I recited our dungeon adventure a second time, making sure to mention all the spells Cellestra and I cast, and just how colorful they were, especially the flame beam one. The little girl’s eyes grew wide and I could feel the excitement radiate from her. I was certain that when the time was right, she’d follow in her big sister’s footsteps.
I wondered what drove her? Was it curiosity? Was it that she simply enjoyed the way spells looked? I knew it was both of those things, but I was secretly hoping that there was something else. It would make me more than proud if she, like me, wanted to protect others, but perhaps that was just wishful thinking. Everyone had their own reasons and I understood that. I would support her whatever it may be.
After telling the full story again, she hopped off her chair and ran over to one of my legs, and asked what happened to them.
“They are spikes to defend myself with. Imagine running against them really fast.”
“Ouch,” Elira said with a pained expression.
“Exactly,” I replied with a smile. “How far is dinner?” I asked my father. “Think there’s time for me to take Elira for a run?”
“You can go for it. Should be about done by the time you’re back.”
“Yay!” The girl happily cheered as she sprinted to my side and climbed on my back. We then set off for a run around the fields, which filled me with joy when I looked at my sister’s gleeful expression throughout. When we got back, dinner was already served.
During it, my mother asked what our plans were for tomorrow and I had to process the question for a while to come up with an answer.
“Well, we need to make a stop at the guild to pick up our tags, and if Cellestra doesn’t mind, we’ll take a day of rest, perhaps work on our home. Though, I kind of wanted to ask Soranir if we’re allowed to transform the forest around it a bit.”
“Transform?” My father asked. “What do you mean exactly?”
“Chop down a few trees, or well, partially. Cellestra came up with a neat idea yesterday.”
“Don’t know what his stance on that would be. Want me to ask him tomorrow? If you want, we can join you to the city and ask. Might be a good time to check your new home too.”
“Don’t you have work? And don’t you want Elira to be there too?” I asked.
“Not much work to do. We owe you thanks for part of that,” My father said. “I mean, look around. The fields are all seeded. They were weeded recently. At the moment, we’re waiting for more rain.”
He smiled.
“As for Elira, the school is closed tomorrow for some maintenance. They expect it to take two days tops, and I know that she just prays to the goddess it’s going to take longer than that.”
The little girl had a guilty look on her face, and Cellestra giggled when she saw it. I chuckled as well.
“Well, you’re welcome to have a look. Can’t say it’s entirely to our liking yet, but it’s slowly getting there.”
“Woah,” Elira let out between two bites. “Can’t wait for tomorrow! I want to see what you made!”
“I hope you’ll be able to sleep,” I said.
She nodded excitedly.
“I’m sure it looks lovely,” My mother said. “You always took great care in your surroundings when you went to bed.”
I looked at her, unsure what she was talking about. I reckoned it was something from my childhood that I’d forgotten about, and wanted to know, to remember what it was.
“You remember that stuffed animal that I mentioned? You always made sure it was in a specific position next to your pillow where it would watch over you as you slept. Not only that, but you did the same with some items in your room.”
She had a warm smile on her face as she so easily recalled memories that had faded from my mind many years ago. Even when she brought them back to me, they still felt alien to me. Not being able to remember, it saddened me.
“That’s adorable,” Cellestra said softly. “And I can assure you, she’s put a lot of work into it.”
“Looking forward to seeing it,” My mother concluded.
We finished our dinner, and after confirming we’d meet again in the morning to go to the city together, Cellestra and I were off to our home.
Clouds had started to roll in during the meal, and now they were finally here. The first drops of rain started falling just as we reached our nest.
“Just in time,” I said with a smile as I opened the curtain and stepped inside.
“Looks like your parents didn’t have to wait long for that.”
“Lucky them,” I said as I laid down in the gap and started looking around. “I hope my silk won’t wear from the water. Having to repair it every now and then would be quite the task, especially if I’m going to make it bigger.”
“Bigger?” Cellestra said with a sly smile as she let herself fall into the webs.
“I was thinking to make the walls thicker. You know? For when it gets colder. Maybe make another room to, I don’t know, store stuff?”
A mischievous smile appeared on the brunette's face.
That didn’t bode well.
“You just want to expand your nest, don’t you?” She said teasingly. “Go ahead, I won’t stop you.”
“I don’t know. I mean, maybe? Is it bad if I somewhat enjoy it?”
“No,” Cellestra said, assuming a more serious expression. “I’m happy you do. It’s cute.”
I lay down on the webs as well, while the rain outside started turning into a storm. The wind caused the silken walls to slightly bend inward, but they withstood the test of the elements well enough. Still, I’d be more comfortable if they didn’t move at all.
Cellestra, like yesterday, moved in closer and hugged my arm as I thought about the events of the day once more. We’d have plenty of time to visit the shrines tomorrow and then work on our home some more after that.
I ignored my own thoughts when I noticed the purple-eyed elf stare at me from the side. I turned my head and watched her lovely smile.
“Hi,” I said as seriously as I could.
“Hi,” She said with a whisper. “Not worrying, are you?”
“Not this time. Not until I have an answer from Elysa. What else am I going to do anyway?”
I shook my head. “No. Worrying is useless.”
“Glad you finally see that,” Cellestra said with a smile.
We simply lay there, and let time flow past us as we listened to the raindrops on the silk above and the howling wind raging against the walls, enraptured by each other’s presence. I eventually turned to take Cellestra into a proper hug and she let out a soft moan of satisfaction as her eyes remained closed.
“This is so cozy,” She said. “It should be a crime.”
I chuckled and ran a hand through her hair.
“Maybe it is. Who can tell?” I said softly.
“Better not get caught then,” She whispered back.
“I doubt anyone will get here,” I assured her. “And that’s just the way I like it. Want to call it a day early?” I asked.
“Yeah. That sounds good.”
I giggled softly as I continued to stroke her silky brown hair while hugging her closely.
“In that case, Good night, Cellestra.” I cast my healing light on myself and then on her to stave off any nightmares.
“Good night, Kealyna.”
The rain continued on throughout the night. Part of me was seriously thinking it could start leaking at any point and wake up the peaceful elf in my arms. I thanked Elysa that it hadn’t when the storm eventually died down. Hours later, sunlight warmed and dried the webs, filling me with relief.
I then realized we’d forgotten to get something for breakfast… again.
I pushed it away with a smile. I was certain my parents didn’t mind us coming over for breakfast and spending some time with them. We’d have to see them anyway. I carefully stirred Cellestra and myself awake, eager to experience everything that today would bring. I could hardly wait to see what rank we’d get in the guild. Come to think of it, I never even bothered to check what the ranks were or any deeper meaning behind them other than certain restrictions when it came to more difficult dungeons.
The brunette stirred, yawned, and stretched her arms before looking into my already-open eyes.
“Morning, Kealyna.”

“Morning, Cellestra,” I said with a warm smile.
Yep. Today would be another lovely day.

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