I quietly left the busy city center behind me as I navigated through the street towards the outskirts. Too quiet, apparently, because Cellestra commented on it.

“Are you okay, Kealyna?” She asked softly and with concern in her eyes.

“I’m okay,” I responded with a whisper. “But I don’t feel comfortable at the moment.”

We finally left the city and found ourselves on the dirt path towards the shrines. As soon as the last person had passed, I elaborated.

“I feel as if we’re being followed, or at least watched. Not sure why I feel that way. I didn’t see anyone.”

“Think it’s an effect of the obelisk?” She suggested.

I shrugged. “It might be. I don’t know.” I cast my healing light on myself, but as much as it warmed me inside, it didn’t erase my worries in the slightest. I then refreshed my barrier spell.

“I would say you’re worrying too much, but I know there’s no stopping you. In this case, I wouldn’t want you to either. I’d be kicking myself if it turns out you’re right.”

“A new place,” I murmured. “I stand out, whether I want to or not. I’m bound to draw people to me, for better or worse. Perhaps it’s just knowing that, that has got me on edge. Maybe it was all the stares I got. Even when they’d been told, some people still seemed to harbor an, in my opinion, unjustified hatred towards me.” I sighed. “I wish things would have been simpler, but things have been going well enough, generally speaking. I suppose I just need to be prepared for anything.”

“I’m surprised the mayor has been so welcoming of you as it is,” Cellestra spoke. “No guards to follow you around or anything of the sort. It’s surprising, really.”

“A goddess’s blessing sure is powerful, but you’re right. Despite the flames and whatnot, it’s still surprising. Can’t say I mind it, though.”

I waited for several seconds as my mind wandered off at the thought of Elysa and especially, what she'd said before.

“Having Selleron with us is actually great. I think it’s a good idea that I ask him if he knows of anything that can help us in our search for information.”

“I bet there is a library in the city somewhere. I can’t imagine there not being one in a city of this size.”

I nodded. “Question is if they will have what we’re looking for. I assume Vyath is going to send out messengers to other cities as well, but if we’re here anyway, we might as well start.”

We reached the shrines, and just to check if things had changed, I walked in front of Elysa’s braziers and noted that they still didn’t react to me. I then continued on to those in front of Nilene’s. Fortunately, the flames changed, just like before.

“I’m going to assume that that means that it’s still not entirely safe for me to go through the ritual.”

Cellestra nodded. “It’s okay. We got plenty to do in the meantime, anyway. We should really keep our wits about us and focus on this dungeon.”

“Makes me wonder just what kind of difficulty the other dungeon was. It didn’t feel too hard to me, but who knows?”

“Considering this dungeon is called the Thymhil Proving Grounds, I think we’ll be fine,” Cellestra said with a smile. “I’m actually excited to venture into one with you again.”

“As am I. The past few days have been quiet. I don’t mind it as much, but I feel like I’m not doing enough… you know?”

Cellestra giggled. “Yeah. I get it. I would say you’re a busy bee, but you’re not even close to that.”

“Very funny,” I said, chuckling.

To fill the time we had to wait, we decided to have a cup of tea. Not much later, a squad of soldiers, under the command of a certain red-plumed captain exited the city, on foot this time.

“Seems our party is on its way,” I said, finishing my tea and stashing away the cup in Cellestra’s backpack. “But,” I let out on closer look. “I don’t see the guy from the guild among them.”

“That’s odd,” Cellestra said, finishing her own tea. She stood up and made her way onto my back without me having to give her the cue. It made me wonder… would it be an issue to do the dungeon like this? I guessed Cellestra would be okay on foot, but since she very much fulfilled a mage role, I preferred her there where I could make sure she’d stay out of harm’s way.

I made sure that the bag on my spider head was properly secured and stood up, my halberd in one hand. I was practically brimming with anticipation for this dungeon. I couldn’t wait to see what it was like and what this trial consisted of. I hadn’t asked much about it, which only added to my eagerness now.

A few minutes later, the group of five knights plus Selleron reached us. The first thing I did was greet the captain. The second thing I did was ask where Felmar was.

“I’m right here,” One of the soldiers raised his hand.

I hadn’t recognized him with all that armor and the helmet, which barely left anything to see for me, but his voice was the same.

“You didn’t think we’d send him in there without at least proper armor, did you?” Selleron said with a smirk.

I shrugged. That did make sense.

“Anyway.” The captain continued. “Let us not wait further.” I nodded and allowed him to take the lead. I followed him closely with the rest of the soldiers at my side and behind me. I wasn’t entirely confident having them where I couldn’t see them, but Selleron had seemed trustworthy so far. I imagined none of these men would randomly attack me.

How much would they be able to do? I’d seen some enchantments shine through their scabbards, but they didn’t strike me as powerful. Selleron’s weapon and armor were quite a different story. At first glance, his armor looked the same, but now that he was walking in front of me, I was starting to get a better look.

Where the other soldiers’ swords emitted a faint glow, Selleron’s didn’t, at all. Considering he was supposed to be their superior, it gave me the idea he was actively trying to hide his. I also didn’t detect anything out of the ordinary regarding his plate equipment. Not with my normal vision, and not with my thermal sight, either. The same went for the rest of the squad.

“Selleron, sir, if you don’t mind me asking, how strong is your armor?” I decided to just ask. Who knew what I might learn.

“Strong enough to resist many a weapon. Why do you ask?”

“I was just wondering if you were using some kind of enchantment.”

“Well, wouldn’t you like to know?”

His answer confused me, but the silence that followed told me that this was all I was going to get. I got the notion he was holding on to some secrets, which was fair. If my suspicion about hidden enchantments was true, it would be quite the game-changer.

Selleron led us through the forest on a small dirt trail that had emerged due to this being a fairly traveled path. None of that came as a surprise to me. Eventually, we entered a lush, green clearing. In said clearing was some kind of camp set up as tents and armored soldiers sitting in front of them were spread throughout the place. More interestingly, someone had bothered to build an actual establishment.

It was not small, either. At first glance, it looked like some kind of inn made from wood. It didn’t have windows or a second floor so I doubted there’d be much room for people to spend the nights inside… which I guess explained the many tents.

Finally, at the other edge of the clearing stood an immense stone structure. Two large pillars at the sides with a horizontal megalith formed the core. The stone was overgrown by massive, thick vines that entangled the rocks. In the center was a swirling alternate reality, a window that showed what lay beyond.

It was a portal, a gateway that evidently acted as a dungeon entrance. I peered into the gateway to see a steppe; an arid landscape with dry, long grass making up most of the vegetation.

“Welcome to the proving grounds,” Selleron said with a smile as he turned around to see me staring. “You can get most basic goods such as potions here that you’ll need when traveling into this dungeon, but beware, they come at a premium. Weapon sharpening is free of charge. You’ll also be able to sell most items that you find. Useful if you cannot carry more and you don’t feel like you’re quite done yet. Now, with that out of the way,” He beckoned us over as he walked towards the portal. “It’s time for you to prove yourself.”


Special shoutout to my new Patron.


Thank you so much for your support <3

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