I was slowly pulled out of my dreams.
With my spider vision returning first, I saw Cellestra still sleeping soundly, her arms hugging, and her head against my head. I couldn’t imagine how comfortable it must be. Her smile was probably a good indication. It warmed my heart to see that there was still a way for her to be peaceful in her sleep.
I just hoped this curse of hers wouldn’t spiral out of control. Her experience with it seemed to have gotten worse over time, to the point where she thought it may kill her later on.
I could not, would not, let that happen.
I would not allow such a kind soul to be ripped out of this world. Not when I was here and had the power to change the course of things.
I petted Cellestra’s back with my pedipalps while I raised my elven torso out of the softness that was my back. I did this for a few minutes until she stirred. When she did, she moved her head against mine as she moved her hands through my hair. One of her hands ended up on one of my large eyes, but I didn’t seem to be sensitive to the touch. Then, Cellestra opened her eyes to look right into one of mine.
She seemed to experience slight shock as she backed away from my head after realizing where her hand was.
“Oh shit, I’m sorry.”
I looked down at her from above with my elven eyes and shook my head while smiling. “It’s okay. My eyes don’t seem to feel much, which, to be honest, is a blessing. I can’t imagine what I’d do if they were. Imagine them getting irritated because of sand or dust. I’d go crazy.”
“That’s… good to know.”
“How are you?” I asked warmly.
“I’m okay. How about you?”
“I’m fine,” I said. “Slept well?”
She seemed to be a bit hesitant to answer as she looked down at my fangs. “I slept well, yes. No more nightmares or anything. Thank you for that.”
“No problem.”
I paused for a few seconds. “How bad have they gotten? You looked deathly afraid last night.”
Cellestra was still staring down at my fangs as she answered. “Bad, and yes, I am deathly afraid. I fear that some night, these dreams will become real, and the power inside me finds a way out. I’m scared of what will happen to me if it does.”
I put my pedipalps on her back again and lightly tapped it. “But if I’m here to help you, doesn’t that keep the power in check?”
When I used my healing spell on her, and when she was close to me, the nightmares just didn’t seem to happen. I didn’t know if it was because of the spell, the comfort she experienced, or our friendship, but it helped.
“Seems to be that way,” She answered. “But I can’t have you help me all the time. You need to sleep as well.”
“That’s true,” I answered. “But at least it helps to suppress it until we find a cure.”
Cellestra nodded and finally looked up at my head. “It does.”
“For now,” I continued as I placed my pedipalps under her shoulders and lifted her up until she stood on the web. “Let’s stop worrying about it, and instead focus on getting it solved. We’re sure to find out information at Edhil, possibly for both of us.”
The elf nodded again. “Let’s do that, yes. Thank you.”
“By the way,” I asked. “Have you set your spider free yet?”
“I haven’t. I’m going to get those pelts, my bag, put the note on the door, and then set her free.”
I nodded. “I’ll wait until you’re done then.”
“Should only take a minute or so.”
I let Cellestra go and moved backward, out of my nest, possibly for the last time. It had been quite comfortable, and most of all, dry. I wondered if, and how, we would deal with shelter while we were out. I could surely spin a bunch of webs in trees that could make a partial shelter, at least for Cellestra. I wouldn’t have much need for it myself, especially now that I had this cold resistance skill.
It was more useful than it seemed, after all.
Cellestra walked past me and went inside her house while I took in the surroundings while a wave of sadness washed over me. I had a hard time coming to terms that I’d have to leave this beautiful place, that I’d somehow learned to call home, behind. I looked at the patch of grass where I’d landed when I took down the hawk, and smiled.
I’d come such a long way.
I still couldn’t believe that once upon a time, I was but a small spider. I looked at the snowflake pattern on my abdomen and the colors that shifted underneath it. This whole journey so far had been unbelievable, and it wasn’t even close to finishing. This little piece of this vast forest that I was about to leave behind, was just the beginning of it all.
I truly wondered how things would turn out.
Cellestra appeared in the doorframe and put a piece of paper against the door. It remained there where she pressed it against the wood. She’d used some kind of glue as far as I could tell. She then disappeared into the building for another half a minute before she walked out with her spider, between tweezers. She lowered it to the grass and released it.
I chuckled as I watched the spider just stand there, without doing anything. I had half expected it to run into the woods as fast as its legs could carry it, but that didn’t appear to be happening.
Cellestra shook her head and went back inside. She returned with a leather backpack behind her, and the two wolf pelts in her hands. I realized I still had items that I needed to take with me.
I quickly skittered into my nest again and took the items from the corner. I fastened the chest piece to my thorax, right behind my head, and took the coin purse and dagger with me.
When I exited my nest I asked if the elf could add those to her bag.
“Yes. No problem.”
I handed them over and saw Cellestra put them away. At the same time, I relieved her of the pelts and placed them on my abdomen with my legs.
“How heavy is that bag, anyway?” I asked.
“Not too heavy. There are some clothes and the other items I listed yesterday.”
“Speaking of clothes, I found a great way to clean myself. It’s pretty useful for clothes too, I think.”
“Oh?” Cellestra asked with a slight frown and smile. “Do tell me more.”
I extended an arm before her and cast the water spell in the same manner as yesterday, causing many small streams of warm water to eject from my hand, slight pressure behind them.
Cellestra looked at it with awe.
“Go on, put your hand in it,” I said with a smile.
The elf held up her palm under the streaming water and I saw a smile grow on her face.
“That’s amazing…” She said, clearly impressed. “That will make cleaning clothes much easier for sure. Wait, you used that to clean yourself yesterday?”
I nodded. “I did. It was something else.”
“I can imagine. I’m stinking jealous of your magic…”
I chuckled. “Yeah, it seems Elysa has given me some very… interesting abilities. That’s for sure.”
“Anyways,” I continued. “Are you ready?”
“Yeah, just a second.”
The elf turned around, closed her door, and used a key to lock it, before putting it away in her backpack. When she turned back to me again, she nodded. “I’m ready.”
I lowered myself to the ground so Cellestra could step onto my thorax. It seemed that she wasn’t ready for that as she stood there, frozen.
I crossed my arms. “What? You were not planning on walking, were you?”

“I mean…” She stumbled.
“Just get on. It’s going to be more comfortable for you, and much, much faster. As I said before, I don’t suffer from it at all.”
“Okay…” She agreed with a low voice. “If you don’t mind.”
“I don’t.”
Cellestra hopped on and I turned away from the door, carefully, as to not step on her newly freed spider which still had not moved from where she’d put it.
I let out a sigh as I took one last look at her house. “I hope you won’t regret this,” I said.
“I’m sure I won’t,” Cellestra answered. “I’ve been given hope for my future, and a friend to boot. How am I ever going to regret that?”
“Hmm,” I hummed in agreement. “Maybe, when this is all over, we can return here someday, even if it’s just for nostalgic reasons.”
“I’m looking forward to that day,” Cellestra said with a smile.
“Now then,” I said. “What direction is Edhil?”


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