That sounded like a good idea in my mind. I hadn’t properly cleaned myself and, while I knew that my spider parts would be fine either way, I wasn’t so sure if the same could be said about my elven torso. Especially the area… down there was one of my concerns.
Seriously, how did that work anyway?
I walked around the house to the back and decided to take a look at things. As weird as it may be to concern myself with this, I couldn’t help but at least be slightly curious. The way my elven torso was positioned on my spider head was… interesting, to say the least.
I looked down my belly at the white hair that covered everything that could be considered indecent. Exposure was not one of my concerns, even without proper clothing down there. I didn’t even think clothing would be at all possible.
With how everything between where my legs would have been was still the same, I reckoned it was important to maintain hygiene there.
I removed the silken bra for the second time with the help of my legs, quickly burned it, and started summoning pleasantly warm water, split over many smaller streams, from my hand. I let the water fall down onto my head before I realized that I didn’t have a sponge or anything of the sort.
I tried something that might resolve the problem. I summoned a bunch of threads and formed a ball with the silk. I then used the makeshift sponge to wipe away the grime that had collected on my skin and managed to surprise me. It truly didn’t do so bad.
I closed my eyes and enjoyed the warm water fall and trickle down my skin. It was unlike anything I’d ever felt before. The closest I’d come to this was warm rain, and that wasn’t nearly as relaxing in full armor. I sighed as I slowly removed the dirt from my skin.
I could see why nobles would want something like this…
This was heaven.
I ignored my hair for the most part as it had been done recently, but did make sure to clean every other inch of my elven body. When I did finally look down at my sizable breasts, worries filled me again.
Would Cellestra be able to feel the same way I felt for her? Would she be into women? Moreover, would she be into a half-spider? Avoiding thinking about all that hadn't helped, but finally letting myself ask those questions didn't really make anything easier either. As soon as the questions started, my time of relaxation had come to an end. Now, it had turned into anxiety about how things would play out between the purple-eyed elf and me.
I finalized my shower by making sure to clean the area in between where my legs would otherwise have been, not missing a spot, before summoning a flame spell to dry me. The flame that burned in the air before me illuminated the area, which by now was otherwise completely dark. I’d spent quite some time cleaning myself. The first half of cleaning had consumed far more time than I had anticipated because I allowed myself to get lost in the warmth it brought.
It took a few minutes to dry myself. I finished by summoning the silken threads to cover up my bosom again. I then skittered over to the front of Cellestra’s house to see how she was doing.
The smell of deliciously cooked meat entered my nostrils as I approached the open door. The only good thing about it was that I would probably not be hungry for a while. Otherwise, I would have loved to take a bite.
I lowered myself onto the grass and cast the flame spell again, replicating the effects of a campfire as I waited for Cellestra to finish her dinner. It didn’t take long for the elf to show up with the rabbit, now cooked, on a plate.
“What’s up, Kealyna? Want some?” She said as she sat down in the doorway.
I shook my head. “I’m not hungry, like, at all. I’m confident I can go multiple days without food with the amount I’ve eaten in the past two days.”
“I know that… but would you like to taste some, is what I meant.”
“Oh,” I let out. “It’s okay. You just enjoy it. I’d probably feel guilty for taking anything when I’m not hungry.”
Cellestra smiled before digging into her dinner. It seemed to taste as delicious as it smelled if the look on her face was anything to go by.
“Guess you’re going to miss seasoning when we’re out.”
Cellestra chuckled. “You’d think that, but most herbs for seasoning are easy to come by… if you know where to look and how to use them. I will, however, be bringing some salt and pepper with me.”
“Doesn’t sound like a bad idea at all,” I said.
“That’s what I thought,” Cellestra said as she was munching on a piece of meat.
Sitting here like this made me wonder how our nights would look when we were out on our journey. I imagined much of it would look the same, perhaps with the added safety of a more traditional campfire to keep predators away.
We fell silent, and I faced down to the fire while watching Cellestra eat with my spider eyes. It made me realize how hard it would be for people to tell what I was looking at. Then again, people who knew me would know that I could see everything going on around me. The elf finished her dinner and walked to the edge of the clearing where she tossed the bones away, before walking back to sit down with me once again.
“Are you worried?” Cellestra asked as she crossed her arms on her legs.
“I’m worried about a lot of things, Cellestra. I’m sure you know that.”
“As am I,” She said softly.
“Your curse?” I asked.
The elf nodded in response. “I’m worried there’s no way to get rid of it.”
“I understand. I hope I’ll be able to help you.”
“What about you?” Cellestra looked up at me as she asked the question. “What are you worried about?”
“I’m worried about not knowing what is going on… wherever my parents are. I was supposed to be brought to them by that portal. Instead, I ended up in some forsaken cave in this forest. I have no idea where I am. I have no idea where my parents are, or what the situation is there. I believe Elysa wouldn’t put them in some dangerous place, but ever since this curse was placed on me, I can’t be sure anymore. What if whoever did this to me is also out to get my parents?”
“I see,” Cellestra spoke softly once again. “Your… eagerness to get going is totally justified.”
“I’m glad you were able to make such a decision on such short notice…” I said, almost whispering. “I would feel terrible alone. It’s so weird, because I’ve pretty much always been alone. You’d think I could handle this.”
“I don’t know if it’s weird,” Cellestra said. “I feel the same way. It’s… nice to have someone to talk to who doesn't judge you, you know?”
I let out a small sigh and smiled slightly. “Same goes for me.”
“I suppose that’s true,” Cellestra answered with one of her warm smiles. Every time I saw one of those, I just felt myself melting inside.
Another silence fell, in which it seemed neither of us knew what to say. It was kind of sad as I loved talking to Cellestra and hearing her voice, but I felt that forcing this too much would just make me look like a fool.
“So,” I finally said, “Do you have everything that you need already packed?”
I figured something as neutral as that would fit with the idea that Cellestra had of me. I kept the conversation going and helped to make sure that we didn’t accidentally miss anything.
“I’ve got everything sorted. Some food, basic alchemy necessities, canteens, salt and pepper,” She looked up to me and let out a small chuckle. “Combs.”
“I’ll probably need more than one with all this hair,” I said, smiling widely.
“That’s what I thought,” Cellestra replied. “I also have the note that goes on the door prepared. I’ll put it up tomorrow and hope it won’t rain before the peddler gets here.”
“When will he come by again?” I asked.
“Three days from now.”
“A bit tricky, but I think it will be okay.”
“I hope so.”
A few seconds passed and Cellestra sighed deeply. “I think I’ll go to bed if you don’t mind. We’ll have a lot of traveling to do starting tomorrow.”
I nodded. “I’ll go to bed, or well, nest as well I guess.”
Cellestra giggled. “Yeah. You do that. I’ll see you tomorrow. Good night.”
“Good night.”
I waved at her with a pedipalp as she went inside. She waved back momentarily before closing the door. I then canceled my flame spell and skittered into my shelter where I just dropped myself down onto the web, before laying down on my spider back.
The comfort that this spider body offered never ceased to amaze me. I soon drifted off.

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