“Not really, actually.”

“I just wanted to make sure you know what you’re doing with Elira. I’m talking about your special spell. Do you think it’s wise to reveal it to her?”

“Hmmm,” She let out. “I see what you mean. The thing is, I’m not sure if I can teach her without using that. I mean, I learned everything about it from Rose and she showed me how to cast it through using it on me.”

“That does complicate things a bit, I suppose.”

“So yes, it’s pretty much the only way I know how to show magic to others. I don’t know how it’s usually done. You’re right in that we cannot allow anyone else to learn about the existence of a spell like this. We’ll need to have a good talk with Elira about it I think.”

“I hope that a good talk is enough,” I replied. “She will undoubtedly at some point be asked how she learned magic, or from whom. We must make sure she knows how to answer that without giving away too much, and hope that she answers just that.”


“Anyway, we’ll think about it later. Can’t be worrying about it now when we need our rest,” I concluded the topic. “Do you still have shampoo?”

“Of course I do. Have you finally found the time to get a proper bath?” Cellestra asked with a sly smile.

“Hmmm. We’ll have a few hours' time. I reckon that’s enough, right?”

The brunette giggled at that, just as we reached our shelter. Without a care in the world, I tossed my halberd to the side and collapsed with my head in the hole from such an angle that the eyes on the side of my head had vision on the entrance. I then laid my torso down on the web, face down.

Evening was slowly falling, but inside this shelter, it wasn’t as noticeable. There was still plenty of light coming in from the entrance, but the whole was dimmed nonetheless.

“That pillow,” Cellestra said. “You wanted me to remind you.”

“Oh crap. You’re right.”

I reluctantly stood up again and started summoning threads, which I brainlessly spun around into a ball, which I later flattened. I then spun more silk around the semi-rectangle more meticulously and in proper lines to create a pillow.

“There,” I said as I finished my work. ”A job well done if I do say so myself.” I patted the cushion twice and noted just how soft yet firm it was. “I hope you like it,” I said as I handed it to Cellestra who eagerly took it and did the same as I had.

She then laid it down on the web, grabbed the one intact wolf pelt, and lay down taking in the softness of the pillow in a perhaps overexaggerated fashion.

“It’s wonderful. Thank you so much.”

I laid myself down for the second time to peer right into her eyes when I turned my head and torso, the warmest smile on her lips.

“I’m happy you like it. Also, damn.”

“What is it?” She asked, her smile making way for confusion.

“I should have made another one.”

Cellestra giggled softly. “There’s plenty of space on this one.” She lifted her head and slowly pushed the pillow my way until it hit my nose.

“You sure?” I asked, realizing she wouldn’t have much space left.

She nodded.

I lifted my head as she shoved the pillow under my face, shuffling herself closer to me in the process.

“Well played,” I said, realizing what she was doing.

“What do you mean?” Cellestra asked with a feigned smile of innocence.

“You just wanted to get closer, didn’t you?”

“Perhaps. You don’t mind, do you?”

“Not at all.”

She moved her head closer to mine until it was mere inches away, her purple eyes sparkling with happiness before she closed them.

“I’m so happy with you, Kealyna,” She whispered. “Do you feel the same?”

“You know I do,” I whispered back.

Cellestra said nothing, but her gentle smile told me enough.

I hugged her frame with two legs and wished her good night as I cast my healing light on her.

“Good night, Kealyna.”

The night was exceedingly long, considering we’d gone to sleep early. I swore I would have gone crazy doing this a long time ago if I didn’t have the person I loved more than anything so close to me. It gave me something to watch over, to keep safe until first light, That in itself, made me content.

Our meeting wasn’t until noon, which would be a good way out from dawn. I chose to let Cellestra sleep for a few more hours, as we would have more than plenty of time to do all that we planned to do.

I was happy to see her waking up without external help from me.

Cellestra stretched her arms and yawned before opening her eyes to stare into mine, which had just opened as well due to waking myself up as soon as she’d stirred.

“Hey, Kealyna. Good morning.”

“Morning. Slept well?”

“Since I’ve met you, I’ve hardly slept poorly.”

“Happy to hear that.”

“How late is it?” Cellestra asked as she sat up. “It’s not too late, right?”

“It’s like two hours after dawn, if I had to guess. Plenty of time until our meeting.”

She nodded as she reached for her backpack and pulled out an apple. “Want one?” She asked.

I shook my head. “Save those for yourself. I know how much you like apples.”

After she finished and handed me the core, which disappeared inside my arachnid mouth, she pulled out the bottle of shampoo, a comb, and looked at me with a smile.

“You are just eager to work on my hair, aren’t you?”

“I can’t help it. You have the softest, most beautiful hair I’ve ever seen.”

“If that’s true,” I replied. “Then yours is a close second.”

I grinned as I stood up and exited the nest. Cellestra followed, taking her backpack with her and placing it in the grass as I sat down so she could access my hair better.

“Finally,” She said as she walked up to me and started combing the filth and grime out of my hair. “Finally, we can get this hair of yours fixed. It’s bothered me for the longest time.”

“Sorry about that.”

Cellestra giggled softly as she removed the worst of it from the entire length of my hair. After she was done with that, she asked me to rinse it, which I did. She continued to comb while I rinsed and I asked her if she wanted me to do her hair after she was finished with mine.

“I’d love that,” She replied.

After cleaning and rinsing properly, Cellestra applied the shampoo and then took off her shirt, revealing the silken wraps and precious amulet underneath. I was surprised she’d still not taken the silk off, but I suppose there was no real reason to.

I’d come to like the wrap very much. They were incredibly soft and comfortable.

She handed me the comb and I replicated what she'd done to me. Cleaning, rinsing, and shampooing her hair before I started washing the rest of my body, using slightly more pressurized water, while the brunette assisted with cleaning where I couldn’t reach.

I was glad to see my natural white color spring back to life. I felt much prettier, and that was quite something considering I never cared much for looks.

We rinsed our hair before I started ripping off my wraps so I could clean my torso. Cellestra saw what I was doing, and turned around, preparing to walk away, but I stopped her.

“Cellestra,” I said softly. “It’s okay. I don’t mind you looking.”

She turned around, a blush on her cheeks as I continued cleaning myself, fully aware of her embarrassed expression. Perhaps it was awkward for now, but we were in a relationship, so this awkwardness when looking at each other’s bodies would have to go sooner or later.

When I finished, I asked if she wanted to wash the rest of her body.

“I— I,” She stuttered. I could tell that she was doubting herself from the look on her face. She was not entirely comfortable with me watching her

“You don’t have to if you don’t want to.”

She shook her head slowly, indicating that she may need some more time for this.

“That’s fine. I won’t force you to do anything you’re uncomfortable with. You know that.”

“Thank you,” She whispered.

“Let’s just finish your hair, get it dried, and then wash your clothes, shall we?”

She nodded and started smiling again. “Yeah. That sounds good.”


Special shoutout to my new patrons. Thank you so much <3




Li1 Mainy

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