I sheathed the dagger and handed it to Cellestra behind me. She put it away in her pack after looking at it for a bit.
“Hey, Kealyna?” She asked a few seconds later. “Weren’t you supposed to get some kind of skill from eating?”
“Oh,” I let out as I realized. “I didn’t receive any message from my blessing. Let me check.”
I summoned the blue square with my enhancement options, but there was no additional option there.
“I don’t think I got anything from that. As far as I know, the chance isn’t supposed to be that high. Elysa, will you show me a message when the Devour skill grants something?”


Cellestra giggled behind me as I realized I was once again talking to my blessing aloud.
“I know…” I sighed. “I’ll get used to this… someday.”
“I hope you don’t,” Cellestra said with a smile. “It’s funny.”
I smiled at her comment as it warmed my heart. I did agree with her that it was quite funny how I screwed up something that should be quite simple.
I increased my speed as I skittered through the forest. The elf on my back seemed to be getting used to my movements quite quickly as she wasn’t clenching my hair with both hands as tightly anymore.
She was doing something else entirely. I was watching her with my rearmost eyes. Her hands were still occupied with my hair, but in another way. She was gathering locks of the long white hair on my thorax and braiding them, with a huge smile on her face.
I pretended to ignore it as the smile on her face was too precious for me. I allowed her to do whatever she pleased, just so I could enjoy the image before me for as long as possible.
She continued braiding parts of the hair on my back until she’d run out of hair within easy reach. In that time, we crossed quite some distance; we should be arriving at her home soon enough.
As I had predicted earlier, the sun was going to set within the next hour or so, the sky was already turning red. I could see dark, ominous clouds form in the distance. I imagined we’d get rain either tonight, or early on in the morning. I hoped my shelter would keep me dry. I couldn’t fathom what would happen if all this hair on my body got drenched with cold water.
I might just add some more layers of silk, just to be sure.
Cellestra looked down at the braids she’d created on my back and seemed to be fixated on them. I could also sense a certain… boredom in her gaze. Fortunately for her, we should be almost home. In the meantime, however, I did get an idea.
“Hey, Cellestra?”
The elf looked up and into my rear eyes. “What’s up?” She asked.
“You know I have more hair you can work on… if you wish.”
“You mean…?” She asked, looking at the long white hair emerging from my elven head.
I nodded. “Though, it is quite messy. I could use a good combing… maybe even a good wash. Do you have anything for that?”
“I make my own shampoo if that’s what you’re talking about.” Cellestra carefully shuffled forward on my thorax, placing her legs over my rearmost set of legs as she took some of my hair in her hands.
“You’re right. You do need a good wash. I feel like working on this now would be a waste. I don’t mind doing it tomorrow if you want.”
I nodded. “That’s fine.”
“I have to admit, I’m quite jealous. Despite it being messy, it’s still so soft…” Cellestra spoke softly as she ran a hand through my hair.
“You know,” I started. “I’ve been wondering what I should do with it.”
“What do you mean?” Cellestra asked as she let go of my hair.
“I mean, first off, I’m not used to it being this long. Secondly, won’t it being this long affect me in combat? Then again, I don’t know how to deal with this new part of me in combat. I’ve always worn lots of armor, but now, it seems to be… unnecessary.”
“Because of your skills also applying to that part of you,” Cellestra added.
“Exactly. All I’m wearing is this silk, and I have to admit, it’s quite liberating compared to before. I can move so freely now.”
“I see what you mean, but I have no fighting experience to speak of. Especially when it comes to armor, I’m clueless,” The purple-eyed elf replied.
I took a good look at my body. My elven torso was placed very close to the front of my head. If it wasn’t for this blessing offering my elven body the same protection as my spider part, I would definitely want to wear proper armor. I looked closely down at the two giant fangs and my two largest spider eyes. It was such a stark contrast to the new parts I’d gained.
“I suppose I should visit the dungeon again to see how I measure up against opponents that I’ve fought before. I think that will give me a better indication of where I’m currently at.”
“How strong were those creatures inside the dungeon?” Cellestra asked.
“Not too strong. I managed to deal with them fairly easily as it was, which is why I don’t think it will be too much of a problem.” I thought for a second. “Maybe it’s a good opportunity to check out my new skill?”
“I hope whatever dwells inside is tasty.”
I winced. “Uhh, about that. I have my doubts. So far, I’ve fought giant snakes with broad shoulders, crocodiles with six legs, a giant toad creature, a slime covered with hardened sand, and skeletons. I doubt any of those will taste good…”
“Snake meat can be quite good,” Cellestra commented. “But I guess having some extra ingredients, and cooking help with that.”
“You’ve eaten snakes before?” I asked. Immediately after asking, I realized that it wasn’t outside the realm of possibilities for her, considering she lived so isolated.
“Any good?”
“Passable. As I said, it needs some seasoning, but if nothing else is available, I won’t complain.”
“I hope those snakes in the dungeon won’t need any of that. I’m not going to kill them, make a campfire, and then bother myself with cooking.”
Cellestra chuckled. “Fair enough. I just hope for your sake that they are edible.”

“We’ll see,” I said.
After my words, we entered the clearing that held her house. We’d arrived just before nightfall. The sky was slowly turning from red to black. I skittered close to her house and lowered myself so the elf could step off.
“Thanks, Kealyna. I can’t imagine how much later we would have arrived if it wasn’t for you.”
I shook my head. “No need to thank me. I’m just happy to get home quickly, as are you, I believe.”
I turned to face Cellestra, who was nodding.
“I am.”

An awkward silence followed wherein it seemed that neither of us had any idea what to say next. Ultimately it was me who said the next words.
“So, how do we go from here?”
Cellestra closed her eyes and heaved a deep sigh. “I don’t know. For today, I think I’ll grab some stale bread and I should probably head to bed afterward. We can continue our talks tomorrow if you want.”
I nodded. Both with my pedipalps and my head. For some reason, standing before Cellestra like this brought back a certain reflex. “Yeah, let’s do that. It’s been one hell of a day… for both of us. For you probably even more than for me.”
I chuckled slightly, then smiled as I spoke. “I think we both had to experience several shocks today.”
I paused for a few seconds. “But you’re right. Let’s look at things again tomorrow. It was nice to finally be able to talk to you. I’m looking forward to tomorrow.”
“As am I,” Cellestra replied with a smile of her own. “Would you like me to get you a blanket for the night?
How could I refuse such kindness? I took a second to look at the dark clouds that were now rapidly approaching. Even if I could muster the heart to refuse, it would still be better to accept. I had the feeling that tonight could get quite cold.
“Yes, please,” I replied.
Cellestra unlocked her door and went inside. Moments later, she returned with a white spare blanket.
“Thought this would fit you,” She said as she handed it to me.
“Thank you,” I replied softly as I accepted the gift. “And good night.”
“Good night, Kealyna.”
Cellestra gave me a quick wave as I turned to walk towards my nest. I waved back with a pedipalp, which caused her to giggle as she closed the door.
I took a look at the shelter I’d made earlier and decided I’d cover it a bit better as I didn’t like the look of those clouds. Their arrival hastened the darkness falling over this world. I quickly got to work.

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